Does it make sense to tell your wife about crypto?

does it make sense to tell your wife about crypto?
I have a lot of link and eth but I haven't told her
And I'm leaning towards not telling her
What do you think Jow Forums

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i'd suggest to have sex incel

who is this?

I'm literally married and having sex.
The meme doesn't always fit
Have sex

Don't tell her. She'll just mess it up for you. Let her enjoy your company and generosity, though.

Fuck no, and if you ever cash out with a large sum you should put it in a secret account. Live comfortably and pretend you got a raise or something but if you show up with a few mil she might just divorce you and take half

no you're not our wife is telling you shes tired, got her periods or got a headache, have sex with hookers incel

If you can't trust your wife with your financial details, you are shit at choosing partners and thus are likely shit yourself.

Shitty people have shitty marriages, this is a tautology.

no don't tell her

>falling for the marriage jew

>reverse google search
>she doesn't take cock for the cameras

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My wife knows all about my linkies and she’s super chill about it, but I have a pretty based wife. I can see lots of women would freak over high risk investing

She doesn't know you're becoming gay because of chainlink?

No but she did find memes of Sergey on my phone and I had to explain

im sorry for your loss

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>talks to women
>no makes

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>Fell for the marriage meme
>Doesn't know not to tell women anything because they have the minds of children

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Don't tell her. Women are treacherous and most marriages end in divorce.

Never discuss money on a detailed level with women. If you’ve made some the’ll demand you give them some. If you’re going through a dip, they’ll make you feel bad. Keep it to yourself.

You may be in for a big surprise when you're older. I've seen a lot of failed marriages. People change and grow apart. And, women have a way of being petty and vindictive about it.

Please don't tell her. Never tell anyone but us fren. Believe it or not, I genuinely want everyone here to succeed, and all of us can win and do it together. We are a small enough pool of people where we can share information, if we choose to, and all profit without losing edge from more knowledge. Your wife will tell you to sell on emotion. She will consider that money as part of your assets together and will ask you to sacrifice if it suits her or your family. You know what its worth, not her. We will never betray you though

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Kike. Marriage is sacred and can be done properly very easily if you just submit to god. Not everyone is a degenerate.

I am older. Not saying marriages don't take work, mine certainly has. Shitty people won't do the work, which brings us back to shitty people have shitty marriages.

Not as cozy a reality as muh evil wife might divorce me and take all muh money so I'll never even try desu, I will admit.

How much are we talking? Ballpark

don't tell her retard. what if she divorces you and tries to take half?

If you trust your wife and she's cool then yes if your wife is a bitch then no


Stop masturbating to internet open, fren. Give it two months and see how much better you feel.

would you waste your time explaining physics to a dog. If so, then you can waste more time explaining crypto to the female subspecies.


Tell her you have some...but never show your full stack. Have two wallets...a dummy one and your real one. Incase you get divorced and she wants to fight you can provide the dummy one...or if you’re happily married and you cash out some you can lie and still provide where the money came from. It’s easier to let people think they won sometimes....saves soo much headache.

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Yes, relationships are built on simple shit like not gambling away all your money on Mario Party 2019 coins. So man the fuck up, tell her, and then make a change to make her happy in exchange for her letting you gamble some money. How about you go to the fucking gym with her two nights a week loser, or how about you study for the career enhancing test she wants you to take, instead of just being an onion boy.

>make her happy in exchange for her letting you gamble some money

>your wife
Fucking lmao

based and frenpilled

That's so funny - my girlfriend has those exact same glasses and the same sweater (I love her but she has shit taste in movies).

She doesn't have any fucking tits though

Fucking hell actually laughed loud as fuck like retard on the train.

My wife knows I'm in crypto, she has no clue how much.

She fucks one of the slow mo guys

Unless she is also into crypto and trades with her own money



Fuck that, I would nevber trust another person with a lot of money except my mother, but only because she is atypical and can amass wealth very well instead of wasting money on useless crap or even take credit and debt for useless shit like most people I know in person. Can't trust a stranger, even if it's your wife.