On May 28 Scribd, a service for posting downloadable documents on the Internet, notified CoinDesk that it had pulled down our copy of the Satoshi Nakamoto white paper.
“This is a notification that Scribd’s BookID copyright protection system has disabled access to Bitcoin White Paper (id: 411710754). This does not necessarily mean that an infringement has occurred, or that you have done anything wrong,” the company wrote in a terse email.
How is this piece of shit taken seriously by anyone not only after he has gotten BTFO ever single time in the past, but he destroyed himself at his conference.
actual FT article linked. Note title. FT fucking laughing at him, mocking this poor charlatan. Blatantly, in print. Worldwide. Why doesn't he sue ? After all, he can proof everything he claims, before a court. Can't he ?
oh yes ? and, JUST who are we all sueing this week then ? such a shame, JUST nobody takes poor misunderstood creg at his word. Isn't it
Jeremiah Rogers
lmao we must have seen a completely different conference. Soft, juicy targets first. He only has to take down that dumpster-fire McCormack for the rest of the cowards to fall in line. They will retract eventually, but why attack them when it is so much easier to deal with dumb twatter attention whores.
fill your boots twitter.com/hashtag/CraigWrightIsAFraud >I hope you got big boots apropo Peter (McCormack) - I believe he was planning on visiting Toronto recently ? - he just doesn't seem to be as intimidated as you are trying to suggest ? Odd, that. Isn't it
Robert Watson
He's going to lose his house, dude.
William Mitchell
and you really think threatening shit like this going to increase your respect, etc ? Your shtick only works as long as ppl are afraid - and, I don't think he is tbqh. And when that happens, just one person stands up and says, 'you are cowardly assholes who cant prove fucking jack of your bullshit, bring it on..' - you'll fold. Just like the bad house of cards you are
Connor Flores
He's hired possibly the top lawfirm in the world at dealing with this kind of shit. Creg has pissed off a lot of very wealthy people.
Julian Nelson
Don't give a shit. Your favorite podcaster is going broke.
Asher Kelly
Personally I am getting a kick out of all the NPC bots on twitter cheering Binance/CZ on to sue Wright for claiming they run a prostitution ring, so you faggots DO believe in libel laws?
4D chess at work.
Jaxson Foster
What do you mean "don't give a shit" lmao they are going to prolapse Creg's entire fucking body. You can't "block" people in court.
Brody Ward
This, let’s open up binances books in a court of law and look into it LMAO
Aaron Jenkins
oh, I doubt cz needs anyones help or encouragement. Difference, of course, being, he'll probably only start legal shit when he's certain of winning
He's taking him to court. He has the copyright, he has other evidence. He's not going to lose. Breaking your delusion today could save you a lot of pain in the future.
Camden Jenkins
>lawsuit starts >CZ is requested to appear in court >CZ shows up and is promptly arrested for on money laundering charges >funds seized
Noah Harris
Eli Thomas
You are not understanding how insanely shit hot this firm is. Creg's only chance was mccormack doing something stupid like representing himself. It's over. This won't go to trial. Creg will run off with his tail between his legs again. Screencap this.
Samuel Bennett
Wrong. We’re not afraid of your cartel funded lawyers. Piss off.
Gabriel Carter
Would be funny, but it’s plain as day Craig is baiting anyone into court so he can prove who he is. He’s right that this “code is law” junk is horsecrap. If I register my neighbor’s house on the blockchain as being mind, do I own it now? Fuck no. Blockchain is going to revolutionize the way we do business but it’s not going to make human arbitration go away.
John Moore
>insanely shit hot this firm is >learn how these attorneys made Satoshi not Satoshi with one weird trick!
Jaxon Turner
>we Creg has pushed his luck too far this time. Mccormac's hired some absolute maddogs. Obviously Creg won't show at the trial, and will skip out to some 3rd world pedo colony. Screencap this.