Guys please help me I don't know what to say next. You guys helped me out a long time ago when you told me to buy ethereum at $5 and I've already made it and will never have to work again. But now I'm begging you to please help me lose my virginity. I can never get them to respond. If you guys can help me to know what to say I will tell you the next x50+ coin upcoming in the bullrun. Please guys I'm at the end of the road here.
Guys please help me I don't know what to say next...
this one is a throwaway. Heres my advice. I'm a relatively chad but also poorfag, ill help you out here.
Work on yourself first. Once you are comfortable with who you are, relationships will fall into place, because you will associate with people that are into the real you.
stay based
Tell her that Bitcoin Cash is the real Bitcoin. That gets all the girls wet.
if this is real, you are really naive.
get a woman to sleep for you without knowing about your money first. then the next. and the next after that. Until you realize the money is a tool to better yourself and not to buy women directly with it. Then you will have attained true chadness
even though you are trolling this is probably how you really talk to girls. cringe
her hair smells like shit and she's missing a dick user wtf wrong with you shilling holy linkies to that bitch... classic pearls before the swine case here
yeah this market is fucking boring, play some vidya
OP i will unironically pay you if you accept going through a 2 hours interview on skype, to explain what compels you to save and repost these bait topics months later. i'd make some story about running a psych story, but the truth is i got rich from crypto and curious. hit me up at [email protected] if interested, and we can hash out terms (video/audio unnecessary if that makes you uncomfortable)
>got rich
>still can't get laid
>thinks he's made it
Unmatch immediately and never do something this pathetic again unless you want a restraining order filed against you.
Hey OP, I know this is a joke but for anyone thinking this is fine, you're telling someone whom you've never met that you want them to be your life partner and give them millions even though they are a complete stranger, if that doesn't sound strange then you need to gout more, exercises, eat healthy, sleep, and as you get more comfortable with people you'll realize how insane this type of behavior is
Would have been interesting to see the thots reaction if OP would have just stuck with the opener and waited it out.
Dont think it would even be that bad
she doesn't want to be sold as a sex slave or believes you're a middle aged pajeet.
shitty women may respond to "im rich and ill take care of you" but not "im rich and I want to scalp you and wear your hair flap as a wig"
email doesnt work
damn dude, i am incel and poorfag and i cant comeup with this much cringy shit to say.
this whole thing looked like you just wanted to stroke your own ego
- pillow talk about oracle kek
is this actually real or a joke
>unironically trying to bring LINK references into your game
Dude everything is fine, this is how it goes. It’s called courtship, it takes fucking effort you piece of shit. Here’s what you do next; leave a dead animal (doesnt matter what kind) on her porch and with the blood write “til death do us part”. This will signify your eternal love for her, that your love will survive even death. She will probably play hard to get and cal the cops then get a restraining order. This is good, this is what we want. Next, look up her daily schedule ( have her daily schedule right?) and start randomly approaching her throughout the day. Then a few months later you kidnao her and elope, then just enjoy the amazing honeymoon bud! Keep her in your basement so the immigrants can’t rape her, keep her safe. Make dolls and shit out of her hair too
>decentralized oracles
get ya ass back to r eddit, boy!
Man I don't even know where to start with that one. First off, never ever send a double text to a waman, let alone a multi-text screed about how desperate you are. You basically did exactly what is necessary to make her coochie more dry than the sahara desert during a drought.