$90k portfolio - Can I turn this to $3M?

Sick of wagecucking guys. I tried saving everything I can in the past 2 years, sharing apartment with 5 other people, cooking at home, driving an old car and generally being very frugal. Invested a lot of my savings in crypto.Will these pay off someday?

1.6 BTC, 105 ETH and random coins - total portfolio -$90k. Can I turn this to $3M? Planning to adding $2k a month for the next 3 months

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-01 at 9.10.58 AM.png (1964x932, 712K)

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Just put it in $ONE and wait a few months

put 90k into ONE and set a limit sell for 33x and walk away for a week. pretty easy.

Would have already made more than 10k this week if you had put it all in THE DOGE.

why do you own so many coins? Do you just fomo into anything someone shills? You just need ETH, HOT, and FTM to gurantee make it.

>no holo
>no ftm


You have literally no Fantom lmfao.

he literally only buys things on binance that's why.

y'know I may as well post this, what's a good wallet for storing multiple mostly obscure coins like Fantom with my other more well known ones?

Get more NEO and GAS. Screencap this and thank me in 2020.

Its funny how every second post on Biz currently mentions Fantom, just because its the coin of the month right now. It was exactly the same with LTO, CHX, QNT, HOT, and some others.
I bet 90% of the guys shilling fantom on Biz are just shortterm pump chasers and in 4-6 months nobody will be talking about that project here anymore.
Its all just about hype cycles.

Ya I think that they have a chance to do very well

Fantom, Holo are pajeet pump and dump shitcoins

lol scam

I don't see any ARK, sorry my friend but brush up that resume.

Did you buy every coin in the top 100 on cmc? Sorry but you are retarded and will never make it OP.


Get that VEN to VET bro. Other than that your portfolio mirrors mine and I've done the 'shotgun' approach. Shoot and see what sticks. I don't think 90k to 3MM is likely but 90k to maybe 400k during a golden bull run is possible.

you will be bankrupt in 2020

Maybe it works out. Just wait at least a week and don't buy this pajeets bags.

Way too spread out and way too many scams imho. BTC, ETH and FOAM will save you though.

HOT isn't a flavor of the month PnD faggot. It's been shilled here relentlessly for over a year while climbing the ranks on CMC as everyone on reddit continued to dismiss it as a Jow Forums scam. You think that's a coincidence? It's going to hit top 10 eventually.

Ya, I thought it would automatically swap

I'm very jealous of your equity. You will make it, but there is no need for all these shitcoins.

BTC, Ethereum, Cardano, maybe NEO as a YOLO bet. Add 2 from the top 20 and forget the rest

Why is the volume on FOAM so low? It was good a couple of weeks before

Yeah there is basically zero liquidity right now. It's a 2-3 year hold mininum anyway. Don't worry, Coinbase and Binance will be listing it eventually.

don't know what to think about ONE, because matic looked weak out of the gates, then two weeks later BAM...so, it could be something similar since it seems to have more promise than matic. still, i don't think 33x is going to happen any time soon...12x, perhaps

do you really expect to get a hint on this shit fest of a board?

Attached: endboss.jpg (600x400, 94K)

I don't care what you buy but you aren't rich enough to justify a "portfolio" so liquidate everything back to ETH and go all in on your favourite low-cap.

I highly recommend QNT, and you will see by the end of this year you could have been quite close to your goal already.

But buy whatever, just one promising alt you can be comfy in. New gen, nothing that was part of the last bubble, they are all dead.

why does anybody own antying but BTC

if any coin moons, BTC will moon

BTC can moon without other coins mooning

hence buy BTC and you will guarantee get a moon if moons happen

absolutely user, you're set, just be patient and do not get greedy

Yes, QNT 100mil mcap soon.

user pls don't listen to this retards, you need to go all in BSV before next year begins - it doesn't matter when exactly, but do it this year - you will fucking buy me a lambo afterwards promise me this

because other coin can moon 1000x when bitcoin moon 3x


how old is this folio?

Where's the Fantom?


>not buying TRUE for 61% cheaper than other exchanges
>Doesn't know how to use real decentralized IDEXs
> Not shorting OKeX

No FTM lmao nice shitpost. Enjoy poverty for the rest of your life

>more GAS than NEO

pretty smart. I still be hesitating to get more GAS.

Attached: йоба луна1.jpg (2000x1500, 256K)

You're good on dumping into ETH. One's swinging. You can buy later since you missed the low. Buy when it reaches 10 pajeets worth of value.

i changed now.

Consider ICX, staking starting in august

Attached: portfolio.png (2156x2468, 654K)

lol, how old is this folio?

Took the screenshot earlier this week, prices are in cad, I haven't traded since last year

volume lower on FOAM than few weeks ago because it all got bought up and there is none left for bots to trade with.

Any significant buy will shoot up the price.

You're gonna regret not changing anything for the next bullrun user... most of these are last gen shitcoins

Bullshit, this one is different, it should have dumped to sub 100 SATs but with the hype it was around 500 within 10 mins....there us no later moon, there is just this...as soon as CZ starts posting bragging Twitter comments, get out

thanks desu flipped .4 btc

buy matic sirs

Im adding more ETH from fiat , tring to get to 128