Why the fuck am i still an incel?
Why the fuck am i still an incel?
Because you wear pants from the 1940s
why are you doing this
>he fell for the squat without shoes meme
there's nothing wrong with you, you were just born in wrong times and wrong place. thanks to feminist movement who created artificial vagina cult bubble you now need to move to small town and just find local girl in the church.
>wearing socks
not gonna make it
the fact that you took a photo at the gym
Listen user, you have to develop borderline delusional belief in yourself. Eliminate all doubts. This is what attract women. It's magic.
because you're desperate and there is no life in you
>All women are whores
>Still can't get laid
Enjoy being the end of your family lineage
show us your face, you remind me of me except im not an incel hahaha
Well, are you trying? Work on your personality, it must be shit
Because you value sex more than you value yourself as a person. It's all in your head user, get yourself sorted out.
this unfortunately
Just wanted everyone to know I go to the gym. See? You can tell, that’s me in the picture.
When I see a girl I get scared and think she is going to call me a creep. School ruined me.
imagine not wearing shoes in the gym, that's nasty
Just listen to this.
Working out is only useful for building up your health and discipline. Women couldn't give two shits about your deadlift max. Work on your personality and conversation.
How to do this?
Jow Forums or Jow Forums, faggot. This isn’t the place to get attention and have people feel sorry for you.
Dick too big for women. Only solution is sexi trap catgirls
This, everytime i lose it recently i can tell gf and other women lose it for me.
Had a stage, when i was 17 when i was so borderline delusional that i was gods gift i had friends fall out with me at the time (now i have none really), but girls were literally crawling to get to me then mate poaching from my gf. Since then i turned 23 lost my friends, and sex dwindled, my aspirations/confidence shaken through uni. Started work, took red pill fully, now pumping to previous ATH SMV and will hopefully 1000x
bluefit curitiba
am i right
Jow Forums is my playground.
cunt your IQ is leaking
sounds like something you need a therapist for my dude
Train your inner monologue. Self doubt is a man's worst enemy.
mentor be senpai
no you need to fully embrace your delusions fight club style
this mindset is actually broken. this kind of confidence, whether based in reality or not, makes you so fucking appealing to people that you open up doors you might otherwise never have had
Because you're ugly, overweight, and autistic.
Being a person that is genuinely stable and confident in himself is so rare, that people flock to him like a shepard for guidance and approval, subconsciously.
get girls
get girls
no girls
get the fuck out of my thread loser
SS+GOMAD gets another one.
losing weight wont make me lose my autism.
You can be any one of those 3 things and still get girls, but if you're 2 or more, you're always going to be an incel.
autistic men do not get girls
this is so true. I would watch my exs eyes light up when I would go on my rants. Its the same as when people dream heavily about what they would do if they won the lottery expect you are the lottery and you are selling your potential in them. Shit is powerful.
On the flip side it will makes other jealous and naturally try to bring you down. Also probably needs to be the truth. I never faked the words I spoked, I believe them.
They do if they're good looking. I don't even have to try
This. Confidence is not a meme. You can literally just pretend to be confident and you’ll be drowning in pussy regardless of what you look like.
Because you are dead scared of talking to women.
For you, lifting is not the best sport. Try MMA/ muay thai.
Unironically this. user it's just women, most of the time the sex is garbage and a chore.
Not borderline. Full delusional belief in yourself and you’ll triumph in life
This but you have to actually DO the things that are required to get wherever you are proclaiming of
literally play-pretend, just like you did when you were a kid. Back then you pretended to be some hero, now you pretend the world is yours and nothing can make you upset. You do the same thing just taking it to another level of sophistication.