How do i keep living

>read the BTC whitepaper in 2009
>thought it was really cool and sounded like the future
>had no concept that value of bitcoin could go up, or that it was something you could invest in
>didnt buy/mine any
>didnt come back to crypto until december 2017
i would have been so rich, i guess the only upside is that im not one of those people that were up 1000x and never cashed out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bitcoin (BTC) will grow 1000x within our lifetime.

yea btc has only been adopted by i believe its 25 million know users/wallets, which is a very small percent of the global population. if markets crash and people want a hedge, it will be to late for them and even sitting on a few btc will be godly


Yes it will.

Bitcoin will be traded for 8 million and that is without fiat currency crashing or without any other external causes.

Watch and learn.

Same here. Although as cool as it sounded, I chalked it off as a neckbeard fad that wouldn't last, so never actually did any research. Thought about buying some as a novelty items, but since it had no practical uses conserning me at the time I let it be.

Is it really that low? I thought last year Coinbase even passed 20 million accounts.

Read up on bitcoin SV and Craig Wright, and realise you have been given a second chance. Start with this video:

maybe the article i read was dated, but think about this

some countries will even see sats be worth more than their native currency due to hyperinflation. adoption of btc is STILL very low, if you are in this early and just fucking hold instead of trying to daytrade the most volatile asset ever created eventually it will pay off

Make sure to read this as well so you could have that nostalgic feel of "man, I knew about that thing back when it was still starting up" when you fomo in next year:

when countries need to store btc for international trade similar to how they use gold you will complain about watching bitcoin skyrocket your whole life but sat on the sidelines because your afraid to buy.

>he's not desperately accumulating BTC/ETH and LINK
>he doesn't own any LP
user what the fuck, you're really gonna hate yourself if you miss the boat twice

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Hmmmmmm I wonder if there's something that's been shilled here for 2 years that holds similar investment potential and future use cases that's currently under $1. I wish I knew what that was, guess we'll just have to see in 4 years

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If you niggers dont think the CIA has literally dozens of crypto mining skyscrapers you are literally retarded.

i hope so, i just still dont have enough capital to make much gains, yeah it might 1000x in 10 more years but to hold though all those waves is nearly impossible, especially if youre poor like me
>in b4 get a job
there was no research to do about it in 2009, it was brand new, you either got some or you didnt, the plan should have been to get some just in case anything did happened, but good luck figuring out what you did with that wallet from ten years ago.
your reply smells like poop
this reply smells like poop too
lol im not afraid to buy in, i just dont have any money cause im poor
I have a 16k stack of link, ive given up everything in my life for the past two years to get there which has made my miserable life even more miserable if thats even possible. everyday melts into the same day, and i cry at night knowing its going to take another 2 years of waiting to see any price action. im def not missing the link boat

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read my last point of this post

BCH is Bitcoin.

I feel like I've already made it, all that's left is to wagecuck for a few more years and dump everything I have into crypto. If not; pic related

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1000x from here means bitcoin will be worth 100x what Apple is worth...

well if you are so redpilled you think btc will become a world currency it could happen

careful spreading this we still accumulating.

same, was just 16 in 2009 though so couldn't read or understand the wp, but I was into carding and the only thing I did with those cards was buy gear on wow private servers (never bought anything physical because muh cops), thousands of dollars of meaningless gear, I could've just bought bitcoin with those cards and would have been a billionaire by now.

> the only upside is that im not one of those people that were up 1000x and never cashed out

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>buy btc in 2013 to buy things on the internet
>think i'm late to the party and there's no way it will gain more value

Yea it feels pretty fucking bad man. I think I heard about bitcoin around the silk road bust, I just assumed it was something that people used to buy drugs with on silk road and that's it lol and I had no interest in drugs so I never looked into it any deeper. Fuck man I wish I knew. But if I'm being honest even if I knew about it in 2010 or something I probably wouldn't have had the balls to buy more than $100 worth so....

I thought it was too late in 2013 when btc went to 1k