Why doesn't Jow Forums shill Stellar? The moon seems like an easy target for XLM

Why doesn't Jow Forums shill Stellar? The moon seems like an easy target for XLM

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why won't it do something? is snek dead?

It has lost some momentum and its not "new" anymore. Yet the team seems to be working continuously on it. Bit like zcash. Thinking about investing in both.

Giving away $100,000,000 on coinbase could be suppressing its price. snek not ded

I only have like 500, do you really think it will go anywhere?

My feeling is it will spike after BTC and much harder

I'm still waiting for my free xlm :(

>another gofast coin


on coinbase? mine came immediately.

it has an incredibly high supply user, for it to go to the moon would take nothing short of mass adoption

its a great project and i have a bag but its just something to take profits on during BTC ATH's

>shilling a top 20 coin

It went x500 from March 2017 to Jan 2018

Stellar doesn't need to be shilled OP

You're right
I just wonder why biz isn't on this bandwagon

Because biz 2019 is full of newfags and pajets kek

XLM is the only coin I’m accumulating. Compounding inflation payments are amazing and it’s easy to transfer and tether to buy back in. Using no KYC accounts so the IRS jew can’t track my capital gains.

I got my stack from mining btc of course

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cos fairx is a year late
so are cbdcs
if they pull it off, moon
otherwise it has terrible fiscal properties

based user. im loaded on both. anything i make in xlm im loading into zcash. as much as humanly possible

waiting on pic related (keybase -- which kikebook wanted to buy)
also waiting for lightning

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agree with lightning
jed keeps saying theyre building it for private channels not for scaling like btc
that makes me think there will be high value groups opening high value channels; all of the other parameters eg high velocity low fee are cancer for asset value though
i own 200k of these things so who the hell knows

ya the draw with lightning is huge quantities being locked up in the channels

Stellar is shit thanks to Jed

He dumps coins. He refuses to be a public figure. He's basically done nothing with the coin.

He could be all over the STO market, instead he just sits there coding

Stellar peaked last year. It's over.