Fuck you Jow Forums

Fuck you Jow Forums
You told me to wait when everyone else fomod in and made a killing. Now the price is so high i don't even wanna buy anymore

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it's slowly dumping dummy

It’s only dumping before new ATH

>made a killing
I made 10%, that's far from a killing fren

As long as you’ve made something you shouldn’t complain

I was lucky to get out with a tiny gain and not a loss. I was desperately trying to buy in the first minute and bought at 260...then i had to panic till i got put at 270. No one made more than 2x. So far.

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I'll buy around 140 and layer it down as it dumps.

Why don't you listen?

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You motherfuckers said trading started on June 1st! Goddammit I missed out because I was watching deadwood


it's june 1st dumbass

June 1st UTC time

This. Allows me to cope.

It went 8x lmao

i made x7 like every other IEO buyer

It wasn't June 1st in freedom time when it started trading

>No one made more than 2x. So far.
ieo was 37 sats, it went 299 sats

people in the other thread bought 110 10 seconds after trading open

COPE more lmao

nobody bought for 110 sats. That was bots. A manual market buy made instantly struggled to get in before 200 sats

13k volume within 2 hours
Matic is like nothing

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20-30% was possible if you bought on the first minute on markets other than BTC, but I got too greedy and held and only got 13-15% profit.

Next time have some balls to put in more than .12 btc hahaha what a waste

He was clearly not talking about ieo price. And buying at 110 would have been a instant x2.75 for a split second. Still excellent

I didn't struggle.

Attached: comfy.jpg (871x52, 6K)

not my pic, from the fast thread from opening

got in at 114
feels good

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kek its his

I had other buy orders but unfortunately only the top one got triggered.

And you're right shoould have gone in with more. My only mistake

Most of bizfags bought top as always.Be patient, it will dump to 150 min, before the real pump

it's bullflaging on 1h chart though
good luck waiting for your dump

Not in california, I thought it was at 9 PM not am

there are literally 2 candles..

>t.clinically retarded

Looks like I'm not going to bed tonight

You stupid kid? It's dumping rn


good thing the CL final is on late tomorrow

How long does it usually take for a new coin to appear on Blockfolio?

Just went all in

>and the new generation of bagholders were born