What would you do if all crypto was suddenly banned and all exchanges were shut down and the whole crypto thing just...

What would you do if all crypto was suddenly banned and all exchanges were shut down and the whole crypto thing just ended?

What would you do with your life?

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wut if daey ban all da usd, how we buy breads to eat??

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I wish I was the dog

Same thing I did in runescape before they added exchanges. Go stand in the street and yell that I was selling bitcoins $8k each. Then when someone tried to trade with me I’d lead him out to the woods and kill him for his stuff. Ezpz

god I wish that was me

*schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop* *schlop*

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white girls fuck dogs

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Bestiality should be proper.
>blow horses and goats woe

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honk hooooooooonk

I'd take a sniff of dat brapper

reminder All women fuck their dogs

Use a VPN
Use DEX's
Trade under the radar.
Fuck big government.
Fuck the central banks.
Fuck the too big to fail mentality.

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what girls have you been meeting?

Yeah,no. Kys actually

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*braps on dog*

this is what making it looks like

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My urge to rape is growing by the day


i fucking hate how smug fido looks here

the dogpill is real lados

you just know.

fug that is making it

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Wouldn’t matter...no one with any brains keeps their crypto on an exchange unless they’re trading.

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Well they are banning binance in America so.. is this a wut do?? Then you know already. Stiff

I would probably kill myself out of boredom, because for that to happen the entire internet and every computer on earth would have to be destroyed.

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Cryptocurrency is the last peaceful option to international kikery.

keep trading stock options and ignoring you queers?

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u lucky dog

try to find a job as a js developer

imagine that poor dog's nose

start taking girl hormones and get a dog. It's not that hard.

Doggo knows that’s the comfiest shit right there

>honk is 1550...gif
time flies, boys

Dogs are filthy beasts unfit to live in human society. Muslims are right on that one. Only the clean cat deserves human companionship. There's a reason why all great writers owned cats and shunned the savage simpleton.

me on the right, not having to imagine the smell

>imagine a dog getting more action than you in 25 years of life

Whatever bullshit biz would find trendy. Like it was with dropshipping, arbitrage, forex etc

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cringey posts, gentlemen !

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where did you get my picture? Well, nevermind. Enjoy it! I'm proud of it.

Fido knows what's up

Kneepads and boipucci

>t. achmed

Sandwich artist.

Buy on Bisq and EtherDelta

Is that webm what having a girlfriend feels like?

Crypto is unconstitutional, article 1 section 10

Go back to making gold on the wow ah I guess


Uhh what? Kys you pathetic faggot

hey at least that's a step up from niggers

That dog looks pretty comfy.

Continue with physical assets of course. Once in a while, I take out profits from here and purchase physical assets.
All of crypto can't be banned though, not with ones like ECOMI that already have a stronghold in a billion dollar industry.

I'd go all in and start mining
Black market profits are amazing