What do you think about working for the federal government? Is it a lengthy process to apply...

What do you think about working for the federal government? Is it a lengthy process to apply? Do you have to be a minority to get in?

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Working for the government is an absolute fucking joke. Lawnmower out of oil? Here's the card, just go to home depot and get a new one. Once you're in, you're in. It takes an act of Congress or homicide to get fired. You can do absolutely bare minimum all day and no one can say shit. TONS of leave, paid holidays, vacation, benefits, and the pensions average higher than private sector, not to mention the 'wheeling and dealing'. It's a fucking joke. If you can get a GS-10 or higher position, you're set for life.

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I take it you are in the gov?

>he thinks he can get passed the USAJobs resume scanning program
LMAO good luck man.

How can I get a government job if I am a white man?

Is it picky or something?

you cant. ive tried. you must be brown to ride this ride. bonus points if you dont speak english very well.

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The hardest thing to get passed. If you seriously want a chance at the job you're applying for you absolutely need someone who knows the system to look over your resume and edit it for you.

i was in and left because i wanted a real job. you can work your ass off in government if you wanted to, but there's lots of hurdles, a lot of it is just a jobs program, not really intended to provide any real value at the end of the day.
but after working in "real" jobs i realize a lot of it is the same bullshit, except worse working conditions.
the economy is a sham and the game is to get out of value producing positions (fast food service) and into higher ones where you get paid a lot more for dealing with less.

Not even if I pretend to be gay or a tranny?

Just had to do a hiring action to fill a gs-12 position. 95% of the resumes I saw were a fucking joke. Do yourself a favor and buy the book “10 steps to a federal resume”. If you have a resume in the usajobs resume builder that is decent you will get referred. And for fucks sake read the application questionnaire to tailor your resume to the position. The government is in dire need for new blood. Everyone I work with is old as shit and they can’t adapt to change. Like going to the newest version of Microsoft office messed up a lot of people.

There's tons of straight white males in government. Look for DoD contracting with aerospace companies.

>going to the newest version of Microsoft office messed up a lot of people
boomers btfo

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Probably an absolutely retarded question, but...
What about opportunities for someone who works as a software engineer with a bachelor's degree and is currently underpaid in the private sector?
White male so I can't fill affirmative action quota, but maybe I could say I'm trans if it would help.

Forgot to mention I don't have any military background or anything so I'm just a lowly gentile in the general public.

GS11 fedcuck here, AMA. Yes I'm white, male, not a veteran and not disabled. I applied for this agency as a temp right out of college, then during my stint they had a massive reorg and half the agency quit. Suddenly they had a lot of spaces to fill so they took all the temps on as fulltimers. So I lucked out massively.

Pros: Lucrative relative to the work asked of me, unfireable, easy desk work (sometimes a pro and sometimes a con), coworkers I don't completely despise. Should be a GS12 within the next 3 months ($82k).

Cons: Just the most boring repetitive bullshit you can imagine, every day, every year, the same shit. You are never innovating or making something awesome, you just follow procedure forever. It takes 3 months to learn your job and then you'll spend the next 30 years doing it with minimal variation.

Federal employment really is a place for people who've given up. I think once upon a time it would have been a failing, but with how cutthroat and bullshit the modern job market is, I actually think giving up is the smarter choice now. It's either this, or going out in the real world and doing gigs, hustling, building my personal brand, hopping companies every 1.5 years for career advancement, and constantly having to prove myself and overperform for management faggots who take all the credit. I think there's a kind of nobility in opting out of all that bullshit which is shared by NEETs, fedcucks, the homeless, etc. Anyone who's found a way to opt out of this hypercompetitive lord of the flies modern job shit.

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your system overlooked my resume even though i qualified. go fuck yourself
>muh tailoring
no one's experience is going to perfectly match the job description. this is just a lazy moron's method of screening applicants. (does the resume exactly match the position?" uggh no one is qualified!)
but i've heard this boomer advice a few times next time i'm looking i'll make sure to just copy the job description to my resume because apparently this is how they all operate.

Hey you sound like me. Help a brother out:

The majority of USAJobs positions are posted with a particular person in mind. The open posting is just a sham that they're required to maintain to make it seem like it's a competitive process. IN all likelihood you never had a chance at that job, whatever it was.

I always give up on federal postings once the requirements section starts and there's an entire novel on the mixtures of security clearances you need. Fuck off, do you want to fill the position and get an engineer or not?

So I'm looking at this gs-whatever stuff and it looks like you max out at roughly gs-9 58k with a bachelor's degree and max out everything at 140k gs-15 with a phd.
Is that for all government positions? I want to make sure I understand this.

I honestly couldn't say. I can't stress enough how much I lucked out getting this job. I have no marketable skills, my degree was worthless. If I had to fend for myself in private employment I would probably kms within 6 months.

I guess if you can get a disability diagnosis (fake autism or anxiety disorder or something) then you can claim disability points on your application which could count for a little. But like I said in , most usajobs postings are literal shams anyways.

Wish I could help more. Being a fed is like living in a comfy skyscraper while you watch the rest of the world go to shit below. You feel guilty because you're not helping any (in fact you're hoarding resources unduly so really you're making everything worse for everyone else), and you're bored as fuck cooped up in your penthouse suite, but mostly you just feel relief that you're not down there having to deal with the riots and the rape mobs.

most people end their career at a 12. about 15% of those get promoted to 13, and about 10% of those to 14.
a 15 should be managing thousands of people. usually masters degrees, phd doesn't mean anything.

There is also Senior Executive Service which is above the GS scale. There are only a handful of those in each agency though. They might make closer to $200k.

Most non-supervisory professional series (science, math, engineering type shit) cap out at GS12 or 13, which at step 3 is around $90-100k. Most clerical series cap out at GS7 which at step 3 is around $50k. I mention step 3 because your steps come automatically every year until step 3, then they start spacing out to every 2 years, every 3 years, etc. So it's best to look at your top grade step 3 as your max salary, realistically.

>a 15 should be managing thousands of people
lol, in our agency the gs15 regional director in each office manages about 30 people. And he has 2 deputies underneath him so it's not even like he's anyone's direct supervisor. Half the days he's not in the office and not on the leave calendar and I just presume he's off on the golf course in bermuda shorts practicing his swing while we're all wagekekking.

I've noticed a lot of government jobs are retarded garbage given to affirmative action applicants, but was hoping I could get something comfy since I actually have marketable skills and can produce value for my masters.

Fucking hell. Maybe I'll just stay in the private sector and hustle more. I just watched a guy over the last year who hardly knew jack fuck network and bullshit his way into management making fucking bank at my software company.

Once I'm done actually making myself useful like a schmuck I can start networking harder and climb as well. The corporate world is a joke.