Daily reminder. This is the NANO Chief Operating officer

Daily reminder. This is the NANO Chief Operating officer.

Invest in white arayan teams not gook scammers.

Attached: people-george.jpg (700x700, 328K)

Other urls found in this thread:


she is the phoenix, nano will rise again from the ashes

Attached: nanorise.jpg (497x701, 113K)

post more redheads

Attached: qt60.jpg (700x700, 96K)

"Y-you'll invest in m-my miracle company? R-right user?"

Attached: female goblin.png (413x389, 73K)


Attached: nanowhale.png (1600x1200, 1.16M)

I like Nano because it's the only crypto group that didn't ban me for using the world nigger. (Ps i am a Latino nigger myself)
On the other hand Verge banned me for saying Nigga.

Aesthetic shot/10

how much NANO to sniff George's butt?

Nano CEO is Shapiro, that's enough
top kek
They are trying to play us like chinks play their own with White puppet CEOs

>Investing in a woman
Top Kek

I want to use my tongue as her toilet paper

You mean it's the COO's wife, right?

Attached: 1469317573658.png (504x398, 309K)

would rather buy the bsv pajeetscam

But she fucks black men exclusively.


Pick one

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redheads are some of the craziest people on the planet. There's a reason that so many of them join ISIS

lol what Nano CEO is a based white man

Attached: colinlemahieu.jpg (400x400, 26K)

However this: Fuck off degenerates and your disgusting fetish.

His name is George, unironically.

This is now an eos thread. Eos could very well have nano as a side chain. Let’s send these nano fags back to their /cryptocurrency safe space

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I want to see George's penis
