Tech bros, we've been found out!
Tech bros, we've been found out!
asian women are extremely overrated
This. Better than nigress but still bottom of the barrel tier. Aren’t there more Asians than anyone else? How can you NOT get a chink gf with those kind of numbers. Yikes.
dilate your wound
Am I too dumb to not getting it? What is she complaining about?
Yellow fever white males are the weakest race. Truly pathetic.
to be fair nigresses are sex demons with fat asses. totally worth it despite the lesser genes
whites are beta and cant get white gfs so they try asians
Asian women do nothing for me because I wasn't bullied in school
Have a think on that
y-you dont know me
fuck whites and fuck kikes
that is all
This, negressess have an insatiable hunger for cock, literally will fuck you anytime you want it and oh man do they know how to service a dick
White bugman/asian gf is the second cringiest couple after white boomer with 3/10 flip wife.
Ummm.. sweaty, that's not how it goes
And she complains that whites are beta? Why does she care they are betas, no one force her to date white guys. I'm confused right now.
>white tech guy
too bad this species is about to go extinct
She's bitter that not only is her market-value too low to get a Chad husband, she's also too low-value to even get a silicon-valley millionaire husband. It must really sting to know that they'd rather be with a gook who can barely speak English rather than put up with her obnoxious personality and loose holes, feminists are the female version of incels
White beta males still have a higher market-value than 99% of Asian men, and there's no way she's high value enough to get one of those rare and elusive Asian Chads
shes not complaining , she is using sarcasm
Nah man, I'm good
How the fuck do you get over the smell
The smell tho. Like roadkill boiled in a boot.
Like a garbage can that's been baking under the hot summer sun
Please, stop. I can only get so erect
Better asian than no gf at all. Call me a nerd who can't get white girls but at least I'm smashing asian puss on the regular. Plus, whatever you say bounces off me and stick to you like glue. Ha.
I dont understand this tweet
women are insane
Imagine finding insectoids attractive. I know most of you sperglords have never touched a dating service but I've been on plenty. A hot Asian girl is like 1 in 500 based on my experience. For every 499 average or ugly Asians there's 1 who's stunning. Compared to whites who are around 1 in 100.
Literal autism.
ITT: white incel virgins who will have mentally ill hapa sons
Classic feminist charm, trying to shit on as many people as possible for their own harmless choices and preferences.
That's probably cause you're white bro. Black women will cry and scream racism all they want, but at the end of the day, they'll abandon anything and everything for the chance to have your babies.
>not coal burning white women
>feminists are the female version of incels
Might be a lot of truth to this. They're certainly both steaming piles of human misery.
I agree with your numbers but if I have my pick between the 1 hot asian and the 1 hot white girl I take the asian. this is based on my experience dating/fucking over 100 women spanning most races. also, to be clear I'm talking about american born asian girls only no fob chinks
flips are asian though
I've never actually met a WMAF couple in real life. Are all the stereotypes about it really true?
yes, generally the white guy is a beta male while the asian woman is "decent" looking or ugly
I dated a hapa once, what does that mean?
hapa daughters = very attractive, extremely slutty/daddy issues due to weak beta male father figure
hapa sons = incels, social outcasts, will most likely not be successful in life
also hapas almost always identify as "asian", thereby ending the white genetic line. its also why i don't really mind WMAF couples, since its honestly better than a white couple producing more white kids
>to be clear I'm talking about american born asian girls only no fob chinks
What makes Asian American girls so different from American white girls?
asian women are ugly
you can pretty much ignore anything you read on 4channel. these aren't exactly top quality people posting here. its mostly women hating neets, incels, white supremecists, etc. I'm handsome af, make a lot of money, basically what you incels would call a "chad" and I've dated several asian girls. they were all very hot.
Cool larp bro. How was your buck tooth insectoid?
beta white males fuck asian women cause it's all they can get, not because they have yellow fever.
This user is right.
t. bullied in school and currently have azngf.
Pretty over it though. Just as bad as white girls. Do I go for hispanic or arabic next?
>totally worth it despite the herpes
fixed that for you. literally every black chick is carrying some kind of fucking disease
Anyone here live and work in Silicon Valley? This place is all white guys with yellow fever and Asians with no self awareness.
kek hoes mad. Every girl in tech has to remind you that her entire identity is being a girl in tech.
You go for a white woman and you have white children. Unless you're a shitskin otherwise stay with your own.
Just go 2D bro, thats the only way to go until the sexbots are ready for mass production
Yeah, the lowest tier of asian.
the reason is not yellow fever,
beta whites and asian girls are on the same emotional level
She's a 2/10 and on the darker side so she's probably a SE asian yet she complains when she only finds incels when she's the bottom of the barrel.
I know where I must go
the holier than thou bullshit of girls like this is extremely tiresome
No. It's a very common pairing (at least here in California) so you get all types.
You guys have saved me from ruin/forever putting Asians on a pedestal. thank u.
Yes. I have a beta-male cousin in his late 40's that's been fucking Asian girls since the early 90's, wayyyy before it was even a thing. He was an early adopter. Kek.
t. gfless DYEL cucks
> in san francisco
kek. what did you expect?
It must really suck to be a roastie in SanFran, all the men either have yellow-fever or AIDS
Jewish conspiracy to kill the white race. its working. fuck beta whites making asian babies.
But the ironic twist is that Jews are the most likely of all to marry an Asian, so if anything (((their))) plan has backfired
>feminists are the female version of incels
yeah, both are pretty reprehensible
Men vastly out number women in SF so actually the losers are Asian males. All white females can have a white male. Asian females take the remaining white males and upper tier Asian males. The remaining Asian males are the ones getting left out
holy shit I didn't even think banging asians was bad until I read your beta scribbles... faggot
Well... that was telling.
About yourself, I mean.
arabic chicks are either fucking sociopath crazy or have a shitton of baggage. take your pick.
>3rd consecutive asian girlfriend
Rookie numbers. I'm on my 6th consecutive asian. This time a chinese/viet and probably the best of the bunch.
they're not wrong
black chicks have the wettest pussies by far
asians give the best head
white women ftw though
indian are hairy...
How much time have u spent thinking about this? Seems personal almost. You clearly know your stuff.
Yep, I'm one of the numerous SF white males with a qt asian gf
(I p-promise I'll marry a white gril though, I s-swear)
Look at this r/asianmasculinity incel literally SEETHING at the people of light.
Sure you are bud.
how big is your sample size?
I'm 8/10 or more looks (rated by girls), fit (3,5 plates bench natty), relatively rich while avoiding taxes (because fuck kikes) and have a qt asian gf.
I am slightly autistic, but definitely not beta
You get bullied in the workplace instead
Jews interbreed with whatever race they think is currently the most powerful, once it was the Greeks, then it was the Romans, later it was Northern Europeans, then it was Americans, now it's East Asians. Jews clearly think Chinese are going to be the next dominant world power, hence why so many of them are breeding with gooks
kek clearly never been with a non chinese asian
Has anyone met any AMWF couples?
What are their kids like?
100% same here (except bench PR is only 245x6, natty ofc).
I much prefer having a qt asian gf who actually has a brain, appreciates my semi-autistic self, and puts effort into her life than some washed up Stacey with nothing going for other than her constantly depreciating looks
go to LA its unbelievable. every numale has one
I was reading this girl tweets and she is intelligent and witty. I find it plausible to be attracted to her personality.
More like westernized asians
>I much prefer having a qt asian gf who actually has a brain, appreciates my semi-autistic self, and puts effort into her life than some washed up Stacey with nothing going for other than her constantly depreciating looks
could not have said it better, we made it fren
>bench PR is only 245x6
still better than 98% of the people I see at the gym
their daughters are adorable
their sons are schizophrenic and should have been put down at birth
gib mee!
>blaming her problems on other people
No one made you date these white men you so despise you utter cunt
And yet it's actually women's fault.
Asians eat the weirdest shit and have some of the worst dental hygiene I’ve ever witnessed.
Any what dude that dates an asian is a beta male fucking loser. The asian girl knows it. Your family knows it. Your friends know it. Every single white girl you will come into contact knows it. You might as well wear a sign saying "LOW TESTOSTERONE" on your head.
better than being single or being a literal cuck
i bullied others in school and have a thing for asian women
have a think on that
Happy Hanukkah