why does zoomers and Jow Forums fear it so much?
Why does zoomers and Jow Forums fear it so much?
because btc completely replaces it
I was born in 1994 and I love gold. I like Bitcoin too though, so...
basement dwelling neet detected.
Bitcoin is a supplement not a replacement. Also, if you are not getting silver cheapies right now, you might be fucking retarded.
because despite the listed market value, by the time the ((required middlemen)) involved in order to move gold have taken their share, you haven't made a profit.
because (((they))) love it, they always did, despite what some desperate bagholders want you to believe
Large quantities of gold are what will fuel interstellar warp space travel. The elites know what they are doing by hodling
This. End of thread
silver is still waaaaaay above GFC lows and is actually where it's generally been for years upon years. it was just overvalued for a little while and the market corrected it.
getting in now is the fucking retarded option.
Why would I be either of those from my post? Makes no sense. I liked gold ever since I was a kid, must have a Jew gene or something
They would rather buy an commodity etf. I have golds and silvers.
I don't fear it. I bought some gold yesterday. I believe in diversified hedges.
Poor liquidity due to most vendors not accepting it as legal tender. In the event that you want or need to convert your gold into another asset, you wind up jumping through hoops.
Not rly. I can sell gold in 15 minutes
We're reaching delusion levels that shouldn't even be possible.
ill bring you back a postcard from the moon faggot
You may be onto something here. My great grandma was jewish, and I got in trouble in 1st grade for bringing a gold coin to class.
I don't want to hold any when they mine it in space
For 100% of what it's worth?
muh shiny rock. the supply will go up so much when 3d printing of metals happens. it will happen in 300 years, ibm can move atoms into stick figures and its advanced chemical engineering
Because deep down they know that when the dollar goes to 0, so is bitcoin.
I'm a zoomer who bought gold with some of my cryptocurrency gains.
Unironically this. I think cryptocurrency will pass gold but it might not be bitcoin. I personally think POW is doomed to fail but I still own a lot of bitcoin. I'll cash out most after the next bubble.
Only to a (((trusted coin dealer))) though right?
Way more regular people are willing to buy bitcoin with cash. I actually bought my gold with cash I got from selling bitcoin. If you live in a populated area you could probably find someone to sell bitcoin near spot price to in less than a hour. But all the people with ads to buy gold with cash in my city want it for more than $100 below spot price.
user, You might want to sit down for this...
I bought 6 oz gold and 500oz silver with some of the 2017 gains, I want to double that and I will be satisfied with my treasure but AUD is on the shitter right now
cause they cant understand value.
because "muh astroid mining in 2500"
Cringe and plebbitpilled
i have no use for shiny rocks
theres way more above ground gold than silver
not that id want either
>t. 33yr old boomer
you're retarded.