Switch to Matic

Once this garbage tanks everyone's going to switch to matic and we're going to see 1000% gains in hours.

Attached: 1559039323705.jpg (225x225, 4K)

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this plan actually seems based as fuck

Attached: pajeet.jpg (660x371, 18K)

why would anyone switch back to matic? what's the logic?

his bags

Kek. Matic has been pump and dummmpeed

It's gonna go to at least 500 sats by the end of the day

matic isn't pumping again this week, ONE is flavor of the week and it's going to go so parabolic that it makes MATIC look mediocre.
Look at the volume on this coin in just the last 12 hours. this is going to 2k sats.
screencap this.

You're retarded. One already pumped 9x from IEO. Anybody thinking this will go past 400 sats max is literally retarded.

IEO price is irrelevant as each person can buy 1500 dollars worth at max

It literally doesn't matter because the IEO price was set artificially low on purpose.

So what you’re saying is that there is likely another 20% sitting on the table? Thanks user, just book 100k

>I didn't buy into it at 180 sats and now I'm in at 300 hoping it goes higher
Let me make some money today, God damn it.

it was a lottery pajeet. Only thing that matters is market cap and % up from launch price. It's sub 100m and done barely a 3x. Also this is the highest 12 hr volume I've ever seen on a coin excluding BTC. Tron, BTT, Matic, etc never came close to this. Room to go

Lmao @these guys fudding ONE to get in cheaply. CZ really fucked you over with the lottery didn't he??

Whoops, apparently I'm in at 250 sats, was looking at doge.

i told them to get in at 200 last night. they didn't listen and now they're desperately fudding to get in cheaper than 300 lmao.

I can only imagine how buttblasted they are right now missing 8x doing nothing.

ok, i'm in...300 seems to be the support and as good an entry as possible right now, hopefully we'll hit 340-350 in a couple hours.

I should screen cap this, but you'll feel it when it passes 400 sats on your own


thread theme

mcap is about 50 million right now. There's probably another +50% left in this and then whales are going to start looking to redistribute profits.

If you're in this I would advise layering sells from 300 up to 400.

I bought the dip... this was the dip...r-right guys?


We're all gonna make it in Matic, check'em

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