Why hasn't any actual tech come out?

why hasn't any actual tech come out?
why is everyone and their mother making tokens, coins, algorithms, systems, etc but no tangible crypto-tech exists outside of bitcoin atms?

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None of it works. All we have is the store of value meme.

that's not true.


pretty cool

Because of the Oracle problem.
Now that chainlink solved it a lot more is possible with Blockchain technology

What do you mean, none of it works?

Because we haven't had any data feeds

That is, until this week.

>He cares about the tech
I'm only in it for that cash money.

what is the oracle problem?
what even is the blockchain?
from what my small brain understands its a public ledger, a record of transactions correct? but how does that turn into money? how does it translate into "blocks" that are "mined"? how does it have a value in fiat in the first place?

Because only peedos and drug addicts need btc. The rest is just chuck e cheese coin clones. GM and Chrysler will never need bail out money again. They'll just make a token and a few million basement dwellers will buy it up. You've all been part of a fed experiment.

Do your own research brainlet or remain a wagecuck forever.

Start with the chainlink whitepaper, watch a bunch of Sergey presentations and you should have answers to all your brainlet questions.
Wouldn‘t take more than 5 or 6 hours of research.
But I know you won‘t do it, so enjoy the wagecucking for the next 50 years lmao.

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>implying i'm not neet already
but you're right i'm just gonna hodl on coinbase lol

>what even is the blockchain?
This is your average Jow Forums poster.

you won‘t make it that way, all you need to do is buy chainlink.

You faggot, user is practically spoonfeeding you, and you're gonna miss the boat out of sheer laziness. You deserve to be poor.

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because LINK isn't fully developed yet

It's could be years, even decades before blockchain infrastructure becomes ubiquitous.

No one was making calls until the telephone poles went up.

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Yeah but wheel be rich so idgaf

A serial chain of blocks is not able to cope with the load needed for any of the applications we want except storing value.

>what even is an internal combustion engine?
This is your average car driver

So you're saying that btc is for little babbys

Yes and nobody knows how to grow up.

im such a stupid incel, imagine watching crypto for 3 years and doing nothing

Could it be because none of it was ever true? It was all a scam and blockchain tech will be used by big companies like Oracle and Microsoft in the future without any favorable impact to shitcoins

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user... W-why...


Microsoft is already building an identity system using BTC chain, google it