Last dump

You guys don't even get it.
>Last dump 2 man team
>This dump bag holders
>Next stop singularity

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The singularity is going to happen the second everyone finally gives up on it



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I sold 2k. Now I have 10k instead of 12k. I was going to sell that 2k at $10 and then ride the 10k to the moon. But now I can never sell until the singularity.

I got shook out. I'm no marine.

That was the singularity. Link is intended to be a store of $1 value in perpetuity. That's the literal meaning of "singularity"
Congrats boys, we made it.

sold about 1/10th of my stack 24hrs ago at 12150 sats. Thought it would dump way more than it has so far. Bought back in a few hours ago at 11650 sats, small profit. Pretty happy now seeing this last hour or two price action.

This feels bullish again. We know it's not going to be a singularity tomorrow, but we all know it's going to be steady gains for years.

based and linkpilled

You had to be really fucking retarded to sell at a dollar.
You realize link was only 60 cents earlier this month, right? That 90 cents would have been the absolute resistance for the dump and it would only go up after that?
I'm glad all the newfags got fucked by the basedwhales.

As long as we $2 by the end of the year I'll take it. Slow money is better than no money and if it did that I would outperform basically every boomer with a 401K in half a year

Jow Forums just tears me apart no matter what I do. I need to go back to DCAing and stop coming here entirely

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that's it hey, doesn't really worry me if we don't go up too fast, it's just nice being in one of the best performing assets.

>singular (1) (one)

Congrats linkies, you've made it. Never thought I'd say that. Now you're all slightly better off.

A few days ago chainlink was at $1.40. roflmao the cope is truly unbelievable.

When a link is $5 and drops to $5 someday people will be still shitting on link marines. NEVER SELLING YOU HAD YOUR CHANCE

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Why would you even sell? It doesn't require in-depth knowledge of anything to look at the charts, look at the gains, and go "Huh, that was a really pathetic dump. What the fuck, link broke the cycle of mainnet failures?"
Not to mention the blogpost was really promising. It's fucking May and your dumbass sold even though link was only 30-40 back in January? And now it has absolute dump resistance at 1.00? Fuck me, you've gotta have a smooth brain.

1 month ago the price was 47c

$1.05 doesn't seem too bad

I suppose that's still a little bit of cope.


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it was 47c a month ago.

I don't know. I panic too easily I guess. I panic sold. I thought after the pre-mainnet dump I would stop letting Jow Forums get to my head so much but I was really starting to think it was all over.

I'm fucking dumb. I'll never sell again. I locked up all my LINKies on a ledger and I'm hiding the damn thing.

>Swinglinker spotted

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I didn't even try to swing. I just cashed it out. I figured I should take some profits just in case all the FUD was true and that LINK was useless. The entire market going down didn't help.

I'm just gonna try to sleep it off. I don't feel so good

op are you me

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>Yacht Meetup status

Iron hands if you consider yourself a Marine
>Never flush

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>a swinglinker

50k linkers here. im never selling until 380$ usd and you should all do the same

who here sub 1k link? not cause of distrust but because you're poor?

18k link because I’m poor.

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215 link here bud

Sold from all in 16k LINK down to 11k LINK+1 LP share, I still feel like a filthy swinger some days.

it is then, frens

t.whale that's currently making big red candles
i know your game faggot

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I wish I was a whale I wouldn't be hanging around you disgusting freaks all day 1K eoy

have sex incels

have sex

go dilate

eat bigmac

and then dippidy doo dah back to 1.08ish

where the whales hide? chart expose their every turn.
>bring scooba geer

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211 LINK here :(