The U.S. national debt now sits at 22.3 trillion dollars. Trump, impressed by your alt-coin shilling threads has appointed you to eliminate the debt. How do you accomplish this task with your Jow Forums knowledge?
The U.S. national debt now sits at 22.3 trillion dollars. Trump...
end the fed and move the world currency to btc
Put everything on blockchain and don't forgive anyone for any reason. If you default on payments, then your money is automatically transferred via smart contracts.
If you end up on streets, you deserved it.
Order the treasury to print 22.3 trillion dollars and pay back all the creditors.
Nuke everyone else
Decrease military spending in half, end foreign aid to Israel and other shitholes, end the fed, go back to sound money, and remove tariffs and free trade regulations. Tada.
>end the fed
*a magic bullet goes through your skull*
Nigga move to China
Steal 22.3 trillion from Canada tonight while they're sleeping
Audit the fed, eliminate govt backed student loans and mortgages, pass an actual balanced budget, and straight up delete the debt we owe to China and other countries that is denominated in our own money, daring them to come over here and invade which they won't
I start by eliminating all the niggers and spics.
go all in LINK with the entire GDP then shill it to india and china and dump on them
Most of that can just be deleted from the books, we own the currency and bonds associated with it. Would piss off a lot of countries but fuck em
Fuck redditors
i buy link and hold it for another year
Declare debt moratorium and year of the jubilee. Watch as bankers writhe in agony.
seems like a good start
Destroy every country we owe money to, start up camps for kikes using niggers as the operators. Affirmative action at work, it's the grave they chose
You don't owe money to "country"
fud the heck out of the $ and accumulate it cheap ez
export thots to china
couldn't hear you over the nukes
Let the government default, and eliminate all rogue government agencies starting with the IRS. Cut all social aid programs and fire 90% of govt employees. Repeg the dollar to gold, then prepare for my inevitable public lynching.
Based & patriotpilled
Almighty Mr. President,
Let debt accumulate while finding a way to cheaply house and feed the desperate masses. Once homelessness is reduced enough, Print baby, Print! Drive that shit into the ground. Then laugh because you have over 9000 BTC
>buy USD sirs
Kek. This made my day user. I was feeling shitty but just the thought of this is hilariously uplifting.
Take out a loan for 11 trillion dollars and put it all on black.
Sell Alaska to China
Buy chainlink. Sell at 1,000 eoy
>take out $23 trillion loan from china
>buy link
>pump and dump
>pay back china within a week
>have extra money
>yacht party with big macs
Crash Bitcoin with futures, accumulate for a year and a half. Then raise it to 100mil each within the next 2 years in order to secure the 2020 presidency. Oh wait...
It’s gonna happen just who does it first
Happened millions of times before always ends the same way, normally you get some massive hyperinflation and then the end of that society
That’s why the US had the gold standard but the same mistakes are always made
1) Throw out the jews.
2) Deport the niggers to Africa and send other lesser races back as well.
3) Kill the fed, replace the federal reserve notes with a labor based currency on the blockchain.
4) Bring back protectionism.
5) Criminalize thots, heavily tax soiboys, boomers are banned from giving their opinions on anything.
Its OK for governments to go into debt since they have a stable means of income to support themselves. I wouldn't even say the US has that much of a debt problem, definitely to an extent but its not crisis level. Japan has a crisis-level amount of debt and, lo and behold, they are rapidly remilitarizing and revoking the postwar articles of their constitution that forbid aggressive war.
The US sits somewhere in the range of acceptable-yet-still-jewed and as long as the USA has a military stronger than the rest of the world combined it can keep borrowing with no worry. The US always possesses the option of saying "come and take it", nobody else can do that.
do a false flag to start WWIII, then when you win make one of the things in the peace treaty be that the US's debts are all cleared. If you lose, you'll be dead anyways so who cares about the debt then
this plus change social security
Shit..... I don't even think your joking
implement anarchy
Tbh I'm surprised Ron Paul didn't get assassinated
>remove tariffs and free trade regulations
Your production all moves to china. Congratulations you starve
expel the moneylenders
Thumbnail looks like elon musk kek
Send the IRS to audit themselves, I know they got money somewhere
>4) Bring back protectionism.
Low IQ American Trump voter
>Audit the fed
>end foreign aid to Israel
remember when trump promised to do all these things? PLUS lock up hilary, pull out the troops from ME, build a wall, reform immigration laws. instead we got more immigrants than ever, more foreign aid, more interventionism, record national debt and he let silicon valley completely take over the internet. thank you based bonald glompf!
No, I want China to move here.
You can actually see a chart of u.s. debt on tradingview
Out of that list, this point was most objectionable to you?
I'm sure Elon Musk has plenty of negative people he'd like to get rid of.
It would result in a huge amount of inflation. Anyone with a positive net worth in USD/ USD assets would get fucked over.
I mean, he should have won the 2012 nomination to run against Obama but Mitt Romney got the rules changed at the last second since political parties do not have any actual rules they need to follow. So they didn't need to assassinate him.
Honestly not a bad idea
why does Jow Forums hate boomers so much? Boomers are the core of Trump's support. If boomers just disappeared America would 1) become a lot less white, and 2) enter a 1000 year democrat reich because without boomers the Republicans are fugged.
Now we're talkin
first you start printing more us dollars get filthy rich doing so and let the next generation solve the issue.
A brilliant plan
Eliminate humanity. Bury everyone with their debts. Put them all face down in the river.
I have the federal reserve buy as many government bonds as possible during the next financial crisis, then when the recession is over, the federal reserve forgives/deletes the bonds.
I also slash the military budget to 1/4th of its current size and stop playing a zero sum game for total control of humanity.
Also, when the recession seems to hit its worst, I start raising interest rates. Up to 3% within a year and then up to 4% the next half-year, then slowly to 6% over the next 2 years. It is more important to prevent the next recession causing bubbles than to get out of recession a little earlier.
While doing this, I give the government, and only the government, free money from the FED to distribute to the population as a stimulus program, with each adult/independent getting somewhere around 700USD a month. 400 per child. Hoping this leads to employment rather than inflation.
Learn to code
700 * 300,000,000 = 210,000,000,000
a quarter of a trillion dollars pumped into the economy PER MONTH, and you hope there's no inflation
Cut military budget by 90% , negotiate with Russia and China to agree to disarmament.
Spend 60% of the cut budget in research of space and 20% to pay off debt for next 8 years.
Create Space mining Administration to colonize Mars and Moon to mine
rare raw materials plus bringing humanity 100 years ahead in research.
Rest of the budget goes to education.
Tl;dr I will get shot 1 day after i would sign that Presidential order by an US military fanatic
dumping money into the failed education system means nothing
first act is to break up the worthless teachers' union. Second act is to remove the underperforming teachers. Third is require high grades in the BS they will be teaching, with a competency test.
Instead of just "dumping money in" to be siphoned off by the bureaucrats, make the money be paid in salary to the high performance teachers.
Also, stop "required passing". if the kid needs to fail, fail them. Hold them back a grade, instead of pushing them forward onto the next teacher.
a good 10-15% of kids should literally be incapable of getting a high school diploma, just based on IQ distribution. When you allow 100% through, a high school diploma means nothing (as it does now)
>Russia and China disarming
Sell Canada to China. Buy Mexico, move NY to Mexico City. Sell NY to China. Redirect resource acquisition towards BTC. Let mudslimes fight for Iran while you invest heavily in tesla. Demand for oil goes down, war effort wasted, diplomatic relations go back to being good. People in your country decide to band together and create communities in other countries exclusively run on Bitcoin. Acquire all control through friendly conversion with the help of Bitcoin. Blame dumps on Stinky Linkies
Abolish welfare, make slavery legal, auction off all niggers on the global market
>salutes your coffin
Thank you for your service, user
Continue shilling alt-coins on Jow Forums of course