>apply to jobs
>get interview
>all they do is grill me because of my extensive job history on my resume
Why the fuck do these niggers do this shit? Didn't you see my work history in my application before calling me in? Yes I've had 6 jobs in the past 8 years, what do you expect? They were all shit amd I was trying to better my position. I'm starting to hate gen X'ers, they act just like boomers
Apply to jobs
Because it sounds like you don’t last long at jobs and they want to know why you keep quitting or getting fired
They assume you’ll want to “better your position” again after a short time of working there so they don’t hire you. Jumping jobs a lot seems like an optimal strategy but it has consequences
I didn't get fired out of a single one. Ask me about my god damn qualifications and test me on whether or not I can do the job. Do these boomers expect loyalty anymore when I'm expected to be let go at their whim?
>apply to entry level helper/apprentice position
>asked technical questions or about experience
>"Well I'm applying as a helper I want someone to teach me this stuff"
>start getting filler questions after that and then interviews end
Why do boomer employers advertise aprenticeships with 1 year experience plus education requirements? That's not an apprenticeship. Why even waste my time with an interview?
>Do these boomers expect loyalty anymore when I'm expected to be let go at their whim?
They do. They also expect you to love a shitty job.
Just lie, idiot.
>apply to job
>get a call the same day
>hr person claims theres some other opening that they think would be a better fit than the position I applied for
>say ok
>interview for position
>completely different than initially described
>completely different than original position
>shit hours
>better pay
>rethinking even working for these people
>interview goes meh because it's not the position I applied for
>go home
>get email
>"unfortunately the position you applied for has been filled."
Fuck the bait and switchers.
This shit has happened to me as well, its bullshit
You're doing interviews wrong. You're supposd to be grilling them.
It really is true. My boomer manager at my retailcuck job has a team talk with my department every week trying to shame/threaten us into working harder when we all make roguhly 10 dollars an hour and every retailer near us pays employees with no experience 2 to 3 dollars more and we've all been with the company for years. He's even said he knows we're underpaid but we should be happy we get more hours than the other employees and that should drive us to work harder. Meanwhile he is high ranking in our union and complicit in new hires wages being gradually cut until they were peanuts. It's as if boomers lack introspection and can't understand why young people aren't motivated when they have no hope for the future with the wages they are being given. How can you love your job when you hate your life? How can you be motivated at work when you live with Mom and Dad one car breakdown or medical emergency from destitute with no hope of ever moving out with your current employment? US productivity gains have flatlined but the landed boomer management class is too stupid or maybe willingly selfish to remedy the problem with wage growth.
Its called boomers being selfish and having no self awareness of just how easy they had it
>implies you or others would never, never lie on your resume.
>Less pay, more hours
>Vs less hours, more pay
So it basically evens out. Also, get a better job user.
kek same
when will they finally replace us with robots and put us all on ubi?! tired of this shit
you are the real retard, yes they did see that but they expect you to come up with an answer that isnt "they were all shit", because then it would be likely that you quit this job too because its shit and they waste time and resources training you.
more hours =/= more productivity. If only boomers could get it through their thick fat heads
the boomers expect loyalty from you but they will never be loyal towards you
they shipped millions of illegals in to destroy the job market and to make it an employers market rather than an employees market, welcome to capitalism
Tell them that you are not being challenged and want more responsibilities
Then if it bothers you that much; organize a coup. Dont complain on Jow Forums especially on Jow Forums about personal shit. You dont like boomers or whatever. Make a coup with your coworkers to get your shitty boss fired
To make this sound feasible, start by feigning compliance with EVERYTHING he says(get your co workers to do the same). Once you get on his good side, take every opportunity to make observations of his incompetence.(co workers to do the same) all of you go up to whomever is above him and tell his boss what hes fucking up on.
> be you
> don’t understand what interviews are for
Stay poor nigger
Hope this helps, don't let yourself be beat down by those "above" you; remember he puts on his pants the same way everyone does
here in silicon valley people are surprised if you haven't worked at like 4 companies
move and embrace faggot capitalism
Please enlighten me. Something about you sucking the interviewer off?
Thanks user, I don't have a boss though.
based. learn some soft skills faggits.