Attached: craigwins69.jpg (1024x768, 511K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck?

kleiman is satoshi, craig murdered him and stole his btc and now larps as satoshi


BTC is over. crypto is done. sell ASAP. it's going 0 in a matter seconds.

Yo, wtf?


Attached: 1529817203325.jpg (250x249, 9K)

Full story?

i just called up craig to admit. i could feel he's fighting his tears. his creation, his masterpiece. it's over. he said there's nothing he can do now.

pajeets are so fucking mad that they are priced out of BTC, my sides

You're fucking kidding me. Fucking Craig. fuck

he said he will find the people responsible for this. later. but can't stop shit from hitting the fan. his revenge will take place in the post-crypto world.

Fuck this. I'm buying BSV. Craig's gonna win in the end.

not the hero we deserve
we will never be worthy to deserve even a tiny fraction of your majesty, craig
but you are the hero we need. we need you more than ever.
as our wealth disappears in front of our eyes, as everything we believed in suddenly stops making sense, as it all falls apart, there's only one thing we can beg for

avange us, Craig.

Attached: 0__pDiVfN25DNmX6zX.jpg (1139x341, 38K)

I can't fucking BELIEVE THIS





Attached: 1542833339584.jpg (500x400, 99K)

What a fucking dick.

So what do we do? What can we do?

Kill ourselves or buy SV. So I guess I'm killing myself. See ya biz.

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I really hope that is you O1G

Son. of. A. BITCH.

It's all a scam!

Attached: 1520565104527.png (400x416, 163K)

I had an order at 250. Thanks sirs.

You can easily verify any of these claims:
Is there one/multiple
1) Multi Sig Address
2) is time locked till exactly 01.01.2020
3) add up to >1Mil BTC.

Yes? ok its serious.
No? case closed.

Can someone scan/look-up the BTC blockchain for such addresses?

I knew it was a possibly bsv will beat btc

Thanks be to heaven we know who
winner is!


Soooo no one's going to point out that he said "trusts"?

If this is all true I can't wait to buy BTC for literal dollars


So that’s why the price dumped on Kraken. IMAGINE STILL HOLDING BTC KEK. Thank god I sold at 9k and went all in on BSV.

I didn't realise this before. So the dump may start before 2020?

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ATO basterd bich!


gj op

Get fucked lol

This is why I browse biz. These rare power of autism threads.

See you in 2022, this will not age well
Screenshot this

You can do this with any pair, if the buy wall is thin, once you break it you can drop it to zero, but it’s a very retarded way to sell since it will bounce immediately back and will make many people with crazy low buy order very happy and it will decrease the profit you will make while selling it. Usually these kind of things are done OTC to avoid wasting money for no reasons and to avoid spikes (unless you are a nigger CEO which will profit out of it for a crazy fast liquidation spike)

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Brainlet here can I get a QRD?


what the fuck are those autistic BSV shill fucking nonsense threads you fucking mongoloids?

They both are Satoshi you fuck. When he died, Craig stole all of the bitcoins they had mined TOGETHER.

Either that or Craig and Kelimen were just very, very early miners, and while they didn't directly invent (still worked on the project) they have mined over millions of BTC (Enough to crash it)

nothing happened just craig embarrassed himself badly.

they are autistic shill threads made by mongoloids
use filters!

nLockTime was introduced in 2015 tho

Guys, guys listen!
I'm Satoshi!
I swear!
I'm Satoshi Nakamoto creator of Bit Coin.
I don't care if you don't belive me.
But listen I'm Satoshi. If you don't belive me you gonna be so sorry!
I will bankrupt you!
Because I'm Satoshi.
And Bit Coin is turing complete... Yes it is. I'm not gonna prove it you just have to take my word on it!
I made Bit Coin. You will fucking listen to what I say!
I will not prove it because I don't owe you anything!
I don't care if you don't belive me!
Honest to God! I don't give a flying fuck.
But listen here! I'm Satoshi Nakamoto. Do you understand motherfucker.
I will bankrupt you if you don't listen to me!
But I'm not gonna prove shit because I don't care if you belive me or not...
I made Bit Coin it's mine! My intellectual property and you may only use it the way i see fit!
If you try other forks I will bankrupt you motherfucker!
I'm Satoshi. I can't prove it but I am.
Satoshi Nakamoto motherfucker!
That's me.
Don't belive me! See if I care!
You will be so sorry.
Sanjay's Vindaloo is the real Bit Coin!
The original.
We introduced new opcodes that make no sense.
I can do that because I'm Satoshi!
No I will not prove it!
No I will not sign.
Fuck off!
I don't owe you anything!
I'm Satoshi!
I don't care if you don't believe me!
I'm Satoshi! Motherfucker!
You buy, you hodl, anything at all, I will bloody bankrupt you!
I don't give a fuck!
You don't have to believe me!
I'm Satoshi I don't have to give a fuck!
I don't care about you incels!
I swear I don't. I really really truly don't care.
I'm Satoshi! Do you understand motherfucker?
Have a Nice Life!

if craig was normal he would never publicly tell he's satoshi with no real proofs

so that pretty much proves a mental illness, because even if he has money to get doing this, it's not normal to accept being humiliated for money, something's not normal

Thx OP bought 100k BSV cat hiss at penis

This, or he'd log into satoshi's account on bitcointalk and post something. To say that he forever lost his login to satoshi is in bitcointalk is laughable.

neither are because satoshi is not a group
kleiman is a master of FORENSICS guy
he is not a C++ cryptography expert.
The guy that is actually knowledgeable about the subject is Hal, that's why he helped satoshi in the early stages

Attached: sn3.png (581x317, 14K)

also, there is someone who KNEW Hal Finney way before all this
To quote a post from Hal himself on bitcointalk:
"what does the S stand for...?"

Attached: sn2.png (814x274, 17K)

i guess btc didnt get your memo fag


Keilman and Craig aren't thanked there...

Regardless, even if Craig isn't satoshi he stole Keilman's BTC that they were supposed to split. When he died Craig took it all to himself as per court documents from Keilman's brother.

Craig probably has well over 1 million BTC and is capable of crashing the market regardless of if he is Satoshi or not.

If Craig is successful in tanking BTC and having his coin, SV rise. It really won't matter who is satoshi at that point if all the infunstructure switches to SV

For the record, I think Craig is correct in his reasoning that Bitcoin is unlikely to survive against regulators.

>Craig probably has well over 1 million BTC
he had less than 50k total not even close to that now

oh and what he has left is not in a trust but stuck at mtgox kek