/o/ vs Jow Forums: What car can you afford on your salary?

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I can't afford shit yet, but I'm probably gonna buy a miata when my shitbox dies.

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got this on auction for 1800 dollars. hope it lasts for a yr. 200k miles

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Mazda MX5 is a patrician vehicle

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I can't drive my man

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Ferrari la Ferrari

Fucking lol, I can't afford even a pair of roller skates on my "salary". If you are exchanging your most precious resource for money, you done fucked up in life.

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Make 50K in the Navy.

I drive a 2016 civic.

Depends. Cant afford a car in NYC. Too many factors. Bum fuck Ohio on my salary Id buy whatever tf I want.

These are typically filled with old semen

What's wrong with it friends?

a shitty Italika bike that will breakdown after 2 months or less