Folio r8 thread

Originally had 28.4k LINK, but sold off 2k yesterday to buy some LTC because I need NEET money for later this summer. Wondering if I should sell of another 1.4k LINK and go into something like HOT/ETH.

Attached: A0D4AB9F-9E4E-48C5-BECA-5D61327EE3E7.png (750x1334, 382K)

Other urls found in this thread:!/trade/0xb108c02a74e525ab0a59ccd3d208d2de4699a055-ETH

if you sell more linkies you might want to get some more ltc and maybe some btc

What is LTC going to before the happening this summer in your imagination?


Attached: Screenshot_20190531-213236_Robinhood.jpg (1080x1920, 264K)

Wtf is NAK?

>not accepting free money

Attached: Screenshot_20190601-004340.jpg (1075x1519, 145K)
>chainlink best project sirs
>Threshold signatures big revolution
>Link price based on the Vishnu not the cow or bear
>Do the needful and please buy sir

Loooool. Shill me on this free money


Mineral exploration company trying to get a mine past permitting in alaska.

If the mine passes stock price could easily quintuple or more.

i would totally kms had i invested more than $2094.72 in a meme cone. how do you sleep at night??!/trade/0xb108c02a74e525ab0a59ccd3d208d2de4699a055-ETH

>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX
No wonder you're poor

Swap all the stickies for FTM and you'll be comfy mid and long term

I’ve invested in 2 company’s doing the same shit. Both never got the license :(

fuck out of here with this copy pasta bullshit where's your samefag "THANkS I JUST mADe 2 BTC DOING THIS"

what? those are people arbing

I hope people are reporting this piece of shit. I knew it was a scam the second I saw it asking to connect to Metamask. Do not use this website and make sure to report this faggot every time he posts his bullshit. Fucking nigger.

>not knowing what fork delta is
>thinking fork delta is a scam

Why does it need access to Metamask, you conniving little nigger? Go ahead, try to explain. Also, why would you advertise an arbitrage opportunity? It makes zero sense. People like this fuck should be permanently banned but I doubt the dumbfuck mods give a shit.

It's a decentralised exchange (DEX) newfaggot.

>didn't answer either of my questions

Make sure to report these niggers for advertising, everyone.

be honest how new are you? topkek type forkdelta into google you dumb faggot

>samefagging to promote his scam

>unironically being this new
oh, user
google decentralised exchange
google forkdelta
google truechain

>he holds LINK

Attached: 1559279260303.jpg (867x901, 231K)

Fucking kek you’re never gunna make it

Please go back

nice bait. if not get out now before you lose it all