Can anyone tell me why this shitcoin has the 3rd largest marketcap on marketcap? Bullshit stable coin, please...

Can anyone tell me why this shitcoin has the 3rd largest marketcap on marketcap? Bullshit stable coin, please, someone please explain to me why

Attached: ripple_Medium.jpg (300x300, 7K)

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they got in early and are banking HARD on the fact that they will be some bankster crypto standard in the future

it's been around for a while and convinced idiots that banks are actually going to buy these tokens from you so they have free up trillions of dollars which are just sitting there for money transfers. That plus the fact that even from the 42 Billion in circulation, most are still in the hands of a few founders/insiders so it really inflates the marketcap.

Attached: ripple-dormant.png (1008x1436, 672K)

What's a valid argument against XRP other than "muh banks are the bad guys"

Decentralisation idealists can't see the truth staring them in the face. All the info is out there, you choose not to see it.

the argument is that while centralized banker coins are the future, XRP != Ripple, and people adopting ripple tech means NOTHING about the value of a utility token

But their technology is processed with xrp

theres constant "good news" coming oout about Ripple and nothing happens to the price

Less than 4 second transactions. No miners that have to sell to pay electricity bills. 200+ full time world-class employees. Offices all over the world. 200+ signed (public) partnerships with major financial institutions. New verticals in gaming, music, micro payment streaming, cross-platform payments. Investments from the absolute top-tier of venture-funds. Partnerships with the Gates foundation, American Express, Bank of England, PNC, Santander, SBI, etc... Working with the IMF, Fed faster payments, Bank of England, Bank of America, Western Union. If you cant see the writing on the wall with this one it's unreal. Most other people do

>muh institutional adoption

when does this retardation end

I hate everything about xrp but I do hold a little bag so if it could pump to 1 dollar again I can make a nice little profit

this. im not holding my breath, but people would be foolish not to hold some of it

Honestly, spend 1 hour of your weekend looking into XRP. If you're not some delusional idealist 19 year old anarcho-capitalist, you will see the only retardation would be betting against XRP long term

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people are retarded simple as that

Attached: ryppelrippleretard.png (1155x1034, 53K)

>Bullshit stable coin

Ripple was nothing of a stable coin in 2017. It's April 2017 bull run was probably the quickest and biggest one in the history of crypto.

im not betting against XRP, im just saying im not even 10% of my portfolio in XRP

Well for what its worth this is going to be a very big month for XRP. Heres a video of the CEO of Ripple discussing XRP at a swiss national bank conference. No one in crypto is as connected or respected in global finance as Ripple. Make of it what you will

>thinks institutions will buy ifirium or butterscoin

banks will make their own coin in the future, its NOT ripple/xrp

people have been saying its a big month for XRP for 3 years, and other cryptos have mooned and XRP just kinda farts around doing 2x , 3x... back down etc

Everyone will make their own coin....

>counterparty risk


Ripple community went FULL RETARDED.

Ripple is babies first altcoin


Because Jews and retarded bagholders who think regulations arent terrible. Its like a boomercoin.

OP here, the consensus Im gathering is a no. Insecure?
ETH over XRP?
I want to buy in the next week.

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dont do anything in crypto until you have accumulated 1.0 BTC imo

This was my best move in 2016 and it's been my move getting back to crypto this year

Attached: bitcoincnbc.jpg (813x481, 96K)

Fuck marry kill

Bitcoin Core

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Jow Forums always says this coin is shit and will go nowhere, that's why I bought a few k

god i cant wait to wait for 2 years and fomo in when its .5