What happened to real videos about performance in C++, version management or how to write your own web server?
Why all this fancy stuff with music and gopros and whatever instagramfilter based?
What happened to real videos about performance in C++, version management or how to write your own web server?
Why all this fancy stuff with music and gopros and whatever instagramfilter based?
Other urls found in this thread:
>writes a shitty function in Javascript
>calls self engineer
The absolute state of programming these days.
Pathetic losers watching the "dream nerd gf"
Your really think they are going to show internal company code to the public? Also the videos with males like Techlead get way more views.
The real programmers are doing things that arent sexy, like systems programming, cybersecurity, embedded, robotics etc
JS, webstack, hipster shit like Ruby on Rails, is cringe SJW LGBTBBQ+ tranny bs
i need to cum
actually yes? github.com
All women are whores.
Why are programmers such good goi wagies? This is coming from a programmer myself.
These motherfuckers basically religiously worship tech companies, and consider being a cucked little cog in the machine of some massive corporation like Microsoft, Google, or Facebook to be the ultimate ideal in life.
Imagine having a skill set that enables you to build basically anything you want from the comfort of your home with every resource you could want free at your finger tips in a time where it has never been easier to be an internet-based entrepreneur, and you waste it waging away for a company slowly forming a part of the world tech oligopoly.
So what have you done with your programming skills? You must be a billionaire if it's so easy. The next Zuckerberg.
this is what i hate mostly in this field. engineer title has been taken so lightly that people who don't know jack shit about writing proper documentation gets it.
This user speaks the truth. Only got a job as an engineer for 4 months just to dump every check into LINK. Now I just build whatever the fuck I want to.
>videos about performance in C++
Unironically if you don't hear a Ranjeet when you start a C++ video then turn it off.
i unrionically quit my programming job cause I saw that its just a good goy slave job now. bunch of java coding monkeys doing the bidding of the project manager. I have worked as DevOPs engineer for 2 years and it sucked. Had to do all the heavy lifting and get paid like shit cause of the high tax rates here. Fuck this shit. I'm not gonna slave well then.
quit my job and on benifits for 9 months now.
dump all my benifits in crypto and in 2 or 3 years I bet i'll cash out more than if I had worked and saved like a good goy.
my friend who lift boxes of conveyer belts made as much as me. no degree no nothing. fuck programming, and fuck working in belgium.
>JS, webstack, hipster shit like Ruby on Rails, is cringe SJW LGBTBBQ+ tranny bs
also this
real software engineer does what engineer do. those that always keeps your hands and brain dirty with code plumbing and deep technical aspects of the system. also writes documentation.
That's a bingo
Based and high spirited post
From the people i've met that pulled those massive silicon valley salaries, they only do it to accrue capital quickly. They have no intent in working like that their entire lives.
Were you SRE or DevOps? Thought both were comfy cause of muh docker and da cloud and hurr durr jenkins
most actual innovators and brilliant minds in tech want to have their own business
Sex bots will fix this. NEVER let (((them))) legislate against it.
Yeah, the people I've met all wanted to have their own startups but wanted a good amount of money to support their venture first.
Don’t you think Js is basically all you need to build any application? I think it is a bit snobbish to look down on it so, considering you can build an application with the same business value as if you had spent 5x the time on a java app.
yea i dont hate JS im just saying there is a crowd of people whos experience is exclusively JS because of bootcamp/selftaught faggotry, which puts me into the camp of "JS code has the potential to be really really horribly written"
WTF @ that code formatting
Holy shit
all code has the potential to be horribly written. if you want to get mad at a language for shit code than PHP would be the more logical choice. shit on node about its retarded bloat if you want to go at JS
wrong board incel
"Programming" is brainlet tier now, that is why. Languages like Python can be learnt in a few weeks maximum by even a 90 IQ mong. So many libraries exist now which are just cut and paste memes most grunt work can be done by roasties and pajeets.
This comes from someone who used to code in C/C++ back in 2003 aged 13. I went down the finance route as a career instead of programming and so glad I did. Now I just position myself between VCs and software s.o.ybois and take massive commissions and bail before their pathetic shit tier app idea fails.