how do i fap less? i get horny all the time and cant help it, its not even porn. ive jacked it 10 times today alone
How do i fap less? i get horny all the time and cant help it, its not even porn. ive jacked it 10 times today alone
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Might be a medical condition.
>ive jacked it 10 times today alone
that is bullshit, i'm calling bullshit
i sometimes get hard immediately nut and can keep going, i've gone all the way to 21 one day
Get one of these and give the key to your mom.
/b/ misses you op
Start Praying the Rosary.
Wow. You be a good sex-toy tester.
didn't that one guy did 22 times in brazil and died
i dont want to do that
will this actually help or what
i sometimes get blisters and skin coming off, i still fap even though it hurts, just avoiding the area
Damn my max was 4x in 1 day
Yes. Pray the rosary once daily in routine and whenever you're tempted to masturbate.
Good idea if you want to get fucked by old men instead
i did this and it worked, except my wife has it not my mom
Same for me OP. I was able to minimize to 2 a day but i still obsessively hoard pornography out of habit. Best of luck buddy.
>The old bull and the young bull were standing at the top of the hill overlooking a paddock of many gorgeous young heifers. The young bull said, "Let's charge down the hill, knock over that fence and fuck one of those heifers each". The old bull wisely replied, "Why don't we saunter down the hill, open the gate, take a sip at the water trough and then fuck ALL of those heifers?"
think how long your penis has got to last you
pace yourself
Just try to reduce it to once a day and think how much better it will feel than 20 mini nuts
Then do every other day then every 3 days then once a week.
The trick is to always think about how much better it will feel later if you show discipline now
Really not that ridiculous. My record is in the low 20s.
Mate. That is absolutely fucking ridiculous.
Sure, that day was fairly insane. 10 is high but not unbelievable.
no he was doing it all day, day after day, and died of dehydration. My record is probably 11
>didn’t hydrate or take food/walk breaks
>took days to achieve 22
Wait until you try and go
Cold turkey. Withdrawals are going to rekt you.
i blew like 30 loads a day on a meth binge
>business and finance
t. Illiterate nigger.
Most holy family monastery is sedevacatistist.
Why would I do that? Downscaled to 2 a day instead of 5 on average, perfectly manageable. Only the porn addiction is a problem.
t. slobbing all over old men's knobs
get a girlfriend you retard
I wack it at least five times a day.
>getting a girlfriend makes you fap less
t. Incel or woman
Literally have sex
Having sex just made fapping better imo self inserting has never been better
kys. literally never tap again. problem solved
That's Vatican 2 retardo