Is this boomer relevant?

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by citing his tweets on a taiwanese basket weaving forum you make him a teedy tiny bit relevant

He spent decades being an IBM exec, now works at Consensys.
So yeah, he's kind of a big deal.

Stop quoting Jonathan Wick you lame bitch.

Of course, this nigga is the co founder of IBM block chain and hyperleder.

He also was head of IBM blockchain and hyperledger and then left because he saw public blockchains were the future. He's fuckin based.

Thats actually a guy from a mental institution in Oregon with internet access.
He had a nervous breakdown few years back after finding out he raised 2 kids that they weren't even his.
I would not take his tweets seriously.

so tired of boomers talking
enough talk niggers
get the partnerships, pump the price
let us all neet for eternity

Can confirm.

t. Nurse from the mental hospital he's at

Wolpert is behind all the "Municipal Marmalade" posts.

>he saw public blockchains were the future
based af

I work at IBM (not a LARP) John is held in high regard there.
When he posted some shit talk about permissioned chains (maybe 6-8 months back or so) there was a big discussion on our internal slack about the pros and cons of his points.

The fact that ChainLink is allegedly (haven't found any chatter) working with HL to build an oracle to connect Ethereum mainnet and HL makes total sense.
Also, HL is working towards full WASM on Burrow.
I was frustrated with LINKs performance at the mainnet launch and then, after a few hours, I was excited again.

The pump was from people that don't know what the project is and we're on the hype train. A lot of SwingLinkers took their bags as they dumped.
This project is still in antihype mode and the team is still busting their asses.


This is absolutely correct.
John is the man.

Yeah sure, Larpir.
The guy is a schizo.

> That ID
Praise kek for identifying you as a cursed -2 larper

nice blog faggot


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I didn't see this!

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Sorry fren, I was in FUDing mode today.

Based af. Yeah he makes a ton of sense. The value proposition is in public chains and john knows it and isn't afraid to speak his mind. Corps just want to hold on and are afraid of it still to some degree just like they were afraid of the clound.

Unfortunate ID friend

Nevermind fren we know big things are on the horizon.

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