Just met a nigger on the street who claimed his 70 year old mother owns $500,000 in BTC. Strangely enough I actually believe him.
How does that make you feel knowing some old black lady owns more BTC than you ever will?
Just met a nigger on the street who claimed his 70 year old mother owns $500,000 in BTC...
I am a billionaire and have a 7 inch penis
>more than me
try again
Did you ask where she lives?
42 wallaby way
Wow user I wish I could be like you.
t. Billionaire with 7 inch penis
Statistically, she stole it.
Statistically, 73.6% of statistics are made up.
>not befriending nig to kidnap and ransom him
Trust me user I thought about it.
Unfortunately I have a soul.
why does her
1) age
2) race
3) gender
have anything to do with this retarded story. OP, jump off a bridge. god damn you're worthless.
Every nog I talk to about crypto currency always said they cashed out at ATH but yet never have anything except nigger junk to show for it.
I am only a millionaire but I am 6.5’ and have a 9 inch penis. I am also only 27 and have a 10/10 trad girlfriend that I fuck in missionary style 3 times a day and have 5 superior aryan children (6th on it’s way) that are hyper intelligent and are already planning liberating the world from the Jews. They will and they will become beloved kings and queens who rule the Earth and will be remembered until the end of time.
So yea. I am kind of a chad. I only spend time on Jow Forums when my wife is making me food which is amazing as she was a world class cook
That's a big penis
My apologizes for offending you, is this better....?
>Person I met knows another person that has a lot of bitcoin.
your story sucks and you should feel bad
so another person owns more bitcoin than me? I kind of expected that yeah.
>I have a soul
I am a 10 ft Ultra Giga Chad Alpha from the far future with a 3 ft long and wide penis who conquered the universes long ago and ascended to Ubermensch status. All living beings are my seed's creation. My uber aryan wife is a part of my Holomatrix. Jews, niggers, lowlife trash are non existent in my world.