This is literally the best board on this site.
I love you guys. We all gonna make it.
Chainlink 1k eoy
This is literally the best board on this site
Other urls found in this thread:
biz is p comfy, my top 3 are /mu/ Jow Forums and Jow Forums
I like /mu/ they have given me great tunes.
I haven't really browsed Jow Forums I'm afraid I'm too much of a brainlet.
The best boards are /out/, /ck/, and Jow Forums imo
Biz can be a little full of racism, hatred, ignorance and stupidity but it is still light years better than boards like /b/, Jow Forums, and Jow Forums.
Jow Forums convinced me to sell my overpriced mac and install linux on my toaster junker pc, gained $900 and am now really diving into linux. was a pretty good rec imo
Jow Forums is all brainlets now. biz is comfiest board
What's wrong with racism? It is literally just noticing patterns of what races do.
You're on the wrong site if you don't like racism my nigger.
Is linux hard to get with? I have always been interested but I assumed it was for galaxy brains
Daily reminder that we are early buyers into the fourth industrial revolution
you can dl a ubuntu iso onto a thumb drive, partition your hard drive, and boot into an ezmode linux install if you wanna just attempt it
Iffy bait
>not full of racists
check out ubuntu, you won't even need to open the console once (but it's part of the fun)
anyone who is on Jow Forums but not Jow Forums simply does not deserve their wealth
nah, just use Kubuntu. (dont go for ubuntu, gnome is shit! kde is mandatory)
we the best
/b is a fucking shithole
I browse Jow Forums but the sticky is usually the best thread there. Fot the most part its just roiders and manlets making fun of manlets and dyels.
correct. /b/ will only fill your brain with filth
For me, Jow Forums feels the most like old school /b/ from 10+ years ago.
Fuck I've been on this site for way too long.
Tell us a story about the good ole days Mr Oldfag-sama
Bro, how old are you?
I browsed Jow Forums around 2012-2014. It was a great place back then, but it sort of started going to shit after gooby left. It is probably the board that did the most good for my life though. I remember being in high school weight room repping 405 squats and a crowd forming cheering for me. That's like my best memory from school. I miss being stronk but driving to the gym is a pain in the ass
It wasn't nearly as toxic as today. I remember the efg posts, zune-chan posts. Back when the trollface memes and FFFFUUUUUUUU memes where still fresh and haven't seeped into normie culture. It was comfy and fun. At least that's how I remember it.
This. The memes are top notch.
27, was around /b/ when I was around 14 to 18. Took a break and around 21 to 24 was mostly around Jow Forums. Since 25 mostly Jow Forums.
>Jow Forums feels the most like old school /b/ from 10+ years ago
Said absolutely nobody. This board's memes are forced and cringey for the most part. Don't lie you haven't been here for longer than 3 years.
>t. Jow Forumsentleman since 2007
Jow Forums is my favourite as well, just the right amount of linky posting and antisemitism.
Jow Forums is too retarded and there are too many newright zioshills on there since a few years
Jow Forums is the opposite of pol, only populated by selfhating commies who are unironically into cuckoldry, probably the most cancerous board
Jow Forums is just sad and has a massive crab mentality attached to it
Jow Forums is mostly autistic loli loving arch users and consumerist apple addicts on the other side
but got a few good programs shilled on Jow Forums like SumatraPDF, malwarebytes, everything and Cryptomator
/ck/ and /out/ are comfy as well
/ck/ got me into baking my own pizza 14 months ago and i refined my skills so much that my pizza unironically tastes better than anything i can buy elsewhere, i make pizza every third day or so now
oh, and /mu/ turned me into a Dubu worshipper
Thanks oldfag-sama, I hope you make it and have big gains.
Whatever dude, believe me or not I really couldn't care less.
you guys are gonna make it
Holy shit, this is literally my path as well, except I'm 30yo boomer now.
Jow Forums + /x/
Sometimes I wonder if Jow Forums was actually more fun before the catalog. Being at the top of the board meant that the majority of the users would gather in those threads, and it made a good thread feel like a party. Generals didn't exist because they didn't make sense with the format.
Thanks fren.
biz and ck are the only boards i can stand to use. everything else is childchan in 2019.
/x/ is spoopy tho. I went there once and got scared.
where to find quality pizza making tut
>Biz can be a little full of racism, hatred, ignorance
True. If there’s just two things I hate on any board it’s:
1. Racists
2. Niggers
thats /tv/ tho my dude
but this is 2nd
Jow Forums IS Jow Forums dingleberry
>This is literally the best board
You have shit taste and a dangerously low IQ.
What's your preference friend
Personally I think I think the otaku boards have the best standards of quality. But it seems like Jow Forums is populated more by the /b/ and Jow Forums type of Jow Forums user.
Jow Forums is my favourite but I also enjoy the bantz on /sp/ and I also browse /v/. I only go on Jow Forums for major happenings.
MacOS is UNIX which is basically LINUX. You done goofed.
I don't know. I've been here 15 years and it doesn't feel like home anymore. All of the boards have gotten really bad. I agree with what the one user said about Jow Forums feeling like Classic /b/ but not as much today as it did in 2017. Now it's hard to spend too much time here. All the boards are shittier versions of what they used to be with cross posters posting about jews and incels.
The less active a board is, the better it is and the more quality are the posters and posts.
Prove me wrong.
holy fuck, none of you faggots own guns, wow
the only board worth visiting on this site is Jow Forums. Jow Forums is so far behind even Jow Forums its not even funny.
so comfy with my stinky linky.
My Jow Forums journey:
/a/ throughout high school from 13-18
Jow Forums from 18-20
Quit Jow Forums from 20-25
Discovered Jow Forums in 2017 and now occasionally shitpost here.
everything on this board is fucking retarded i'm convinced you all just lose money
Based. I wish I got into /a/ when I was younger. I missed all the good times, didn't start watching anime until after I graduated high school.
It's still a good board though. They recently did a redraw of the Azumanga Diaoh OP that turned out amazing. Not many boards can actually collaborate on something like that.
/bizfitlit/ reporting in
financial, physical, and mental gains
Yea I have fond memories of /a/. I remember watching Code Geass every week with the board as the episodes came out. Every episode has major twists so the discussions and memes were glorious.
Speak for yourself. Biz made me a couple hundred thousand dollars so far
on what and how much did you start with
Roughly 2-3 thousand to start. Multiple coins have made me disgusting amounts of money. Also lost disgusting amounts of money on coins
biz + x
Anybody else Jow Forumsk/pol/biz/?
based. hello brother
have sex.
who wants toast?
His is definitely the thinking man's pol
Fuck jannies
biz, ck, g, mu
lmao jannies deleted my have sex post, probably triggered some jannie incel
shit ye cunt
Jow Forums is actually useful and I get early crypto tips from here; by the time you hear about a shitcoin in the media it's over. The interest boards like /a/ and /v/ are hive minds where you either like what everyone else likes or don't; if you don't you'll end up arguing against the entire board. If I'd been on Jow Forums two years ago instead of fucking around with anime and vidya I'd be rich by now.
Getting Jow Forums doesn't require any sort of obscure information. The last time I had six pack abs and was in the best health of my life I had never even visited Jow Forums.
kek underrated
Those are my only boards too. I wish /mu/ would talk instruments too. I'm a bit of a synth head.
Looking back at the old screen caps from 2007+ it seems like this place has changed so much. It’s weird thinking about how I’ve spent 12 years here.
Ever since I came to Jow Forums boards like Jow Forums seem low IQ and shortsighted. The final redpill is to become the jew and exploit everyone around you that you don't directly interact with on a daily basis unless they're white
Fuck you.
Shut it, Nigger faggot.