do the sex
Guys I'm still up 100% with all my losses. Should I cash out half? I can't sleep anymore
Been in the top 2 losers for the last 2 days lol
Good, more stinkies on yard-sale prices. 1k eoy.
have sex incel
post yfw you crowd funded 32 million dollars for a glorified price checker
>linkies waited three years for a 2x
if it drops to .80 I am maxing out every credit card I have.
literally REQ 2.0
learn to sex
One day chain link crypto currency coin will be 10 000 United States american dollars
>$1 / .20 = 2
no wonder you fud link you can't even do basic math
$1 EOY
That's the problem with 100% pre-mined shitcoins. There's always someone with a huge stack just waiting to dump on you.
LINK is a stablecoin and I'm fine with that. Funds are safe
Sex, have it
does that mean it now only costs $0.97 to fetch the current Ethereum price? to the moon!
Heck, I'll pay that as long as I can get it from 3 decentralized oracles
Insert penis into vagine
you'll pay 97 cents for that? lmao.
>assuming anons bought only at .20
user I....
Learn to code
Well if you know of a better way to find out the price of eth I'm all ears!
Its a $1 stablecoin. Are you retarded? USDT and USDC goes above and below a dollar occasionally too.
But can USDT tell you the price of ETH? Check and mate, communist
Um try Googling?
Sheesh you people are stupid
Lol trying to save yourself from a fuck-up buddy? Take the L, fren.
There is literally no reason for Link to not bleed back down to $0.40 and rank ~70 on CMC.
All breadcrumbs were wrong, there are literally no companies willing to pay $1 for an API call.
Link is Augur 2.0, but somehow even more shit.
don't forget about kyc.
World's only price checker with kyc.
If you need someones permission to do rhe obvious and dont have any exit strategies you deserve to lose. I hope youre a pajeet. If youre white youre most likely low iq mate. Do ask people for permission on wbo to fuck as well?
Wait what? Explain! I am a dumb zoomer.
What if something else comes along thats more effecient and consumes less power for a fraction of the price?
If thats tru then you dont you cash out and reinvest. Its not really gonna go up kuch anyway if its stable.
In 1 month Link will dump to 0.60'ish. Screen cap
Yes. And put it into BSV.
Always cash out when you're at a high and put it into something more valuable.
Pray to vishnu for a biche
How is this even a question. If I were up 100% on LINK atm I would cash out instantly. This shit is gonna bleed for a long time now. Buy back in at $0.50 or something
How does it make linkies feel to know that NANO is worth more kek
The market cap will be 10 000 USD? wow StainStink will be dumping hard!
4000 sats or worse by next month. The project is possibly dead in the water after this knowledge.
Sybil attacks are possible since sybil resistance requires KYC or "trustworthy" node operators. Most people won't KYC because it's antithetical to the idea of crypto itself being decentralized and "anonymous". Therefore, since most operators won't want to KYC, LINK will not be sybil resistant.
Now why does RLC make LINK obsolete in this regard? It's simple. The PoCo algorithm is so well designed that iExec's dOracles can rely on it instead of KYC for sybil resistance.
Boom. I sold all of my LINK at 1.40 because I knew after RLC v3 dumped, that even LINK would dump.
I will not be buying back after learning this. I am all in RLC at the price of 0.43$, about 0.7x ICO price.
Sorry gentlemen, I thought LINK was going to save me just like all of us did, but this is the nail in the coffin.