>another friday alone
>another friday not having sex
>another friday not having a gf
Is a career, money and a job really as important as Jow Forums makes out? Right now it's not feeling like it.
>another friday alone
>another friday not having sex
>another friday not having a gf
Is a career, money and a job really as important as Jow Forums makes out? Right now it's not feeling like it.
Other urls found in this thread:
>>>>Wrong board incel
> he fell for the friday meme
I hate what america does to asians.
you want to know the Jow Forums way? Go to prostitute to see that wet hole is worth less than 100$. No big deal
america transforms everything into toxic wastes
Asians do this to themselves. They are conformist bug creatures. As a point of fact, if you were to put western degeneracy into the east and make it the primary culture, you could probably destroy china.
i hate what japan did to white males (looking at you weeb faggots)
i fucked your mom
have sex
would you rather be a rich incel or a low/middle class chad?
the chinese government is well aware of that shit that's why they banned rap
based chinks
>another wasted summer day
this is the last summer of my 20's. I've never ever had any fun in summers. never went on vacation. never had sex. never went to beach parties.
I said that this time I'll make it different.
a middle class chad, which is what I am, a partner is someone to share the life experience with, the depths a relationship can go far out strip material wealth.
I would trade some days. My girlfriend is an emotional wreck sometimes, but sex is not a problem. It's not so bad, OP.
However, grass is always greener
>the depths a relationship can go far out strip material wealth.
I'd take being a homeless Chad even because you wouldn't be homeless for long.
Girls will pay you money to sleep with them. "Oh I never helped homeless people before but he has sooo much potential"
>recently single
>hanging with married user
>married user says lets go to a bar and find u a new gf
>married user gets call from his wife
>screaming and arguing over dumb shit
>plan to go out and look at roasties canceled
>women are destructive and manipulative
>considering 9mm
>rich incel
Idk how that would even happen
As soon as I own 7 digits in ameribucks, probably sooner, I will be swimming in confidence and will easily be able to ask a girl home.
Or I could download tinder.
>wah wah wah i dont have a gf i dont have this i dont have that boo hoo everything should be handed to me on a silver platter
cant you cunts fuck off to Jow Forums? Tired of all these self-pitying melodramatic faggots
>finds gfs in bars
>has unpleasant experiences with women
Hmm I wonder if these two things may be correlated
>other friday not having sex
>>another friday not having a gf
>Is a career, money and a job really as important as Jow Forums makes out? Right now it's not feeling like it
thats important for me.
i realized that i never gonna be the things i gonna be.
1- i never gonna be as fit as people i see in gym.
2- never gonna be confidence like them(not strong as them)
3- cant have a gf, casue i am weak and not really social.
4-i realized the only thing i can be is to be rich due to me being above ave IQ and thats the only way for me.
5- through some unorthodex methods i made myself not interested in all these things that
were supposed to make me happy craved( mainly a gf)
6-now the only thing that can make me happy is literally money and thats like my main purpose of existance.
7- problem is that i am still human and a man and still crave females, although i suppressed it too much
8- so my final plan is that i kill myself about a week after i make it.
9-why? becasue money is my end goal, and i make it, i am gonna be the happiest i can be and i know there is no other way. so transferring my gains to my family and ending it is the ultimate result.
AMA or call me whatever insults you got.
literal fag
go watch some honest signalz youtube and real social dynamics you fucking cyck. you have a warped perception of life jesus christ you really are at the bottom and a loser, but i believe in you senpai and you can change because i did :)
yer an emergency. CHECK EM
>i will have self confidence after i hit X goal
sad way to live your life
>me honest signalz youtube and real social dynamics you fucking cyck. you have a warped perception of life jesus christ you really are at the bottom and a loser, but i believe in you senpai and you can change because i did :)
you do not understand. period.
real social dynamics
For the last 3 years I've been working my ass off every day and every night, remaining poor, not spending anything. Now that I've made it, I forgot how to have """fun""". So now I'm just inside watching anime.
a rational perspective given your conditions, and a logical end result. But, something unexpected will come along the way, you shall see..
pic of body. im supe curious what losers like you look likr. i have a hard time believing youre real
Im the same and i look fit as fuck, basically it's autism because the hormones related to feeling good around people aren't just there
imagine the feeling you have when you dread in the classroom waiting for time to pass, that's what an autist feels when he is around people, it's unfixable, you just can't have fun
And yes i have done nofap and dopamine fasting and a lot of other shit, in fact there was a time i partied a lot but i just didn't feel fun at all, my best fun i have had has been reading some history books, and imagining weird storylines on my head, im just wired differently and i question why i keep living if i already realized the jews control everything so i already reached the endgame of my autistic obsessions
the endgame is how you beat them, you havent tried enough
>a rational perspective given your conditi
well if that comes i take it.
here is a funny thing though; i will not kill myself even if i lose all my money. i cant leave my family with a burden.
I'm actually fit, but never got around to showing it off. this is the summer that I was going to do it, but I have no friends to go out with.
why, they have the generational wealth and the control of the population, USA is the most kiked nation on earth, i cant believe people still get circumcised and find reasons to do it, lmao what a dumpster fire
just wait until you fall in love you lucky fucker i wish i didnt fall in love fuck me
No one falls in love after 25, exception: betabucks who are in love with an idealized wife that really doesn't exists
Hey user, you know this is not the way for you, right? You know if you want to have a different life you can? Right?
user, listen. I don't actually know your specific situation in the slightest, okay, so take this for what it's worth. But It took me a loooong time to get my first real gf and when I did, and when we finally connected, it changed me forever. I had never ever been able to be myself around anyone, but around her I could be.
If you are not putting energy into finding that for yourself, then you really are a loser.
Stop rationalizing and just do what your instincts tell you is right. Your instincts are older and smarter than you are.
Falling in love = Finding someone who is better than your last relationship to the point where you question whether you could find someone even better (and coming to realize you can't).
how old were you when you got your first gf?
why you care what happens to the kiked, everyone learns at their pace or perishes eventually, will you perish aswell? or will you thrive under harsh conditions like succesful species always did? this war is not to be won riches anyway
see, you didnt really mean it. Nobody who does ever mentions the subject
>No frens either
Imagine setting arbitrary expectations for yourself and not be assured of your own path in life.
I’m staying in and eating a nice steak with a green salad/blue cheese dressing, getting up early to train chest and heading up to the hospital to close some oxygen deals. Getting some commissions along with chest/shoulder development > “going out”
Don’t be so blackpilled man. Read more books. Be strong and confident. You put that energy out in the universe and more people will pick up on that energy and this is how the mass awakening starts. We will win, more people are waking up every day. I even see people questioning (((dangerous subjects))) all the time. I’ve even have been seeing it on plebbit.
>tfw ur rich have a white trad wife two blond children a dog two cats and a yard
If no larp have more children. We need more white people.
my problem is i found someone where there is a billion people "better" but i dont want that
planning on #3
Planet will die because of the fiat debt production system, the jews already won, 30 years to go
Having a gf is easy, if you can't get a gf with all of the social media tools, then you are lost.
Then they're obviously not better FOR YOU.
stop watching porn
these type of asians are the best to fuck around with. literally have no problem being fucked raw and being creampied. you can literally use them like a sex doll and they'll love it. you're a cuck if you date them though, probably the worst type of girl to date unless you like having a used up whore for a gf.
>cum inside a girl
>you're cucked if you date one!
God dam, you are a fucking retard.
you're a fucking retard that doesn't understand basic biology. cumming inside a girl is the most alpha thing you can do whether you like it or not. i can tell you're a virgin because you don't know these type of girls take care themselves from stds or getting pregnant.
>implying they want to get pregnant by a random ass guy or fwb
>implying their strict ass parents will allow that to happen
>not being able to tell whos safe to rawdog or not
have sex
Nick Szabo is a CIA invention. Don't believe it's lies.
You must be nothing if they don't want your child.
if they easily slept with "nothings" you wouldn't have replied to begin with because you'd actually be getting laid. btfo
have sex
You're implying I'm not getting laid because I can't. Your implication is off, my original post to you was just a warning to how retarded you sound. Last reply, you should probably an hero after having sex with a worthless roastie.
i'm implying you don't get laid not can't. big difference. thus you can not comment on the typical "roastie" type or behavior correct? i'm starting to feel bad for you kek. i'm using your own words now.
have sex
are you still there?
i just had sex and i need to know if i still need more
please respond as soon as you're done having sex no need to rush
as if the worst parts of western culture aren’t already out of control in china and korea.
>considering 9mm
might as well shoot yourself with a paintball gun
Who’s the Asian girl twerking?
>he fell for the women meme
this isn't a joke, I'm a fucking chad
I'm chad who just started working again after a year and half off while my 5'1" 105lb gf has paid rent, car, moved us across the country to an awesome city
I'm making good money now in but fuck man, sometimes I almost feel bad about how good I have/had it
friday's just friday friend...
t. another friday having bomb shell wife and sex
user, booth are important; life is complex and so are your needs ...you have to take care of several things at once to feel hapiness. tunnel vision doesn't work. simple yet true.
I know that feel bro. In fact, I was going to make a similar thread earlier
> tfw just want a girl to cuddle and smell her beautiful scent
RSD Tyler is a hardcore beta cuck that sets up his incel clients with roastie bar girl pity fucks for $5k a round and also has to wear a bodycam to avoid rape accusations.