CHALLENGE FOR CORE: I will sell all my BSV if you answer this

If you answer this satisfactorily, I will sell all my BSV immediately.

Why hasn’t the real Satoshi, if not Craig, signed a single transaction, put in a single message, put in a single post on any forum or my email which he can easily do in private to denounce Craig? Note he did this when Dorian Nakomoto was accused of being Satoshi. Inb4 “he was hacked”. Actually there was never any proof showing that.

Only possible reason is: “he’s dead”. Well, that just begs the question. Why would an already multimillionaire risk his reputation, his entire life’s work, perjury, AND JAIL TIME for a lie while also always being anxious 24/7 knowing that the real satoshi might be out there disproving him any moment.

Answer this. Ill wait.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Because the entire point of satoishi is that no one knows who he is. It's irrelevant. That he can't be traced, he can't be named. To come out and declare himself for Dante or for whatever else would be in direct contradiction of everything he stood for. Satoishi was not an opportunist, and that's how I know Craig of all people is not Satoishi

Dumb response. He doesn’t have to declare himself which is what I said. He can simply denounce him like he did Dorian.

It makes no sense he would come to the rescue of a dopey old man yet let a con man fool the crypto world for 2 years now.

Creg was probably the “Satoshi” group idea guy. The other dudes are dead, that’s why he is so smug.
He doesn’t have access to any keys and knows jack shit about crypto.

Jesus was crucified. It’s smart for Satoshi to disappear. This guy is a sociopath narcissuses

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OP I'm making the world's greatest music festival. Of course it's legit, why would I risk jail time if it wasn't?

Attached: billy-mcfarland-fyre-festival-fraud-prison-sentencing.png (807x536, 500K)

If that lunatic is the REAL Satoshi Nakamoto he has to

1) Have the PRIVATE KEYS to the Genesis Block and Block 0

2) He has to have the PRIVATE KEYS to over 900k BTC

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>BTC literally deviating so far from the Whitepaper is unrecognizable from any other shitcoin

This isn't him seizing opportunity its him saving is fucking creation.

>idea guy
>knows jack shit about crypto

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>Satoshi is Jesus

Satoshi is a man, not a god. You faggots need to get over this legend.

Craig wins. Tuliptrustality.

Foreigners have literally no idea how to use stiff as an expression

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>Why would an already multimillionaire
he wasn't
>risk his reputation, his entire life’s work, perjury, AND JAIL TIME for a lie while also always being anxious 24/7 knowing that the real satoshi might be out there disproving him any moment.
He started lying because he defrauded the Australian state.
The Iraq war started because of false testimony under similar circumstances.

>Rafid Ahmed Alwan studied chemical engineering in university but received low marks. He also worked at the Babel television production company in Baghdad, which was owned by Saddam Hussein's son Uday; sometime after leaving his job, a warrant was issued for his arrest because of theft from the same company.[8]
>Curveball's story began in November 1999 when Alwan, then in his early 30s, arrived at Munich's Franz Josef Strauss Airport with a tourist visa. Upon entering the country he applied for political asylum because he had embezzled Iraqi government money and faced prison or worse if sent home. The German refugee system sent him to Zirndorf, a refugee center near Nuremberg.[10]
>After he arrived at the refugee center he changed his story. Alwan's new story included that after he had graduated at the top of his chemical engineering class at Baghdad University in 1994,[11] he worked for "Dr. Germ," British-trained microbiologist Rihab Rashid Taha to lead a team that built mobile labs to produce lethal biological WMD

>His assertions eventually made it into United States Secretary of State Colin Powell's address on February 5, 2003 to the United Nations detailing Iraq's weapons programs.

>In 2003, inspectors led by David Kay conducted additional investigation of Curveball's credibility. They found among other things that he had been placed last in his university class when he had claimed to have been placed first, and that he had been jailed for embezzlement before fleeing to Germany.

Dunno about the others but he is not risking jail time wtf?

This is literally the dumbest thing I've ever read.
If Satoshi has to sign a message to disprove Craig, why doesn't Craig have to sign a message proving he's Satoshi?

Craig wants people to know he's Satoshi. He is even trying to get LEGALLY recognized as Satoshi by attempting to copyright the Bitcoin whitepaper (which was rejected). We can conclude that Craig wants the world to think he's Satoshi.

But the ultimate proof, a signed message from Craig with Satoshi's keys, has yet to be produced. He could prove it and get the copyrights he wants, but he doesn't have the keys because he's not Satoshi.

Craig is just a scammer, gullible cuck op. Bitcoin Core is garbage too btw. All PoW coins are unsustainable.

So answer me this: if Craig is Satoshi, why doesn't he just sign a message with one of Satoshi's keys? I'll wait. (BSV cucks can't answer this)

1) satoshi is dead since 2011
2) creg is a psycho. there's at least 1 serious ICD-10 qualification he would fullfill 100%, but likely even more. Pathological Liar etc.

>which was rejected
Stop lying on the internet, faggot.

honestly OP its pretty simple

Craig wright killed satoshi , a wheelchair bound man, in 2013 over 100000 bitcoins.

Attached: CRAG KILLED SAT.png (1211x678, 390K)

None of the responses addressed OP. Not surprised though. White racists have low IQ.

i just made these, they're gonna be super useful

Attached: craig killed satoshi.png (1178x907, 71K)

simply can't beat the truth

Attached: craig wright blue wheelchair.png (775x501, 16K)

because craig lost it
t. craig wright (don't tell anyone)

>Note he did this when Dorian Nakamoto was accused of being Satoshi
No, he didn't.

arabs being arabs

CSW will win this war with flowers. Corefags are the ultimate retards.

if the asshole had the backbone to say that from the beginning he would have a modicum of credibility.

please redpill me on stiff. What does it mean?


I used to think this guy is a fraud, because everyone said so, but now I think he could be Satoshi..

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I would prefer if you held your bsv ;)

you’re comparing black to white it just doesn’t work like that.

Fake Bitcoin (BTC) retards prepping rope and coping nonstop. It's not even 2020 yet. KEK

except that you ran out of money renting thots and whores in the marketing. it wouldnt have been a failure if you saved a little bit and dont be a brainlet on ur marketing strategy.

>if Craig is Satoshi, why doesn't he just sign a message with one of Satoshi's keys?
because key =/= proof of identity. fuck you core cucks and your shitty neckbeard cypherpunk technology. fuck you criminal retard

how could he be satoshi if I am satoshi?

based, but unironically

what's with the monocle? that's not the way i remember it when i used to play monopoly after watching barenstoon bears.

Hurr durr anyone can be satoshi hurrrr

no-one gives a shit what you do with your money.


no, no one else can be because I am tard

ok let's try to beat some reasoning into bsv cucks.

1. He IS dead. He is an inventor with an vision. You need money to make your vision come true and go down the line to the end.
Think about you can't stay in your basement forever.

Why did Craig never touch the bitcoins even thou he could have needed the money so badly?

We don't know who posted that Dorian Nakomoto isn't Satoshi.

2. He probably knows that the real Satoshi is dead. He is an opportunist who saw a chance to make money.
> an already multimillionaire
There are lies everywhere. It's astonishing how people keep believing him.
To your question why all of this, it's:
A. Attention
B. Money
C. Slow transition of bitcoin to a government backed coin
D. Maybe he is being blackmailed / bribed, which is A+B+C (blackmailing is the one thing that would make him not an asshole)

How many bsv have you got? Sign your wallet for the correct answer.

Yes he is. He is literally in court under threat of perjury claiming to be Satoshi. So if he is lying he will go to jail.

Do you understand that not only did he put himself in this bind, he repeatedly challenges anyone to prove him wrong? Yet anyone who gets the chance to go to court to put him in jail like mccormack, roger, vitalik ALL SUDDENLY HAVE MANY REASONS WHY THEY DON'T REALLY FEEL LIKE DOING IT.

Craig is Satoshi and he is playing hardball with all the cryptofags.

Attached: Satoshi_under_oath.png (852x156, 27K)

Kys pajeet scammer I’m literally done arguing with you fags logic not found I. Your br

>challenges anyone to prove him wrong
what is burden of proof

Take your meds

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what did jesus do for humanity?

>What is a courtroom

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gz on the nonanswer

he was the coffe guy at best
the dumb fuck never had a decent idea in his life

hi satoshi! long time no see old friend!

best answer kek

it's so simple...
craig owned big amount of taxes to his government then he started to claim he is satoshi so he can say that all money went for btc development.
it didn't work but now he can milk bsv sheeps

Satoshi is God.

not a god but definitely a prolific coder

>not a god
Craig = Le God

Attached: 1556336176821s.jpg (246x250, 7K)

>Le God

Attached: file.png (225x225, 18K)

he can be your god but creg was never satoshi so these two statements dont actuallu conflict