Yikes. Another one in the land of the free. This one was by a wagekek, probably wasn't too happy about the Mainnet blog

Yikes. Another one in the land of the free. This one was by a wagekek, probably wasn't too happy about the Mainnet blog.


Attached: 1559345337986.png (673x585, 311K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Based, we need to accelerate. It's a shame they're banned here


>Tell us more
>This is more than an office to you
>This is like a second home
>That must hit home

Got the manifestation?

>You're here every day right?
>(((You're here every day because you need to make money somehow right?)))
>((((((((LITTLE WAGIE))))))))))
>(((((((((((((((((((((((HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH WAGIE WAGIE IN HER CAGIE)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

Feeling comfy here in my apartment in Tokyo.

i mean manifesto

enjoy being buried alive in an earthquake soon, weeb

Jewish false flag.

hold them bodybags, Burgers are due too:
>even a stopped clock etc

Literally just a distraction from the abysmal state of the markets right now. Stay safe out there goys.

Most of the US lives in low population density and far enough from the ocean to completely avoid a tsunami. Japan is literally the opposite

Funny how everyone talks about lol ban guns, but nobody talks about mental health and wages

shooters are the ultimate manbabies
cant have it their way so they literally try to flip the table, only that unlike in a board game its of no real significance to the world

>Maybe if I say "how can I profit from this" or "mainnet" it will be technically money related

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was it jewish confirmed? it's always them i swear

best post

You forgot wagekek

Not me, there are tsunami evacuation signs right down the road from me

>killed co-workers

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