He hasn't x32'd his portfolio swinging this scam

>he hasn't x32'd his portfolio swinging this scam

never gonna make it

Attached: aurora.png (1160x602, 59K)

Other urls found in this thread:



>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

>if I could put one thing in my anus

nice find, they dont even try to hide it

I said I'd look for you if you kept pushing that months if not year old scam. Actions have consequences. Prepare yourself.

kys nigger

lol wtf

yeah just like PAI right? fucking nigger i would murder your scammy ass

Ooooo oh no :(

What is PAI?

i made 2 million dollars swing trading tronclassic. look at the chart. then cry yourself to sleep tonight for missing out

>volume 1,000usd
no you didnt


What the fuck is this shit??

I'm pretty jealous. Don't have the balls buy any though.

What is this pattern called?

Why do you lie so much?

post your trades

infinite PnD works

The Cardiograph.

oh yea? well i made 10 million dollars buying 1000$ worth of verge at 17 sats.

>The cunt thinks I'm larping

be honest how much did you buy

>already too late.

I'll go with DOGE.

Attached: DOGE.png (1173x676, 68K)

>that cursed chart

Attached: 1467058470446.jpg (807x858, 108K)