I have amassed 79,500 BTC and $2,250,000,000. Funds are on the move and will be on exchange in approximately 90 minutes. The orders will occur shortly thereafter. Tonight it begins. This is not a LARP.

Attached: whale.jpg (772x960, 81K)

>shit tier: arbys
u colossal faggot

Have sex incel

Start market buying LINK in 100,000 blocks every hour for top kek

you will be a legend on Jow Forums for all time

think about it


>GOD TIER "papa johns"
nigger, OUT!

Attached: OUT.png (960x719, 818K)

if you literally reverse this list it's perfect.

Pump LINK to $2 or we won't believe you

no, no its fuckin not, domino's is the best of these shitty chains. fuck off!!

Attached: ragiepepe.png (900x900, 573K)

>god tier A&W
what the actual fuck is wrong with you

>not little caesars

I've only been to 3 of those.
I wish I was a burger sometimes

What are your plans? Buying, selling etc

Attached: 1558789168607.jpg (540x540, 49K)

no, just no, if it were on there, its on the same level as mcdonalds, same as hungry howies and what ever other crackhead pizza chains you can think of. domino's has had a makeover, dominos was that fat nerdy chick in the 90's and 2000's but now, she lost weight, got tattoos, learned yoga, and just over turned 180. the rest are still crack heads. papa johns is just jewish, so fuck em!!!

80k btc and you come here
Gimmie one

enjoy your ban faggot.


Implying I don’t have multiple ways to post here

if you don't put it all in link right now you're a massive faggot with no sense of humor.

Papa John's is by far the worst pizza I've ever had. I got a coupon from them for a free pizza, and I ended up throwing it away. it was absolutely disgusting

>Eating any of that

Attached: 1437668029032.jpg (3846x5000, 350K)

this is larp whales left Jow Forums back in 2017

>Papa Johns in anything higher than Low Tier
>Taco Bell in anything but Shit Tier
>Buffalo Wild Wings in anything but Shit Tier
>Dominos not in Mid Tier
>KFC not in SHit Tier
>IHOP not in shit tier

Holy shit this list is awful

Everything listed there is absolute shit. Buying that crap is the same as setting money on fire.

>1 post by this id
some wagie made a larp thread while taking a shit during work time