Italy is about to print Minibot parallell currency for a value of 70 billion Euros

>The Italian state has accumulated a debt to its citizens of around 70 billion euros.

Examples of creditors are:
- Companies that have carried out work for the state and have not yet been paid
- Individuals who have renovated their homes and still have to receive government incentives
- Taxpayers who claim credits with the tax authorities
>These debts will be settled with the Minibots. This currency can be used to pay taxes, fuel and any state service and merchants can also choose whether or not to accept the new banknotes. There will always be someone willing to accept and exchange these Minibots: the Italian state

>"With Minibots it will be a bit difficult for those who in the future want to attack us with Greece-like methods, because Draghi does not make them, we do them ourselves ..."
Claudio Borghi

>The minibots will be distributed through the branches of Poste Italiane and the Monte Paschi di Siena bank, both under the control of the Italian state. In this way the European Union will no longer be able to blackmail economically Italy, because even if they decide to close all the ATMs, the national economy will be able to stand on the Minibots

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Wait a minute, isn't this the same as what ol' Hitler did when he printed his own special IOUs to pay germans?

Attached: google.png (544x297, 79K)

How do i short Italy?

IOU are bonds, it's a way to postpone payments. Italy is printing real money.

Why don't they just leave the EU? They're obviously displeased with it if they're accusing them of potential economic blackmail

It's shorting itself real nice without any help.

Reminder that this is the kind of thing that encourages millionaires to exit their national currency.

Ofcourse they will first use and abuse the EU as much as possible

Well goodnight Italy, looks like your right wing adventure is coming to a swift end. Shame about all that oil, terror and WMDs we just found in your capital that we will just have to carpet bomb now.

I hope things kick off.

Attached: halperneet2.png (409x409, 195K)

>watching the EU fall apart like
fuck globalists

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Italy, always stays classy.
un espresso per favore, pago con venti EUR.

This is a year old

The motion was approved unanimously yesterday in the chamber

>Italy is printing real money.

you don't print bitcoin retard


J'espère qu'on retournera au franc, putain de youpins de merde.

Kikes wont like this

Currency manipulation is their monopoly

Italy about to get their own 9/11

Attached: koå9+.jpg (673x1024, 85K)


nujak was a forced meme

Kek, i already know your flag without checking

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The German bonds were a liquid cash instrument, redeemable for 2 RM for every 1 RM invested. They were seen as currency and used much more than memes like bitcoin for cash purposes

Surprise us.


This is exactly what he did when the London banks cut off German finance from the global system

Can any Italia bros confirm / deny what is going on here?

This should be a sticky no joke

This and DB’s kya watch

that would be...the euro. so meh

Italian here, I wish it was approved.
We are going to get greece'd soon boys, godspeed.

Idk im travelling italy rn and haven't seen an italian yet. Unless you mean to tell me that these arabs are Italians.

short the euro

>Minibot parallell currency

Motion was passed, but the Italian Treasury rejected it...

Looks like a big middle finger to the EU though, from Italian politicians.

Wow. Bought and paid for EU shills.

And they claim that Italy is a democracy!

Well, democratic until the Technocrats of Brussels tell you what you can and can NOT do!!