Calvin's fallacy

I've come to the realization that Calvin's fallacy is the biggest misunderstood caveat in the BSV drama. Everyone is focusing on CSW. Sure, people who did their research know that CSW fabricated documents, bitcoin addresses, doesn't understand programming etc. However, this is where the fallacy lies. "Because CSW is a fraud, BSV will go to zero". "Because CSW lied, he'll fail". They forget that everything (including CSW himself) is funded by Calvin. They forget that Calvin Ayre is actually, provably RICH. The Satoshi affair goes back to 2015 and Calvin was already at the center of it. As a PR man himself, he's putting great efforts into marketing, partnerships, buzz, bribery. This fallacy actually helped many low IQ people to pull a Homer and get good gains: they believed it's Craig who's the genius, when in reality they invested in crafty salesman Calvin. Unfortunately, many people with an above average intelligence were left behind because they fell for Calvin's fallacy: they only looked at Craig and disregarded Calvin. Finally, only the shrewdest, wisest people could see the whole picture and benefit from it.

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I. Don't. Care.

hide yo kids from calvin and bsv

Technically speaking, BSV has no way to handle block propagation. They refused to accept CTOR so they won't be able to utilize thin blocks, graphene, or other malleability fixes in the future.

Having 2 GB blocks doesn't mean anything if it takes 2 hours for it to propagate

That's a great point. I'll admit that when the shills started shilling en mass a month ago, I just got mad and ignore this possibility. But even in hindsight, assuming you wanted to invest in Calvin, how were you supposed to know he hasn't dumped his bags yet? He can't keep up this charade forever, and if you buy after he had dumped, that's another bag to hold for eternity.

BSV won't take off because the negativity towards CSW overshadows everything. The same way Bcash never got anywhere because of the hatred for Roger Ver

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Once the network is large, there is an incentive for nodes to watch the validation times and propagation rates of blocks across the network. Once this occurs, they can start monitoring the time of discovery versus the time of propagation for blocks and then set limits on what they will produce versus what they will build on.

With 1 billion people or families seeking to earn money from their node using a sequential algorithm, no party can expect a return. It becomes a pure lottery. Basically, everyone in the world runs a node with the vain hope of achieving a rare lottery win. Without delving into the plethora of dystopian novels based on the concept of a society that slaves as sheep to fulfil another’s destiny with the hope of one day winning the lottery and getting out of the grind, we can start looking at this further. Such a version of Bitcoin becomes the classic problem of the tragedy of the commons; if I need to propagate the blocks of every other user and I do not expect to win, why would I want to?

lmao they said the same about 32mb blocks and then 128mb blocks

do you think that shit is insightful? its all well known.
and for your last sentence, those people know to stay away from a market that is 100% manipulated by a small group of people. smart and wise people do not gamble

This is what the haters said about 23mb blocks. "Would never propagate." Meanwhile back to back 128mb blocks are propagating fine. The testnet is running 2gb blocks fine as well.

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Why does the word "lamer" fit CSW so well? It literally has several meanings formed over time (google it), all of which apply to Creg. Absolutely eery.

Attached: lamer.jpg (791x791, 169K)

>Sure, people who did their research know that CSW fabricated documents, bitcoin addresses
yeah right. This has been debunked every day for a fucking month. Go away with all your lies Greg. Fuck off!

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I've never seen it debunked. Only some kikery paid by Calvin. Damn, you must be one big low IQ illiterate if you can't see that CSW doesn't even understand Turing completeness.

If Ayre wants to front his own scams (and I've posted here previously, he maybe should) - nothing fucking stopping him. Calvins an arsehole as well, but, hes not creg. And that life-advantage has a whole lot to recommend it - being an abrasive dickhead is one thing, being one who insists they are someone else 24/7, its fucking tiresome tbqh

Is Calvin Ayre still wanted by American authorities?

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Those girls seem underage...

Csw and his shitty scam coin are one hell of a fraud. I pitty the poor shits that get their money taken from them. BSV 0,- EOY

How about Swingtrader's fallacy? You're risking your shirt everytime you enter BSV, because it's an objectively worthless fork of a digital asset that is already subjectively worthless. It makes more sense to leverage BTC or ETH than to touch BSV, and that's despite margintrading being retarded gambling with such a volatile and manipulated market.
Grow up, get a job, put play money in crypto. Your goal shouldn't be to 100x $500, but to 10x $50000.

underage for what? being photographed standing next to calvin?

Sure, I was not implying anything.

Actually no, leverage trading is objectively the most retarded activity unless you are literally top tier. For most brainlets, gently swinging shitcoins is the best r/r

there was another photo with the same group twerking in front of him, if I remember correctly. I did not save it for obvious reasons, but the guy posted it on his own twitter. The hivemind surely knows what I'm talking about

That’s not cp its just degenerate

>twerking in front of him

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How did a guy who was in the fbi's top wanted became Mr. Let's Turn Bitcoin Into a Government Friendly Coin? Hmmmm.....

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I don't see how you think that sexualizing minors is a antithetical to the movement that elected trump. If this is indeed the rhtetoric that you're trying to mimic, you're missing the point where the portion of this website that was pro-trump had fascist sympathies because they preserve and protect culture and its people. In this instance, it would create a system where minors did not have to sell their sexuality.

thank you for correcting the record anyhow.

It's probably not CP, but I refuse to have something like that on my computer

yeah but roger ver is actually a good guy. people that hate him are generally fuckwits

poor fud faggot kys

Calvin Ayre works for the Zaibatsu, guaranteed

It's like being on that wanted list made him age about 20 years

cope blockstream cucks

Bodog went under and now everybody is gambling on cryptos. Binance essentially stole his lunch. Now he's butthurt and wants to force people into a global mining system where they'll take their crypto to his online shit casino

Calvin's a great guy. Threw an amazing party, lots of booty went around for everybody.

Craig's a great guy and wants to purge the scammers.

Literally can't lose.

Haters going to hate.

there is a power struggle in the upper circles, someone doesn't want to Craig to succeed so they sent a stooge from Lunar Insurrection to work closely with him

The attempts at conflating Craig, and now Calvin apparently, with Trump has always seemed very strange. The while "aussie man bad" thing seems like a bit if stretch since so few people are criticizing him for being Australian, while "orange man bad" became a meme because so many social media warriors could only focus on Trumps tan

I know why they're doing it. The wagie shills have no understanding of Jow Forums culture. They somewhat get meme culture, but their pajeet minds are as deficient as the societies that they build.

NPC memes are a mainstay (there are one or two pajeets that post the exact same NPC images) for them because they probably saw an article about NPC memes originating here.

Ultimately, they face the same problem that CTR and Shareblue did on pol

>you cannot penetrate Jow Forums culture without buying into it
>if you post here without buying in, you cannot understand large parts of what is done here and you will stick out
>buying in destroys the shill in all forms

There's a reason why CTR and shareblue attrition rates were legendary.

Also, did you know that african Americans, while only accounting for 13.5% of the population, account for 50% of violent crime? It's crazy!