Attached: url.png (183x172, 2K)

300K Harmony or 300K$ of Harmony ?

thats a wet diaper filled with pajeet curry shits and vomit no thanks rajesh. im not buying your curry shit bags.

No retard it’s a Cz pump and he’s taking it to andromeda

250k here.

Wait for it to be around 350 sat

i'll buy in at 500 sats

It pumped already. It's over. Go home.

>It's over
Less than 24 hours after trading, gay user declares its over

I have over 1 million of these now.

what's our targets? 350 too soon to sell?

RSI sub-50%
Volume trickling into insignificance

believe what you want

500 sats!

>Volume trickling into insignificance
#1 volume on every pair

Attached: 1.png (800x729, 48K)

>43k BTC in trading volume in 12 hours
>Volume trickling into insignificance

Attached: superbrainlet.png (645x729, 75K)

lol fucking idiot

>doesn't know how to read a progressive volume chart

low IQ

looks like one big fat fucking bart to me

Attached: 646847635468.png (1006x533, 63K)

You are not factoring in the greedy Chinese factor, CZ needs to pump this a lot more or people will just start dismissing any new ieos..

It already did a 9x from IEO price...

Can anyone tell me what this coin does? What it's competitors are? And how it compares to it's competitors?

Max IEO amount was $1500 worth

>what it does
nothing, it's a shitcoin
>what it's competitors are

The only reason this is getting talked about on Jow Forums is because the ICO got shilled and a bunch of idiots here bought in a day late at 300 while the smart Jow Forums anons were awake for the market open and are already out of this pnd

Can I get an actual response from other than this dipshit.

Bought at 300 sats. Feeling good.

Attached: braaap.jpg (1000x1500, 145K)