I am all-in LINK but what's a bullish scenario for LINK short term? We can speculate about nothing, it just is

I am all-in LINK but what's a bullish scenario for LINK short term? We can speculate about nothing, it just is.

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Just hold until 2025 its not hard

just wageslave til youre 70 lol

-team starts announcing what companies will run the initial 18 nodes
-after a few thousand successful simple job requests like the ones we're seeing, new requests start showing up from the announced network ueers/partners
-new network users announce they'll use Chainlink
-Sergey talks next week at an important conference and keeps attending conferences where he shills something he didn't have before - A WORKING PRODUCT
-the team schedules the penalty and staking contracts in the Pivotal tracker
-linkpool launches the listing service
- Schorr signatures are implemented
-SDL and Linkpool open their staking pools
- the first big job requests appear on the tracker, starting with derivatives and continuing with insurance and parcel tracking jobs
-link holders reach levels of comfiness they didn't think they could reach

Actually makes a little bit of sense, I always said if all the stars align i’ll Be rich from link

I just stopped looking at it after the mainnet dump

Bullish would be if it somehow managed to claw it's way back over $1. But I don't see that happening anytime soon.

>short term

Okay fair points... I hope the market reacts accordingly. We really need to start shilling this if we don't want it to go REQs route. Fudding a working product is like spreading lies about a restaurant selling poisoned food.

But I need to FUD so I can accumulate, thats how it works right?

I'm all in with a 10k stack and would love to get more at $1. I wish I had gotten in a month earlier.

This some serious gourmet hopium

Attached: Feels_good_man.jpg (303x328, 16K)

>Sergey talks next week at an important conference and keeps attending conferences where he shills something he didn't have before - A WORKING PRODUCT
What conference?

Link will double in value every 6 months

I made this image my Facebook header with my binance referral and some info about Link. Real basic stuff to get the word out.

Attached: 1559289906582.jpg (2000x1248, 236K)

This. I don't think people understand how long it takes to launch a successful business, nor do I think people understand how long it takes for large companies to migrate their enterprise software to something different.

Your best bet is wageslave and forget about LINK for a couple years. Instead of checking CMC every 5 seconds, build some revenue streams, invest more, and THEN in 3-5 years buy a different Lambo for each day of the week

eth scaling i think

You still think that crypto "investors" have some sort of bearing on Chainlink's ability to succeed. You need to do a lot more research. A lot.

wednesday larp

All it takes it's some swift announce
user here were talking about Samsung staking pre mainnet but they were larpers
For the love of christ stop fudding this coin. It could have been at least 3-4$ at this point if you hadn't fud like mongoloids

REMEMBER that normie fomo now it's needed to reach great numbers because the network has a limited use (50 cent for each api request... which small (small) blockchain project would use it?)

>he paid a whole $1 for a token to perform an http GET call on Ethereums price

Remember that one dude with the phones posting from his garage by his lambo? Dude had fists the size of bricks. Anyways, he talked about mass adoption. Ill try to find the vid, its in my chainlink vids.

In the meantime, the big point is this, it is and has always been a long term hold. Nothing has changed. We are at the point where the dude was talking about getting in the pool. Every one is watching to see if and how it works and if it is successful then we rocket harder than you can imagine.

Forgot about coinbase listing rumors

buy ark instead for a long term hold that will pay DIVIDENDS In 3 years...i'm talking rolls royces, mansions and shit

nice to see the Ark shill brigade out and about again now that Chainlink has failed to deliver

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That was already confirmed EOS, let's not overdose on hopium eh user?

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It sounds like you're British. Are you?

Thanks fren

The only thing that failed was your father pulling out


It's a scam, just see this pajeet break it down piece by piece

> bullish scenario for LINK short term?

fundamentally, currently, a bullish scenario i can see is natural growth. which is entirely possible. its been growing naturally for about a year, the most recent pump and dump was the only unnatural growth scenario because of the mainnet announcement at consensus, which would pump almost anything in crypto.

if you look at LINK last summer it went on a 6 month run where there was a lot of stability and growth, then more growth and stability through the winter.
BUT you have to realize that we're way fucking early and this tech is only just barely being fleshed out. you bought chainlink when it was still being developed, so there are risks involved in that. and this type of technology has had some uber autistic and smart people developing it for decades, smart contracts were outlined decades ago. the term "smart contract" was coined in the fucking 90s and they're only now coming into vogue.

this is the decade where they will actually become useful, chainlink might be the missing piece of the puzzle. but we're still a few years off man. divorce yourself from the emotion of seeing it go up or down. if it goes up, you can be happy its fun seeing something you bought increase in value. but if it goes down, and you really think LINK will see long term growth, buy some more. thats my strategy. and if it doesn't work out? you can learn a lot along the way so you can rationalize the thought of getting financially JUST'd as a life lesson. of picking out investments better, of not spending too much money on something you would like to invest in, on learning how emerging financial markets work, learning about technology, learning how to research topics.

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