"Mr. user, I heard you are good at investing, can you teach me?"

>what do?

Attached: tumblr_pofdl7WxmX1wwlc6n_540.jpg (540x646, 56K)

What about I "invest" my dik in your vegana?

Attached: Screenshot 2019-06-01 at 17.03.09.png (678x328, 51K)

Only if you show your peepee first.

That’s a fucking man

Attached: it-suits-yiou.gif (500x220, 1.78M)

first thing we gonna learn is how to do a sharpie in the pooper.

it's a dude

Lesson number one
Knee pads

I, I... chopped it user. Do you still love me, right?

Attached: no.gif (220x144, 435K)

Spending ad much time as I do here, I have developed a trap sense which goes beyond superficial looks. I can literally smell her ballsack through the screen.

im not gay and would fuck her

Inb4 it's a dood. No thanks


At least he was aware enough to hide his hands in the picture


based and ballsackpilled

I love watching her videos


Uhh... name?

Fuck nevermind.
That's gay.

your opinion on pic related?

Attached: capmarvel.webm (1600x900, 2.95M)

Ella Hollywood


It's not

This is a trap user...

As we say in Brazil: A trap without a penis is like an angel without wings.



Based and redpilled

a dick is honestly preferable to a literal festering wound

wake up

Attached: sad.gif (220x217, 11K)

Nigga you gay

Look for crypto coins with legit use cases that'll transform to necessary utilities in the long run like that of the ECOMI project. Put your money in there and rest. That's how to invest!

Just busted a nut with her video. She's amazing

who is this girl(male) ?

Have sex my dude


Bigh huy, slow sell

Zeig Schwanz mein Sohn, dann reden wir.

She’s something else. The noise she makes you can tell she loves every second of it

The answer is YES

reminder that your uWu tranny gf has an almost 1/3 chance to give you aids, and the gay community is at around 80% std infected

Attached: kjk1ebi6qs131.jpg (906x1024, 295K)

>clown amount of make up
>dyed hair
>looks 35
get away from me

Attached: 1522465783097.png (846x720, 328K)

Post more please

>"first to be showing me your toilet biche'

open penas

lose her money


Stick it into the ass.