Facebook Confirmed using Chainlink


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Other urls found in this thread:


aaaah my links

Rinku-chan has so many frens, sugoi

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Lmfao shardlink

someday chainlink will catch up with current technology

no they are using hard and soft link
get your facts right stupid mother fucking dumb ass idiot retard butt face


so that's why it's crashing

And this means nothing..





$10 per link now!!!


Gtfohwtb, fake

Fake and also kind of gay

kek it’s currently dumping

Target: $0.13

Literal Who?

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One day chain link crypto currency coin will be 10 000 United States american dollars

Why don’t they just check ETH prices on Coinbase?

I was just thinking about this today.
Why was it retarded when someone says that about Tron on a platform where individuals need to own what they state, but when someone on this number generator site says it about chainlink it is true?

You are retarded.

You can't trust Coinbase, they could hack the price and display whatever they want

oh user, I ...

Large if accurate senpai


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There has been some math done on the issue, 10k is lower end.

This. They're using the shadow fork you absolute mongs.

Did you really think theyd use the "LINK" thats owned by 400 lb manchildren that still play Zelda? Wow.

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Definitely not fake. Possible gay

Trump could come out in public and embrace Chainlink and it would still dump another 50%. No one will ever buy these useless bags for more than a dollar a piece

Who else unironically love holding link here?

any reason to believe they would tho

Why would fb use cl ever? Unless they’re building on ETH

This is bullish for ETH

Everyone who isnt extremely new remembers the leaked usb folder image

It's been over ten years of my coding days so pardon me if I'm wrong, but doesn't this just mean that one of the variables is named "chainlink"? Because that proves fuck-all. Are we SERIOUSLY reaching this desperately?

The tesla one with eth?


>being a brainlet

More importantly, why would facebook have an open source github project?

Are you joking

delete this

>grown adult living at parents collecting disability checks

It's just link holders shitposting.
That said, 1000$ eoy.

No, why would facebook write a hack project

Jesus fuck this almost makes me want to sell my stack. I get that people had hopes high as fuck and were disappointed on thursday, but cuck almighty...

Also might've and hopefully have taken a bait, but I can't even tell the difference with you cunts anymore.

The most anti climatic mainet launch ever. Now just stinkies coping. 3 nodes, no staking, no real customers, no real usage.

Google reactjs bro

I’ve seen you post in many link threads, why do you let it live in your head rent free if you don’t own any?

You have to face the fact that 99.99% of all crypto projects are crap. even chainlink, while it is the most professional, still is a useless crypto project as of right now. what we are betting on it that its going to be at least slightly useful in a couple of years

this has nothing to do with chainlink, stay poor
t. programmer

Sell then brainlet.

Fucking crybaby

Ok but that's only a ui thing. So what, theyre gonna make their blockchain project open source?

I’ve also seen you in almost every chain link thread

I do elaborate research on each coin shilled here. I want to like chain link but the shills are straight cringe. And to be quite honest i thinks it vaporware. I’m a programmer by trade I wouldn’t use the service I would write my own oracle at fraction of cost.
The only time you need a decentralized oracle is when generating a secret that miners can’t fuck with which is typically related to gambling and other rng. The big problem I see is decentralized data from a centralized data source is redundant

Not to mention it’s really obvious there are a ton of whales trying to trick new Fags into buying their bags

More like T. Gondi, am I right pajeet? You like cat piss brah? Does it arouse you?

I would think they would all the big companies know for true adoption you open source

Doesn’t Facebook own CoinMarketCap

please consider deleting this

All they're doing is defining a variable they coincidentally called chainlink

Come on linkies

>that abuse of white space
>those comments
Jesus Christ

Yeah well actually for blockchain it could make sense. Code is law and all

Looks like a woman coded it desu

there is literally annotation stating what that string of code does. it links files. the absolute fucking state of desperate linklets. fuck.

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Well the director of blockchain at Facebook Evan Chang is also an adviser for chainlink so .... but still with all these breadcrumbs leading nowhere I have my doubts.

they are not leading no where, they just want to wait out you morons so then they can pull the rug from under everyone's feet.

someone post the leaked pic of sergey's usb. facebook was there .Too brainlet to find it



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the chainlink json parser it built with react, that's it

Even Cheng Director of Blockchain Engineering at Facebook and also advisor to Chainlink. Yeah, probably just a coincidence.


Facebook devs weigh 400 lb's as well and probably play Zelda also, the fat SJW feminists they are. Willing to bet they dress Link (the character, not the coin) in dresses and role play with him through the screen.

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>The only time you need a decentralized oracle is when generating a secret that miners can’t fuck with which is typically related to gambling and other rng

Serious business can't rely on oracles that aren't decentralized in order to execute tamper-proof digital agreements since that is a single point of failure. Either you are a iExec shill or you need to research a lot more if you aren't just trying to spread fud

>Zuckerberg holds Link
Yeah I'm ALL IN

Brainlet here, please explain, should I sell my chainlinks and buy hardlink?

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All of Jow Forums collectively probably owns less than 1-2% of total LINK, less than 5% if we're talking about what's in circulation.

Who owns the rest of it? Serious question though, who's been accumulating these?

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Thats file linking idiots.

Probably few market manipulating swing trading whales. It's quite clear that it's not SWIFT or Microsoft anyway. If the infamous blogpost made one thing clear, it is that Chainlink is still operating solely in the crypto space, not in the big players corporate world.That said, I'm still hodling (actually bought some more) and I love all the hopium/breadcrumb pasta, keep'em coming!

>Write my own oracle
>one party owning and operating an important part of the contract
>thinking anyone would do this

Shooped. *yawn*

>variable in some code has the name chainlink

JSON parse

>some street in Bombay is named Toilet

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for real

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Saving this to FUD reddit with. Not bad, might fool some idiots.

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First how do you think data gets on chain now?
Second most contracts are deployed using a single party key so the contract itself is managed by a single part already there’s not much decentralization with contract custodies

Think about how many keys it takes to update link contract , one, how’s that decentralized

You have a reddit account?

Cringe bro

You clearly weren't here for the digits

Feels like yesterday.

Yeah Sergey also said 19000 node operators, a full api marketplace and literally hundreds of teams

Sergey is a liar so you can't trust him, likely played around on Jow Forums as a joke and most larpers were nolinkers who wanted to lead linkers astray into delusion

Not gonna lie, former Chainlink node operator here. This is fucking hilarious watching Sergey crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get the big mac

No its not idiot doppel kek and I will be there at this point I don't think I can make it to the meeting tonight but suck Mt penis vagina little clitty boi penis


4000 sats or worse by next month. The project is possibly dead in the water after this knowledge.

Sybil attacks are possible since sybil resistance requires KYC or "trustworthy" node operators. Most people won't KYC because it's antithetical to the idea of crypto itself being decentralized and "anonymous". Therefore, since most operators won't want to KYC, LINK will not be sybil resistant.

Now why does RLC make LINK obsolete in this regard? It's simple. The PoCo algorithm is so well designed that iExec's dOracles can rely on it instead of KYC for sybil resistance.

Boom. I sold all of my LINK at 1.40 because I knew after RLC v3 dumped, that even LINK would dump.

I will not be buying back after learning this. I am all in RLC at the price of 0.43$, about 0.7x ICO price.

Sorry gentlemen, I thought LINK was going to save me just like all of us did, but this is the nail in the coffin.

wouldn't facebook using link be a good thing?

no, link is suppose to a financial back end system, exposing it to the masses through facebook would clog up the network

>wouldn't facebook using link be a good thing?
Reeeeeeeeeee normies get out let me be scammed in peace!!!

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