About to try LSD for the first time, hit me up with some great things to do biz bros

About to try LSD for the first time, hit me up with some great things to do biz bros

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Listen to The Mars Volta dood

listen to Tipper

Do some lsd

I like to take walks in nature

Listen to good music and fap to big brappers

Waste your inheretance to link while high

trade bsv and read Craig's blog


it's going to fuck you up. the first time i did it i didn't realize i was taking a cosmological slap in the face when i was expecting a good time.

You took too much you big baby
LSD is max comfy bro don’t worry about it

If you have a femanon joining you, sex on acid is also great, but she needs her medication too user

Tycho is sick when tripping


Just relax and let it slowly drift you away. Don't fight it. When I first dropped it took an hour or so and all of a sudden something clicked and I was gone. Enjoy the ride. See you on the other side.

This sounds fuckin great fren

Don't be alone, be with friends.

>tfw when no gf
I'll just fap to big brappers

If you wanna get the hype listen to The Magical Mystery Tour or Sergeant Pepper.

I find mixes without words are the best for deep introspective thought on sid. Words kind of distract your consciousness away from introversion.

Different appeal, but I understand what you mean. Instrumental for serious trip, lyrical for fun.

Dont try to force it, go with the flow. It will show you whatever it wants

Do go outside if you weren't planning on it already, preferably in nature. If you're stuck in a city/suburbs, would definitely recommend a sizable local park

Bring water, a healthy snack, and some good music (+1 Tycho, very clean and excellent for an LSD trip)

Explore new possibilities. If there is a big problem you've been facing recently, you may see it differently, and possibly find a new solution

Lastly: trip with anticipation, not expectation

Mono versions, of course

get a notepad

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look at the btc chart while your sackin hard and let us know what you see

Don't make the mistake of smoking a joint at the same time. You could try listening to Dark Side of the Moon, I dunno if its cliche but whatever.

Of course.

- Mindset and setting is important.
- Don't do it for you have been having any major issues recently.
- Avoid interactions with anyone not on it with you.
- The first portion is intense but it will pass. You will cycle in and out of reality.
- You will likely lose sense of time, it can be worth writing on the back of your hand that you are on LSD and that it will end.
- Walks in nature are really good and can help distract you if things get intense - you need inputs, if you're just sitting in a room it can not be fun.
- The late stage of it is great, amazing for introspection.

Are /nightwalks/ ok fren? Like in a lit up park with a whole bunch of greenery and shit?

Transfer all your holdings to 1 exchange, let the lsd guide your trades

In b4 OP solves the oracle problem

Cliches exist for a reason. At least you can say you’ve experienced a classic trip experience if you go for Pink Floyd or The Beatles or Grateful Dead.

Do you live in a niggy area? Last thing you want is nighttime dindus around you when you are tripping.

As long as you plan ahead of time and don’t force anything.

>You will cycle in and out of reality.
Holy shit I'm even more anticipated, also got a whole playlist stacking up w/ Beatles, tycho etc

live in a comfy white/asian neighborhood

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trade digital assets on a chinese scam exchange for twelv ehours straight

Just remember that LSD is easymode and is the gentlest trip if you have a reasonable amount. If it ever turns south for any reason (doubtful) it’ll pass quickly. Think, make observations, enjoy yourself.

If the weather is nice and there's some nature where you live then go outside.
Drinking beers and smoking is also the bee's knees.
Listen to some good, chill tunes. Music in general is pretty important, something with a "positive vibe" is preferable.
All in all just try to relax and have a good time.

Watch Climax


Oh and you’re gonna trip for longer than you expect. Every first timer feels this way.

Oh and don’t take more if you don’t feel it right away, that’s the biggest rookie mistake and how you go on a spirit journey when you aren’t ready.

You are sure its real LSD right? if you bought some random shit chemical from some random dude it will fuck you up.

No, you're right. Doing something a lot of other people have done and wondering how they interpreted it leads you to a lot of interesting questions.

If you know it's safe - more importantly, if you feel safe - go ahead and go out for a bit.

But know that an LSD trip is 10-12 hours in total, the main part being the first 6-8

Personally I wouldn't want to be outside in the dark that long. But I might enjoy a nice stroll

This is important, you do have to check it for metallic taste. Research chemicals are fucked.

My first trip went like this:

>was about 21
>had entire house to myself cause parents went on vacation
>had some acid tabs leftover from a party that I bought
>friend came over cause he wanted to try it
>had some beers - not recommended but meh
>watched a movie, Youth in Revolt or something
>1 hour into it the the TV screen felt disjointed from my visual perspective, all the peripheral vision of the room around the TV melted away
>had really strong euphoria like MDMA type feeling in my body, felt absolutely warm and awesome, had dropped MDMA plenty of times before so recognised that feeling instantly
>room continued to melt away and movie was no longer merely in my visual perspective, I was now an intregal observer of the characters as if this was reality now. I was a fly on the wall rather than wathcing a recording I am a part of that scenario though not interacting with it
>eventually plotline became disjointed and I forgot who I was, now thoughts, words, colors and patterns just streamed through my consciousness without any active control
>my friend said something and it clicked me back into the room
>I was like, "I'm gonna go lay down"
>walked up the stairs to one of the bedrooms while graffiti patterns raced up the wall before me
>lay down under the cover, immediately my entire body from the head down was 100% numb
>light was off and instead of a dark room the entire walls were words, patterns, graffiti like images swirling around non-stop

Was fucking mental. My brain felt fucked the next morning

this is why i don't do acid anymore
ripped off as often as i was hooked up and that was over a decade ago

Yeah, or something like pinesol

But if you do taste that, the deed is basically done

I've had decent trips on 2C-I and 25I-NBOMe, but they are a bit different than LSD, slightly more intense, less peaceful-feeling

Thanks for sharing this experience user, made me put movie watching into the list. Also
>forgot who I was
How much did u take? That's intense

We both just took 1 tab each.

Before that I had tripped on 2cb, mescaline, salvia and had some semi-psychedelic experiences on MDMA + ketamine mixes.

Now I don't even drink, nearly a 29 year old boomer. But it is good to experience that at least once in your life so you aren't a permanent turbo-normie.

Jeez that’s pretty intense for one tab. I definitely don’t go that far to the moon on one.

Imagine a video game setting

Just remember that a tab can range a lot. Do you have any idea how many ugs it is?

'bout tree fiddy

100ug per tab, did some research and apparently around this range it gives u the full experience without seriously fucking you up

Haha but yeah around 180 is nice. First time I'd go lower, can be intense.

Take one.

We got it off some psychonaut friends not a random drug dealer so expected it to be pretty strong.

The thing that surprised me the most was the body high, I anticipated it to be entirely cerebral but the initial come up was like a MDMA level warmth and euphoria

Oh yeah, it reminds me of Molly physically. That’s why it’s so easymode. Euphoria + trip = good time. Not like shrooms

body high on lsd is actually my favorite part
makes me feel like a toasty marshmallow

I would recommend taking one and a half if you are feeling comfortable enough, 150ug is a great first time dosage to experience the full effects quite nicely without being overwhelming

This is great user, thanks for that.

And OP best way to enjoy a trip is to just go along with it, just accept whatever is going on inside or outside of yourself, you dont need to do anything really but music (Any form of art really) while tripping is so beautiful you cant put it into words.

if you do just 1 it wont be that powerful if it really is 100. Many times tab thats supposed to be 100 is just 50 or something. I would take atleast 200, for medium effects.

For a first timer? If it is dosed accurately at 100 it will be perfect. Big if, if it's actually dosed properly though.

watch a childbirth

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May your stack be cursed and your bags heavy.

Might as well take 200. It isnt that big of a deal. Better to take little more than be let down because didnt even get any visuals because of weak tabs

Take 4 tabs for the full experience of what you are, anything below is just playing around.

Once you get the message hang up the phone.

As far as setup is concerned - big anime asses and electonic music. Music becomes 10/10, fap 11/10. Don't go fucking outside unless you're safe in your own garden or live somewhere secluded, not only you can barely walk, but it's visible you're on something and it'll spare you getting arrested/stabbed. Also there's garbage, nogs and ugly concrete outside and that might give you a bad trip.

Do half, then after an hour another half if you want more, don't trust any sellers on the stated amount per blotter. 50 is enough anyway for a start.

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That seems too far along for 12 weeks

I had 170 first time and it was pretty overwhelming.

>go along with it, just accept whatever is going on inside or outside of yourself, you dont need to do anything really but music
100% this. Maybe go check out some trees if you can.


>Do half, then after an hour another half if you want more, don't trust any sellers on the stated amount per blotter. 50 is enough anyway for a start.
Absolute moron, why do you give advice when you have no idea what you are talking about? Not only is 50ug so low he would barely feel anything, but LSD tolerance develops rapidly, so if you redose in 30 minutes the second dose would just be wasted and you wouldn't feel it at all.

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No shit I am listening to it now after dropping 150mg of modafinil before getting into some coding for projects I am doing and it just kicked in and tunes are sublime.

Jelly of OP with his tabs.

raskolnikov is that you

LSD is nice but I prefer shrooms.
Acid is just a little too gurny and stimmed out for me, while I love the shamanistic introspection and strange sense of coming home you get on shrooms.

I'm going picking tomorrow :3

>poisoning your mind with CIA created drugs

What a normalfag lmao

>cia created
shoo shoo glowing negro

>find female person that trusts you
>drug and tie her up
>dress her up according to your fetish
>do as you please

Actually I think that one’s true, but they abandoned it when they found out it was a positive and not a negative

eat some sweet mango makes the trip pop. watch the wizard of oz Pink Floyd dub

You're prob going to do like 1/4 of a tab and get fuck all from it.

Take three tabs minimum, this is meant to be a profound experience.

look in the mirror

>go to female person that trusts you
>sneak in her bedroom and dress up in one random outfit
>surprise her and overcome her with force if she attempts to run away
>drug and tier her up
>double the dose
>make love to her

Are you retarded? The origin of LSD is well documented

Do this but in a dimly lit room

Type out your thoughts and save for later, you can get a lot of insight into your subconscious this way

>watch rape themed porn
>double the dose
>find park in night
>attack woman
>knock her out
>sex her

Watch Heavy Metal and Flash Gordon (1980).

They're absolutely fucking amazing on psychedelics.

You can add on Fantasia (1940). Another godamn stunner on psychedelics.

Holy fuck dude I was just listening to their 2003 live full set in London. Not even on any drugs but have been on a huge TMV binge for months. Hands down sickest band on the fucking planet.