/smg/ - Stock Market General

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As for all the Tesla bullshit - this is an interesting article running contrary to all the MSM panic about TSLA becoming a shitty stock. It is biased in favor of Tesla, but still worth checking out.


its all going to crash to hell. deutche bank will trigger the fall of the house of cards.

And thats a good thing

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Anyone here a buyer of self-issued bonds? :)

go ahead and buy TSLA then and see what happens

Chinese government is going to publish a whitepaper on their stance on the China-America trade talk at the time of:
Beijing time tomorrow morning 10am
Central European Summer time upcoming midnight 4am
UTC time upcoming midnight 2am
USA Eastern Summer time tonight 10pm
USA Pacific Summer time tonight 7pm

Is random walk down wallstreet actually good for learning about stocks? If not then any recommendations?

anything related to selfdriving cars. the hype is over now and i want to know what's the current status

random walk basically says that you should put everything in an ETF and never pick stocks. he also claims that technical analysis is useless

of course this is patently false because the largest hedge funds in the world use technical analysis to make billions a year. that being said, an average investor is better off just DCAing into SPY their entire life

And China government have officially started investigating Fedex, who admitted that they have erroneously sent some Huawei documents to the United States.
Chinese media cited "professional" opinion, claimed that according to document leaked together with the PRISM, American government would intercept packages and sabotage them and embed secret software into those packages, so they suspect Fedex is acting on behalf of American government's order.
In my opinion, if Chinese government officially reached similar conclusion, then in the worst case scenario Fedex could be expulsed from the Chinese market.

Just short everything every day, with leverage. Like a mini Soros. You'll get lucky eventually and get to feel so, so smug.

If you want books that encpurage you to pick stocks, you might like Peter Lynch's books.

>imagine holding equities
just imagine

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why does Trump have unliateral authority over these trade matters
shouldn't congress be able to stop him from doing this

Still a lot of refining to do. Hell it wasn't long ago some fool got ran over by one. Watch, more people will get ran over and that'll end the self driving fad

R u retarded?

Fedex delivers internally in China, or just picks up packages at the ports?

Congress has been neutered over time.
One of the main reasons is the size of the federal bureaucracy has grown, and the whole bureaucracy is under the president.
Congress and the justice department are sidecars, they are just accessories at this point.
So the president (and bureaucrats under him) can do all kinds of day-to-day policy things but congress can't react that quickly (and the courts can't react quickly).

The only solution in the long term is to streamline our federal government by offloading responsibilities to the states. The federal government should only be doing defense and international relations, which is what Trump is doing now (not necessarily well, but still). We can go back to fewer presidential 'emergency' powers and more congressional input to matters of foreign intervention.
You're very young so you might not know this, but there were times not too long ago where we couldn't bomb other countries or deploy troops without the approval of congress. But once you give a president certain powers, they all use them. Obama and HRC didn't complain when they got to use drone strikes and special forces...

Matters like abortion, welfare, and so on should be handled at the state level, because the federal government CAN'T do everything. The trend the past few decades has been towards the federal government, and especially the executive branch, being the whole government. Health care, education, EVERYTHING. This has especially been spearheaded by Democratic presidents, but they are all unwilling to give up power.

I blame Lyndon Johnson

Positive thing about all this Trade/Tariff bullshit is Cheapies Galore for those who've got the cash to blow. I don't think it could get any worse cause hell the only other trading partners we got is Japan and Canada. Least those are the biggest ones anyway. We just made nice with the middle east (Oil) so things should be ok on that side.

Things went to shit after 9/11. Bush used a tragic event as a tool to change so much shit it's just unreal.

you can blame theme all, but the real issues go back to certain wartime powers taken by the federal governments during the Civil War, WWI, the Great Depression, and WWII especially.

Certain powers were OK to take, most were not okay to take permanently, most should not even have been taken temporarily.

It isn't efficient, stable, or sensible that every four years we have 'whole-government-whiplash' between different policies.

We need a true leader to elucidate the proper structure of government. Every four years a bunch of fools stand up to say 'elect me, I'll chose the correct policies!'. But no one thinks that hey, maybe we need to dramatically change the structure of our government to something that can actually function. It's gotten to big, any kind of representation of a voter between a binary choice for a government that does everything is impossible.

you're a zoomer so not only can you not comprehend things before 9/11, you're not taught anything about history besides spending months on the holocaust every year.
The long term expansion of federal powers was underway long, long before GWB. By the time of Bush it was already a massive bureaucracy. He added 'no child left behind', DHS, and beefed up all the security agencies. Obama entangled the federal government in healthcare even more, and did a bunch of other big government stuff.
But most of the huge apparatus that we have today, by dollars spent or number of government workers, existed before that.

Can't deposit funds from my bank to my Interactive Brokers account. Anyone had this problem?

>TFW SQQQ's biggest holding is Deutsche bank index swaps


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This IS the fucking problem. Daily order need to be going up every quarter. Teslas price is based on crazy growth, it’s the ONLY reason its been allowed to much debt. Tesla needs growth not consistent sales. This article just makes meore bearish on Teslas.

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>Tesla needs growth not consistent sales
I'd argue they need both, eventually, to be sustainable

Every president after Andrew Jackson(or before) was a little bitch

>Ignoring my main man Polk

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If they just had consistent sales now they would go bankrupt, all this panic is 1 quarter actually lost customers and growth for the past 4 has been almost nonr. All the calculations don’t account for slumps in growth because EVERYTHING about their liabilities is based on the assumed skyrocketing growth/revenue. That shit isn’t happening and it’s becoming evident. The future value of tesla looks like bankruptcy now, not a futurisic electric car company taking over the market. The price changes a lot when people think you’ll go out of business vs take over a market, pedantic stuff

God I hope I get that pay bump at work. Be able to save 10k a year easy with money left over to invest on top of it.

Business idea

Elon Musk but instead of head of Space-X

head of Department of Defense

Boeing would be pissed (thats their job now, literally). They are almost the only competition SpaceX has

Bing crashed their hot shit plane one too many times, sucks for them.

Good. Maybe I'll be able to afford a house then.

Based, best president

James K. Polk = best president
Lyndon Johnson = worst president

nothing will change these hot opinions

i have 15k left in shares :(

I agree, but it's marginally going up every quarter, and Q2 it's up by a good amount. The whole point was that Q1 is supposedly an anomaly. I guess we gotta see what Q3 average daily rate will be - it'll be a catalyst.

Last good American President was George III of the United Kingdom, and that's a fact.

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Nah dude. America is back to square one with Canada. USMCA can’t be signed without Mexico and Mexico ain’t going to sign with the new tariffs because they violate NAFTA and the USMCA.

Worst would have to be T Roosevelt imo. Supported big business (especially JP Morgan) with regulations crippling small competitors, started the Bureau of Corporations - precursor to the FTC. Pretty much the poster boy of the corporatist state.

all governments are tyranny you commie fuck faces. presidents must hang like all other bureaucrats.

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Mises wasn't anti-State. He believed there was possibility of liberal-yet-limited state. Frankly, he was wrong as evidenced by the massive growth of governments in the West ever since monarchies and gold was dethroned. Monarchies were in feedback connection with populace lot more than modern state, and gold as currency was one of the main aspects keeping government growth in check (actually Mises' argument in one book)

Does the stock market follow the president, or does the president follow the stock market?

Everything seems to happen at convenient times.

>Market is massively dipping, a bounce is expected to occur
>Market starts to recover
>Market reaches previous high, forming a double top where it's expected to encounter resistance and dip again
>market does what it's expected to do at a resistance point, dip.


weekend make me want to play with queercoins

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Is that good or bad for sqqq? I'm sorry I have an IQ less than room temperature

i doubt that. the ones running over people get out of business, the ones succeeding will take the whole market.

> The nationalists are fighting the gold standard because they want to sever their countries from the world market and to establish national autarky as far as possible
> Interventionist governments and pressure groups are fighting the gold standard because they consider it the most serious obstacle to their endeavors to manipulate prices and wage rates

> But the most fanatical attacks against gold are made by those intent upon credit expansion.
> With them, credit expansion is the panacea for all economic ills
> It could lower or even entirely abolish interest rates, raise wages and prices for the benefit of all except the parasitic capitalists and the exploiting employers, free the state from the necessity of balancing its budget, in short, make all decent people prosperous and happy
> Only the gold standard, that devilish contrivance of the wicked and stupid "orthodox" economists, prevents mankind from attaining everlasting prosperity

> The purchasing power of gold is not stable
> But the very notions of stability and unchangeability of purchasing power are absurd
> In a living and changing world there cannot be any such thing as stability of purchasing power
> In the imaginary construction of an evenly rotating economy there is no room left for a medium of exchange
> It is an essential feature of money that its purchasing power is changing

> In fact, the adversaries of the gold standard do not want to make money's purchasing power stable.
> They want rather to give to the governments the power to manipulate purchasing power without being hindered by an "external" factor, namely, the money relation of the gold standard

> The main objection raised against the gold standard is that it makes operative in the determination of prices a factor that no government can control, the vicissitudes of gold production.
> Thus an "external/automatic" force restrains a national government's power to make its subjects as prosperous as it would like to make them

> The international capitalists dictate and the nation's sovereignty becomes a sham.

> If the interventionist government wants to remedy the shortcomings of its first interferences by going further and further, it finally converts its country's economic system into socialism of the German pattern.
> Then it abolishes the domestic market altogether, and with it money and all monetary problems, even though it may retain some of the terms and labels of the market economy.
> In both cases it is not the gold standard that frustrates the good intentions of the benevolent authority.

> The significance of the fact that the gold standard makes the increase in the supply of gold depend upon the profitability of producing gold is, of course, that it limits the government's power to resort to inflation.
> The gold standard makes the determination of money's purchasing power independent of the changing ambitions and doctrines of political parties and pressure groups.
> This is not a defect of the gold standard; it is its main excellence.
> Every method of manipulating purchasing power is by necessity arbitrary
> All methods recommended for the discovery of an allegedly objective and "scientific" yardstick for monetary manipulation are based on the illusion that changes in purchasing power can be "measured."
> The gold standard removes the determination of cash-induced changes in purchasing power from the political arena
> Its general acceptance requires the acknowledgment of the truth that one cannot make all people richer by printing money
> The abhorrence of the gold standard is inspired by the superstition that omnipotent governments can create wealth out of little scraps of paper


yeah, but that's borg-mises and frankly he was right because he predicted massive growth of governments and us slowly sleep walking into anti-individualistic pseudo-capitalist socialism where the entrepreneur and property owners are mere managers for the collectivist bureaucracy that has built itself up from promising revenge against successful to the envious chimps in the voting booths. also something about gold.

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Chart of the week: An orderly vix rise. The upper diagonal grey line is less reliable in an uptrend as a bound, but it's forming nicely so I put it.

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For comparison, a fairly steep drop pattern in the s&p over the same timeframe.

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> Libertarian flag in picture.
Look to United States and how easily they gave up their rights whenever chance for it was offered, the single worst offender possibly being how short time the Articles of Confederation lasted. It was the time of limited (federal government) that they so cherish and masturbate over, and the fucks just gave it away. Why? Because the Framers were crying how the country was going to shit (because the federal government wasn't powerful enough).


is that a wagecuck term?

what do you call periods when the market is closed for longer than 20 hours?

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Guys I’m scared of these trade wars. Should I seriously pull out of equities and cut my losses?

yes, you're right: the mob hates liberty. doesn't mean it's an idea worth fighting for.

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i'm going cash and bonds for the next few months. There's literally no good possible outcome at this point. Starting a fight with Mexico made sure China has no reason to not play hard ball

red pill me on bonds.

If I go into bonds, don't I have to hold the money in that bond until they mature? Or can I just hold the bond then sell it whenever.

If its negative yielding cetnral bank will just buy it from you before it matures, its that fucking easy in this stupid fucking market

I should say bond ETFs/mutual funds. Short term bonds seem to have pretty shit interest rates and you can get 2.45% in savings accounts now (like at CIT Bank). In my work 401k the money needs to go to a fund so I'm moving that money to their bond fund since I don't want to get dabbed on holding company stock or sp500

Interestingly enough I learned if you live in certain states and buy their state municipal bonds, your dividends are tax free. That might be worthwhile if you are in a high tax bracket and make a lot of money

I like this guy's explanation videos

Need citation

>Matters like abortion

Yeah, no. Delegating individual rights to the states is a bad idea.

Gradually like the pros

Guise the thing that makes America great is Rights. Abortion rights, gun rights, speech rights. True patriots will never give ground to idle mobs in some backwater state that, for the inflamed feelings of a moment, conspire to unravel progress. State's rights is a code word for chaos.

lmao I wish America had mob rule, if you replaced the entire US congress with the first 500 names in the phone book we'd be far better off.

I have slowly come to the terrible revelation that none of you know what the fuck you are doing. I have a Master's in Accountancy with a Minor in Finance. I work for a fortune 100 as a corporate accountant with a CMA and CPA. I used to have some faith in user. None of you know how to actually value a company. You have no fucking clue how taxes work. You can't read financial statements. For fuck's sake you think TA works and the entire field of decision science churns out dissertations every other day highlighting their absolute dismay at the fact that brainlets ever consider using it. You have no idea what Dunning-Kruger is. You don't know what survivorship bias is. You are too fucking uneducated and stupid to comprehend how fucked you are.

Idk why I'm even posting this, fucking goodluck kids.

Smart user.

You can buy physical bonds, as I did with tenesse valley authority bonds (which are doing really well right now), or you can buy ETF and mutual fund versions which are more liquid but you're liable for the "principal" decreasing.

We are literally a republic

Also, daily reminder that it's basically all ogre at this point.


>The United States began collecting higher, 25% tariffs on many Chinese goods arriving in U.S. seaports on Saturday morning in an intensification of the trade war between the world’s two largest economies and drawing retaliation from Beijing.
The shock of these tariffs alone could have been sufficient to blow up the economy, combined with struggling agriculture and the new Mexico tariffs, prepare to see shit hit the fan at the end of this production cycle.

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you're replying to a post with an image of emilia plater you peasant.

He said not knowing that A.Aaronson is a big gossip.

Republic ended when Articles of Confederation were overruled. Imagine yourself explaining to then-libertarians that supported articles of confederation or framers of constitution to what an extent commerce clause would be used by federal government. It doesn't exist anymore, and it only existed for brief few years.

It means SQQQ is going to moon. Hard.

have sex

>1 post by this ID

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Is NVDA a good buy right now?

you are lucky its low traffic time


but yes, random walk is good (you shouldnty do anything with stocks if you arnt very competent and familiar with statistics and probability in my opinion )

id call a random walk a must reed if you dont know where the term "random walk" comes from (its math)

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> (you shouldnty do anything with stocks if you arnt very competent and familiar with statistics and probability in my opinion )

Have you argued against Taleb in a heated Twitter exchange and won?

depends. how long do you plan on holding?

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* now with an improved image.

What is his fucking issue?

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Based fedex. Fuck china.

Teddy was GOAT president, and he could kick every ass in this thread

he was drinking whiskey and smoking cigars since the age of 4 because of doctors orders (unironically whiskey and cigars was the medical treatment for children with asthma at the time)

we need to bring back the Bull Moose party for 2020

I dont even know who that is (since I'm assuming you dont mean the saudi student in my advanced fluids class)

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> preaches stock, probability and statistics
> doesn't know the King Sperg of everything stocks, probability & statistics.

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That looks bad

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>I think it was a long step forward in my trading education when I realized at last that when old Mr. Partridge kept on telling other customers, “Well, you know this is a bull market!” he really meant to tell them that the big money was not in the individual fluctuations but in the main movements that is, not in reading the tape but in sizing up the entire market and its trend.

Guys. What would happen if China bans fed ex from Chinese airspace?


>mathematics is the study of people
unless his last name is Kramer or Bayes, or he is one of the many Simpson's or a Leibniz, I dont really care what some trendy guy on youtube is telling you to do

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More times me read this book more me think it fake >_>

Would you recommend buying Apple stocks? It's not like the US government would let it go down, right?

it looks bad. things could turn sour (or not). either way there will be a few weeks of heightened volatility that might make holding on to a stock a little harder than usual until a firm trend is established, but in the long run the stock market tends to always go up and since the movement of a stock is 40% market, 20% sector, let me use a quote:

"I never buy at the bottom and I always sell too soon." ~ Baron Nathan

He wrote the quant book "The Black Swan". His big thing is risk management... You've never heard of him?

how come?

Dubs confirm the truth of this statement

You are a faggot, i'm an accountant, and im not the only one who's been in these threads, you can lick my MBA balls sucker.

>You have no idea what Dunning-Kruger is.
>For fuck's sake you think TA works

is this some kind of bait?

>acts like he knows statistics and math
>pic related blocks his brainlet path

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it's pasta user