Does anyone have any screen grabs of old ETH/ Antshares fud?

Does anyone have any screen grabs of old ETH/ Antshares fud?

Attached: antshares-what-is-driving-the-price-up-featured-image.jpg (740x430, 13K)

This! Please share.
Ah, memories.

share frens, i miss it

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Why so you can repost it and talk about link?

Most eth fud was just "ewww, it's not bitcoin, yucky".

I remember antshares mania
But I remember Ethereum fud more than all

You can just look at ETH in the ANN thread Vitalik posted. The FUD wasn't necessarily specific to ETH. At that time all coins which had massive premines and distributions like ETH did were classified as scams, money grabs or developers being greedy. You can see everyone thought Vitalik was brilliant and loved the idea but they hated the distribution. I think in the first few pages they were even comparing it to Ripple's distribution. The standards just have changed these days and we accept any sort of distribution

Attached: vitalik.jpg (2448x3264, 2.15M)

Just look in the archives

The main FUD for Ethereum was that copy pasta that still gets posted today. I even remember reading it, the one that says Vitalik ditched his last project etc. Everyone on Jow Forums knew he was some genius kid that was in the gifted school shit and won the peter thiel thing, so it was like tailor made FUD to counteract that view and claimed he ditched his last project and was just trying to make as much as possible and ditch. Top kek

That faggot that originally posted it probably stopped hundreds of people from becoming filthy rich, because realistically in those days all it took was some FUD and chances are you probably are a little convinced, because it was a different time

I never really understand why someone here would take the time to fud anything. There's coins I dislike, but I can't see why I would take even a second to make a post fud'ing it. What's the psychology behind this? I don't get it.

This is why I'm never selling. Even if some of the FUD was true and impacted the project what's to keep them from fixing the issue at a later date, isn't that the point is that it's still in development?

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Oldfags trying to get people to miss out on purpose. I think 70-80% of LINK fud is from oldfags with big bags shitposting out of sheer boredom, and the other 20% of FUD is from actual brainlets that just go along with whatever other people say. There's no way for anybody to know for sure what's going to happen in the future but we can take educated guesses. I'm no oldfag but LINK was the best educated guess from years of shitposting mixed with legitimate discussion.

One of two things will happen, it will either be the next large crypto project that sees actual adoption or it's going to stay a meme with no real uses outside of good memes. I for one hope it's the former because I was too young to get in on BTC and ETH. I could invest in shitcoins but I'm terrible at trading so that isn't very realistic

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To be contrarian, just to offer the opposite opinion of whatever
I sometimes fud stuff i'm invested in or my own ideas because I want to see how someone else argues for it
I don't think it is always malicious, the guy might have been trying to see if anyone could answer his questions but it just became copypasta anyway even though he probably got an answer the first time

There were people that had already made a lot of money from Bitcoin fudding Ethereum. So if you're relatively new to investing or whatever then you're probably going to listen to the guy with more money than you

It seems obvious now but it really wasn't

Also, because this is Jow Forums. So instead of asking a question "Why did he stop working on his last project?" it becomes "This faggot Russian scammer ditches his last project, now he's gonna ditch this one after stealing your money" lol etc

Its kinda funny I guess

Why DID he stop working on his last project, by the way?

FUD is a new phenomenon, 2 years ago we used to tip each other off to new projects, we’d pool our funds to buy into ICO’s, we’d coordinate patriotic pump and dumps on redditors and generally lift each other up. Back then there weren’t a lot of normals like you guys today infiltrating this space with toxic misinformation. And the pajeet scammers, they weren’t onto crypto until the last bull run.

Nobody will ever post early FUD because it didn’t exist.

I can't remember kek, the power of fud

Type Ethereum into the archive and click sort by oldest post

First mention of vitalik in biz archive
>you really think that russian goofball Vitalik Buterin will create enough hype for it to explode? not talking about long term, just enough to make it explode when it debuts so we can sell it for big bucks

>Everybody was good friends and nobody ever tried spreading misinformation
I sincerely doubt this, no matter how long you've been here. Besides, what qualifies as a "normal" in your eyes? Aren't you a normie oldfag to anyone who got here before you?

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Sometimes you see someone saying some stupid shit and you want to call em out on it. sometimes you want a project to fail because you dislike it the weak fags shilling it. sometimes you just get bored because you know that its only a matter of time before you make it.

to keep the price low and give more time to accumulate before it explodes, brainlet

That is some retarded shit there. As if you have the power to manipulate price. I hear this stupid shit on here all the time. Get over the delusions of grandeur ffs.

I have only 8K link and want to put all my spare wagie dollars into crypto until EOY. If I put 1K into BTC every month from this point and never sell my linkies will I be well off this time next year?

as other user mentioned, fud hit hard in those days, and it spread all over the net so yeah, it kept many from buying and pumping the price, perhaps not really significantly but enough to make a difference. Besides what else they were gonna do while waiting

I guess you have a point there. I will resume being brainlet.

I only fud BTC and I only comment when corekeks are blatantly lying to newfags.
Then there's the occasional LINK FUD for fun, but we all know I'm a holder as well.

> And the pajeet scammers, they weren’t onto crypto until the last bull run.
Maybe not on Jow Forums, but pajeet scammers have been in crypto since the beginning on bitcointalk.

>why someone here would take the time to fud anything.

Because 90% of the projects are scammers and money grabs that suck money out of Bitcoin/ETH. Then that BTC/ETH is dumped. Scammers become rich. It hurts the whole market. Dumb fags lose a ton of money and think the whole space is a scam.

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I'm going to get an easy 1.5X on my link because it's pegged to the price of a big mac boomers can't compete. It's in the whitepaper look it up

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Aside from the LINK FUD, which I can't tell is really FUD or just a big meme, the only project that I've seen that gets as much FUD posts as ETH and ANS/NEO is ZIL.

It's really not FUD with ZIL, I'm mad I had to sell at a loss and I'm glad I did because I put the money in profitable projects.

>he thinks the antshares comparison is for ETH when its really for FTM



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