Imagine not buying BTT right now
Imagine not buying BTT right now
>imagine not getting paid to seed illegal torrents
lmao @ poorfags staying poor
Bought 1.6million at 14 sats, pretty comfy
I have the same feeling with LINK. While everyone is thinking it's going to 60 cents I bought no too long ago. People think it will stay at 1$ for too long. It's actually under-priced right now
BTT and TRX are huge bags of mine. Just put your money into Justin Sun projects and he'll take you to the moon
oh vey shut it down
Explain. Why. $400 million for a price ticker. All future upgrades, additions, improvements, expansions to the mainnet are far in the future with no certain date of implementation. Explain to me how and why LINK is undervalued for the service it provides right now.
at what price are we expecting to pump here?
TRX went from 17 to 2000+ sats in 4 weeks
We’re in an odd stage phasing out of speculation towards adoption. Holding bags of LINK and TRX covers you on both. Throw some ETH in there and you’ll make it. Just don’t hold the TRX too long
Not touching TRX lmao
You realize btt is also Justin sun's project, right? I know they're both shitcoins but knowing how trx played out, you should ride this pnd
Upfiring has a workin product, btt only hype
we're here for the money.. not for the tech!!
>he doesn't know link will be used for trade finance, derivatives, insurance, any many other applications
>he doesn't know that enterprises don't just adopt things over night and it takes some time
>doesn't know Link will enable Trillions of dollars in digital agreements to happen through blockchain
hello there
UFR will explode in Jun. Mark my words. Recently listed on Bitfinex
>putting muh tech over money
Look Jow Forumsraelis it’s another normie who happened to find an anime forum for degenerate gamblers
I would rather die poor than help this subhuman chink get rich.
Imagine buying at ATH.
why is the chart like that?
It's just getting started. Don't sell a short-term hold until 1 billion mcap. Don't sell a long-term hold until the world shits itself.
Bullish divergence
Where can I buy BTT. IS there a future in it.
How does Justin Sun get away with this shit?
>that autistic font
whats the target here ?
But user I have been! Stacking since 11 SATs. Comfy as fuck
Been on since 14 sats
Pretty good like.