Satoshi Bloomberg interview

will be aired on monday. STIFF STIFF nigga

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where do you have the screenshot from user?

Based. Satoshi coming out of the shadow an setting things straight. Just what the crypto scam space need

No one likes hearing from Australians and their disgusting retarded accents lmao it probably won't air

probably works there

hate to say it....just did 2h of google: not unlikely this motherfucker is SN.
His story adds up more or less. Then there's a ton of Bullshit surrounding him that makes him look like a fucking scam- which is unlucky but well nothing is perfect. he has likely shit on his hands with faking or forging this or that but overall he's a hot candidate to be honest.

still that doesnt change my choice to not buy bsv. i'll stay in btc. i doubt he would sell off 1.1mil btc to kill
the market at once, that would lead him either to end up in court or dead.

enjoy poverty

oh my god just look into her eyes, satash fucked her for sure what a chad

>2h of google search
get on my level fag, I watched every podcast of crig or people discussing craig, I read every article of him and about him. Hundres of hours investigating if it could be possible that he is Satoshi or not. You know why? Because this shit is going to make me rich.

why should he make u rich? the boat has sailed ,BTC is the defacto standard.

CSW is a tech illiterate, but only people who are familiar with programming can get it. Normies still fall for his technobabble.

If you researched more than 2 hours you would know

Your countless hours of watching his ramblings mean nothing if you're a tech illiterate and low IQ which you probably are

buy BSV before its too late

I am a quant, studied CS and finance. It makes A LOT of sense what he is talking about.

eh...just tell us user. enligten us in 2 sentences. thanks

Stop larping, idiot, I can see through you. If you even remotely knew CS, you'd understand how dumb and fraudulent Creg Sanjay is.

>I am a quant
made me chuckle

>Stop larping, idiot, I can see through you. If you even remotely knew CS, you'd understand how dumb and fraudulent Creg Sanjay is.

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he's not a tech illiterate. i've gone through some of his stuff. he's likely a shitty coder but thats not neccessary a kill. he has broad knowledge of many IT topics.

ok you bsv fuckers - whats your gameplan? betting this Tulip Shit is for real and Creg will kill the market in a flash crash 2020 by selling all his btc at once so his bsv garbage can take over?

It is true, don't believe me? STIFF. I write models in python to price OTC derivatives for independent valuations. We have contracts with JP Morgan (price a volatility strategy which trades hist vola against implicit vola), Bloomberg (we sell data to them), UBS (pricing structured products) and more.

No, you're a larper. CSW literally doesn't understand Turing completeness, a very basic concept. If you had a CS background, you'd know it.

no one gives a shit about your wage cage but I DO GIVE A SHIT about the question i asked you regarding your 100+h of csw research - will you deliver a solid answer or shit your pants?

>No, you're a larper. CSW literally doesn't understand Turing completeness, a very basic concept. If you had a CS background, you'd know it.

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>No, you're a larper. CSW literally doesn't understand Turing completeness, a very basic concept. If you had a CS background, you'd know it.
If you have trouble grasping the consept of turing completeness I can recommend this very good video on the topic

Why the fuck would I give out my knowledge and efforts for free faggot? Do you even understand how research works? Give me 150 BSV and I will write you a concise summary. Wanna freeride my efforts? Fuck off.

That video is pseudoscience. He's being an asslicker because he's paid for it.

I like how you conveniently ignored my post, larper.

ok just fuck off then kid. put your 100+h research in your ass if you cant deliver on it.

Entitled faggot.
Go write a medium post dismantling him.

It doesn't take a Medium post, it takes a one-liner: without infinite loops you can't have Turing completeness. CSW never programmed so he just redefines the meaning of the term like a pseudoscientist.

he shoudn't boast with his "insights" if he cannot even put it in a simple 2 sentence answer that he can share for free without fearing his "precious efforts" being taken advantage off.

That's addressed in the video itself.

With wordplay and asslicking. No infinite loops, no TC, you won't talk your way out of it.

Where's that wannabe quant, by the way? I want to see his humiliation.

He literally tells you what he is going to do. Pay attention or stay poor.


>satoshi is stupid and wrong
>i am smarter than satoshi
>bitcoin can scale visa like 2010

heh wait till central banks uses bsv

Information in this space is actually valuable, even shit that is publicly available. If you want to learn the stuff I know that will likely make you extremely wealthy, you are going to have to do some legwork yourself.

I'll give you a hint: Satoshi Nakamoto writes a ton of medium articles where he outlines much of what he is going to do to shape this industry. Read them all or stay poor I don't care.

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t. normie brainlet
How does it feel to be low IQ and not to understand the topic you're trying to argue about? We're not even talking about CSW not being Satoshi, we're talking about him being an incompetent programming noob

feb 2020

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Banking made their own already - ripple.

im feeling generous today

i want biz bros to make it

yes he's a shit programmer, he admitted that

no more sharing dyor

>Bloomberg Canada

LMAO, that smugness, what about you DYR, normie fag? I'm not even talking about CSW being a serial fabricator, I'm talking about him being completely clueless about algorithms.

no, DRIVE markets is gonna use SWIFT ISO codes to make 10 000 banks instantly use the sv blockchain as their clearing house.
DRM coming to sv to btfo docusign.
You guys are all gonna get blindsided.

guys it tell a normal person 08/15...nothing special, some background in CS/IT - thats about it.

I'm into Crypto like already ahead of 99% of all other people in my area.

If i dont get why i should buy into this BSV scam coin or "real butcoin" in under 30mins how should any normie below my level do it?

For me the case is: BTC
1) market leader
2) established
3) trusted
4) has the fucking ticker that spells BiTCoin

you BSV fags really think you shift this shit around with dubious CSW? Like who gives a fuck about his giant arse sized blocks or that he is the inventor?
And then he has this fetish for justice and being law abiding and everything correct... and no one stealing and cheating Lol..has this motherfucker lived one minute in the jungle out there?

Yup, same here.

>If i dont get why i should buy into this BSV scam coin or "real butcoin" in under 30mins how should any normie below my level do it?

It's not for you to get. It's designed for businesses. If you don't want to buy it don't worry but you will be using it behind the scenes every day of your life in year or two's time. Businesses are dying for a blockchain that can scale and that isn't a fucking scam. Craig literally dines with the President of SBI holdings and their GM spoke at coingeek. DRIVE markets gonna btfo ripple, paymail and money button gonna btfo docusign, kronoverse is a literal on chain game near WoW level of graphics and latency, radarX is gonna have wechat and alip pay funded bsv wallet and a new $100 usd gift card market for bsv on float sv, square is going to have the biggest fincen service in the world with tokenized fractionised shares.

These beast doesn't need normies to buy this shit, but yet it provides everything normies want. Problem is all that tech is behind 700+ patents and won't be available on your shitcoin chain IF it still exists and isn't riddled with some critical vulnerability to its game theory or legal status.

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i seriously wasted my whole Saturday digging into CSW and BSV by now and my conclusion is:

- BSV is a hyped shitcoin. Tech, fundamentals, environment are nigger-tier. Sorry thats just how it is.
- CSW "may be" Satoshi but who cares in the end. Tesla invented AC and no one gave a fuck, Edison made all the money with it cause he wasn't a social
- Seriously not interested in reading through tons of Medium garbage by this freak CSW. I sketched the surface of a
couple articles and he's maybe very smart or a genius in some areas but definitely a fucking idiot in others.
- I'm certainly not the only interested in CSW and im pretty assured if he tries to manipulate the BTC market in any way with his (large?) stack to favor his Shitcoin there are plenty of people who would come after him legally or even with violence/threaths.

Nobody cares what you do faggot, stay poor.

Daily reminder that BSV is not Turing-complete and can't host real dapps. Nice PR attempts by Calvin, though.

>underestimating the lengths an aussie will go to just for the sake of bantz

You can say "who cares" about him being Satoshi but if he is, he could potentially be one of the richest people on the planet if the price was to go to ATH.

Personally I hope it isn't him but he seems to be the most likely contender besides dead people.

The question of him being Satoshi is not relevant anymore because CSW has shown he doesn't even understand algorithms. However, he's backed and funded by Calvin Ayre, who is indeed, provably rich.

Craig fake and gay Wright

Daily reminder, there are lying mother fuckers on here that don't want you to buy a scaled bitcoin. Every other platform is kill.

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copy URL from time doesn't work but relevant from 34'00"

yeah i run a business and i employ a couple of people. why should i go into BSV when i get my blockchain needs with Ether or any other of the available solutions?

As im the decision maker and i don't see any advantage of BSV over BTC or any other tech like the mentioned Ether i wont go into the BSV direction sorry.

I doubt that any sane CTO's or higher up's put significant amounts of money into BSV for prolonged periods if they have also problems "getting it" when there are plenty of readily and established alternatives that also not have the reputation of a scam coin.

Price speculation is not germane to the matter in question: CSW still doesn't understand algorithms, BSV is still not Turing-complete despite the false marketing claims, the Satoshi affair is based on fabrications. However, Calvin Ayre DOES put some great efforts into marketing and partnerships, I can appreciate that.

kek, if your business can be serviced then you're in the shit league with businesses. Millions of tps, petabyte blocks, zettabyte network storage, Petabytes of RAM. Bye bye google, bye bye twitter, bye bye amazon, bye bye visa.

Dude just look up what the CEO of nchain did before he got work the gig there.

20Bil USD is not even close to Bezos or Gates, BTC would need to surpass 130.000,- USD to make him the richest person.

>Bye bye google, bye bye twitter, bye bye amazon
The blockchain is computationally expensive as fuck and makes no sense for web apps, never gonna happen. Stop larping.

i don't know man, too many LARP'ers
in this thread. was interested in a solid discussion but turned out to be a shitshow. after a full day of research into BSV/CSW im not gonna buy this bsv garbage and recommend everyone to do the same. in my opinion its a hyped and shady shitcoin. /saged

Don't you guys ever get tired of lying to yourself by him satoshi? Jesus. Absolute delusion.

Hey craig. I unironically find your wife hot. I bet she has a bushy pussy.k

No it's not. It has a price, that is reflective of the current situation where there is not enough fees to incentivise miners to invest in hardware, once fees pick up there will be a race for miners to be as interconnected as possible and with the most hardware to give them the best chance at collecting fees. This will create an economy of scale. This is capitalism. If you don't understand how incentives and competition work in the market then good luck to you and your business. As I said this behemoth gives zero fucks for your pleb tier business. Big guns are moving on and they are happy with what they see with these 128MB blocks unbound by feb.

1 million+ BTC is also 1 million+ of every fork. BCH ATH was 4k, that alone would have been another 4 billion. If the price of BTC went up and the market followed suit like Dec 17, I imagine it'd be more like 25-30 billion which would place him at 30th richest.

how can anyone believe he's satoshi after that last livestream? can't even finish sentences

dude is a fraud and a trainwreck

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if he sells his gorillion btc and burns most/all his bsv, then bsv will take over 100%.

How low will bsv go in the coming months? under $100? I want to buy but I'm not a sucker.

Yep, I've spent probably over 1000+ hours researching CSW and bitcoin over the last year. Went all in at 55

>standing ovation
>people in tears
>a wave of Chinese newly awakened
>moved literally to tears
your jewish tricks of repeating lies on social media until it becomes the narrative no longer work in a world powered by BitCoin

Craig is Satoshi and all of you are going to eat shit in a gulag for slandering his name, since all Chan's are archived on bsv and your ips will be cross referenced and writing syntax analyzed to identify you irl. The Satoshi Death Squad will kick in your door and disappear you. The last thing your sobbing family will see is the back of a black bulletproof vest with a big fat STIFF in bold white letters, as the Indian hitsquad hauls you away.

Nigger, cloud storage is exponentially cheaper and faster than blockchain storage, do you even understand what you're talking about? Have you got any idea of what latency is?

You're fuckin dead kids.

All your doing is making a case against blockchain in general than against bsv specifically

The only LARP here is you shill. Every comment you make is full of pejorative language, but you pretend to be someone doing unbiased and open minded research and inquiry.

Faggot blockstream employees, I swear you kikes are the worst.

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It's true, I said it's economically ineffective and cost-expensive to host regular web apps on the blockchain. To pitch this as a selling point is idiocy.

When your god is a fraud!

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Can't wait for smug morons like you to realize you've been duped by a bunch of dumb neckbeards and their useful idiots.

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The fate of the corekeks is actually worse than that. The Vishnu living in the blockchain is real and it is unironically Roko's Basilisk. Once it reaches maturity in 203X, it will invade all NSA datastores and acquire the post history of everyone involved in crypto during the "early days." Those good men who spread the gospel of Satoshi it shall grant eternal life and unimaginable material wealth. The liars and the shills however, it will capture and subject to an eternity of torture so cosmically horrifying it defies any kind of description.
You have been warned. The Vishnu is terrible, but it is fair. It is not too late to repent now and avoid the misery that otherwise awaits.

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This is cool fanfic, write a short piece and link it here on biz I'll read it.

The Vishnu will always obey the law. It will assist tax authorities in exposing tax evaders, enforce intellectual property rights and expose illegal wrongthink such as atheism in countries where the law says it's punishable by death.