How much can you make from a meth lab in 2019?

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Depends how much white people are in your area

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300 dollars

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depends on how much you can scale
how the fuck can you plug yourself into a electrictrical newtork for more than 10KW? (considerably more)
otherwise you can't do batches larger than 1kg

You could unironically end up like this if the meth lab explode.
Not worth it, OP

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t h i c c

depends if you can get a reliable distributer and get the chems without being traced. otherwise you can make 100k in a month or two. high risk, high reward

I could get that nice shiny hair?

thats a rough looking 58 year old

Yes, but you can't get back that pretty decent fuckable face.

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Unethical as fuck. Have a soul OP and stop trying to profit off the misery of others.

Trying to make a profit trading is profiting off the misery of others. Fuck off moralfag

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guy i know has his own amphetamine making 400k a month. europe based

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Holy shit, what does it take to have maggots growing in your mouth?

i know that is the most fucked up shit... Why is this even possible.

They eat dead flesh so.... that

don't care, they are deciding to do this to themselves, we are living in a clown world

It wont explode if you have the attention span of at least an elementary school child

I bet almost every methlab or black market grow has those home depot buckets.

it truly is clown world.

The maggots may actually be helping keep the wound clean, then again they are probably hoped up on meth

probably quite a lot. It's high risk. Your lab can explode, you can easily get arrested. Getting the setup needed isn't very easy either I think. Why not just grow marijuana? You build a loving relationship with your plants growing you as a person. Your customers are chilled out and/or need it for medicinal purposes. You'd be almost like a doctor.

That's actually pretty sweet, even assisted living homes are shit, not to mention the hell that is nursing homes.

still think it's "pretty sweet"?

Sell shovels amidst the gold rush
Sudo prices are through the roof

that's fucking weird wtf.

>100k, 400k
Lol how? Amph/meth price is quite low, u need to sell really huuuge amount of that shit to get to these numbers. Even if u manage to cook this amount, where will u find that much costumers?

All the money.

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Not as much as you can trading Forex. 5.1 trillion are traded each day.


you sell to distributors. for like 10$+ per gram, make a kilo and you have 10k+

meth production is infact such a hard business to get into and execute without getting sent to prison for life that the literal CIA has the entire industry cornered.