within 5 hours
Harmoney will pump like Matic to >500 sats.
Buy up to 200 sats.
No stop loss.
if it follows Cosmos the price will be easily 3k sats
Are we thinking CZ will pump the other IEOs as well like fet, celt, matic?
I only have like 50 dollars left atm and zero desire to convert my other holdings, should I even bother putting it into this shit?
What does this coin even do? Someone shill me fast.
Harmony is the most advertised IEO so fat..
Pretty sure matic went at least 8x
i'm gonna buy about $100 at the starting price
if starts dumping from the go, rest assured it wont pump for a while, if ever
if pumps, i'll buy more
Who gives a fuck what it does.
Just get in, get your easy 10x and get out.
Harmony is a competitor to sharding solutions like Zilliqa and Holo
I'd expect it will stay on top-50 for a while
In the most optimistic scenario it will enter top-10 like Zilliqa did before
It doesn't matter what it does. Nobody knows what Celer, Fet or Matic do. Binance says they're ok, so they can't be total scams.
If it pumps like Matic you can turn your $50 into $300 depending on when you get in and out.
Going by those other coins and ICOs what is the general timeframe for the pump and dump? Am I gonna have to be watching it throught the night or is it typical for freshly listed coins to take a few days to peak.
nigga no one knows for sure
you're risking fucking 50 dollars bro who cares
people risk 50,000 with less worry
>if starts dumping from the go, rest assured it wont pump for a while, if ever
lots of people are seeing these posts, they'll post their sell orders at x10 ieo price when it starts trading, so expect a huge dump then a pump, if not then those who buy at x10 ieo price deserve to get dumped on later.
I live in a UTC time zone, so I'll try to stay until 4:00 AM hopefully my judgement won't be impaired for lack of sleep, boomerhood and wagecucking made my eyes start closing after midnight, I long for my wow raids neeting days when I'd stay until 9AM ...
my target price is 3k sats.
So the ico price is 0.003 usdt right?
anyone know what trading pairs it will have? I assume btc, eth, and usdt?
Matic pumped after like a week if trading. Are yall buying them chillen out for a week or two waiting?
i think. dont think there is eth pair
usdc too
based on your newfaggotry and how worried you are about $50 you probably shouldn't be fucking around with ultra volatile crypto IEOs. stay in school and come back when you're an adult with money to lose.
matic pumped 15 days after it was listed, had a scary downtrend like rsr too, the only difference is the pajeet team made a legit coin that mooned, while the all white silicon valley so(y)lent cucks made a shitcoin on a chink exchange
I'd rather lose 50 dollars and learning something from it than 500.
what you think the initial price is gonna be
the initial market price will be 10x IEO price
based on the fact that every IEO buyer is expecting a 10x after seeing Matic chart
it's $0.003175 USD
What did you expect? That the IEO buyers would sell at a fucking loss or something?
so when trading opens is the correct move to buy or to wait? i just want to make a couple thousand
obviously not, but if it starts at 3 cents wouldnt those same buyers be interested in moving the price to 25-30 cents?
>trading opens
>is is selling at something like 10 or 20x the ICO immediately
wait for it to dump
>trading opens
>It's selling at a more moderate price
>buy into the pump
Its like zillica but faster. It uses sharding for scale but uses a different signature consensus method which should be twice as fast. I'm not brain enough to know if that will open it up to attack, but the white paper seemed pretty good.
you gonna have to gamble here, cant know for sure
maybe buy half at the start and see how it goes
maybe buy if it's less than 3x, any more than that I'd wait for the inevitable dump
>I just want to make a couple thousand
It's newfag posts like these that makes me think the bullrun is actually coming
When this go live to buy?
normies only care about bitcoin and MAYBE eth.
someone looking at shitcoin pumps isn't a sign of anything
cosmos is like matic and link and others, it's a tool to empower existing blockchains, fetch and harmony and fantom on the other hand are layer 1 solutions, last one that pumped considerably was zilliqa if I'm not wrong, so don't get your hopes up fren.
piece of chink shit will end up like zilliqa and emotiq
4am utc so like 2 hours
Midnight EST.
The world works on GMT, fuck est
zilliqa peaked at 80x though
Really makes me think
faggot i bought way before the 2017 pump and sold before the january dump im just trying to make a few g's so i can finance my move instead of using my reserves
thanks senpai