Boomer thread

post boomer things you've seen online or in real life

>This guy is full of Nonsense. Bitcoin has real value? The value of a Bitcoin in my books is around $40.00. I program in 6 computer, webpage languages and have read several books on how Bitcoin works and still do not fully understand on how Bitcoins are 'mined'. Cryptocurrencies are based on open source software and some have a price very close to zero. How is it Bitcoin has a price of almost eight times that of one ounce of gold and is successfully competing against crypto coins with a cost of pennies? One answer is insane bubble speculation. Another answer could be price manipulation by organized crime? I am not a gold bug and hear me say don't drop gold for "fraudulent" Bitcoin.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>i dont get it. whats the point of buying btc. its too expensive. a whole bitcoin for (((x))) ? How can people afford that?


>only used by criminals to launder money

> hey user, can you help me out here quick? i can't see the mouse arrow on my computer screen anymore
> oh yea sure. you didn't plug in the mouse properly

>hey user can you correct the time on my phone i bought in 2002?

>how do I edit a pdf?

holy shit check this one out. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAH

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Boomer classic

>"I don't want to miss out on this bitcoin thing"
>my 67 yo dad December 17 2017, right before he bought btc and "effereums" almost precisely at ATH.

holy shit this

My mom and dad own properties worth in excess of millions but live the life Of Scrooge. Incredibly greedy and won’t spend a penny. I can’t even talk about inheritance with them as they get angry with me and tell me to focus on a job and get a mortgage.

my girlfriends dad died when she was 9 and her mother now basically is leaving nothing for her or her brother and sister and spends everything she gets going on holidays about 4 times a year lasting about 2-3 weeks each , her grandparents then are also millionaires and own property all over spain and other tourist locations and they're not leaving a cent towards my girlfriends family then too, boomers are the worst least thankful my parents thought about me and mortgaged a house that me my brother and sister can share

how do I though

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Better to take financial advice from an Afghani village plumbing consultation forum than it is to get it from CNBC

Fucking based.

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>talking about inheritance
Make something of your own life, boy. Then you might get your hands on the money your father earned

Reading zoomer posts on here have me thanking myself for getting a vasectomy
Id hate to have some ungrateful little bastards like that running around

>selling his overpriced 70yo cuck shack for nearly the price of a 120sqm brand new apartment

Oh boy...good thing I been/seen this shit many times.
>gf family leave nothing for her
Most likely she is cunt, either mom is still trying to get over husbands death or she is also just a bitch. Thing about grand parents is also little questionable. Ur gf and her mom must be real pain in the ass.
>parent left mortgage between siblings
This one can be good or bad. I seen many family break up over shit like this when payout comes.

Just live ur life, don’t bank on parents to bail your broke ass forever

Are you a literal boomer, or a boomer in spirit?

my german boomer dad three months ago on his birthday in a restaurant with the entire family:
>heh, user, well that cryptothing didnt work out for ya
>well, at least it taught you something: dont think you are more clever than your parents
>i told you not to invest in internet money, its just not real money and if the computers shut down you lose it all
>you should have put your money into your bank account like your mother and i did for the last decades
>kids these days just dont know how to invest

half an our later:
>oh, your mother and I lost 2000€ yesterday at the casino but its okay
>we go to the casino every friday now
>roulette is a bit risky, but its a much better investment than crypto or even stocks

jesus, if only they would ever shut up. boomers are dunning kruger on two legs.
thinking roulette is a form of investment and crypto is just digital money that disappears during a power outage

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fuck this gay earth im going to become a fucking tradie wagie boomer fuck

No I just been thru a lot. Started from poor family to middle class. Been working 15hour average a day for 12years. Currently running few business.

rest in peace, dad

neighbor lawn
status : dominated

>I program in 6 computer, webpage languages


why do boomers love ellipses so much?

15 hour, so like 6am to 9pm

There is nothing more hilarious than reading the greatest boomer finance and investing forum's discussion on Bitcoin from 2011 to 2019. Here it is summed up in 1 thread.

> A ponzi scheme for internet libertarians or a way for criminals to launder money. Or both. - June 2011

> Bitcoins remind me of beanie babies -- cute collectables that people buy in hopes of selling for a profit. But these beanie babies are digital. - June 2011

> It’s the 2011 version of The Holland Tulip Mania. - June 2011

> It looks like the exchange rate is around 8 USD ......So down around 50% since the thread was started. - June 2011

> Another great blast from the past...If everyone who posted in this thread had been able to keep an open mind, they all could have been early adopters. - December 2013

> All is not lost. There are still Namecoins, Litecoins, PPcoins, all of which are considered as major cryptocurrencies by the founders of Bitcoins. Then, there are the new comers: Terracoin, Liquidcoin, Phenixcoin; the list goes on and on and there are more every day.....The argument that these are all next to worthless now doesn't hold; Bitcoins were next to worthless when they came out as well. - December 2013

> "Bitcoin at $8 was a tulip. Now $5150"--->Imagine if someone bought $100 worth when this thread started.....Yes, hindsight is 20/20. - October 2017

> "It's at the beginning of a new uptrend cycle which will likely peak in 2021" ---> Apparently, at least one poster knows the future. I'm truly interested in hearing more about this! - May 2019

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I pronounce Etherium like that. Use proper English burger.


>I am Satoshi

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