Let’s go boys
Post ur stacks
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I have 500 of these bags. 80ish buyin price. Didnt sell when it hit close to 200.
190 NEO
2100 GAS
Will I make it?
0. I don't hold Chinese trash.
scam coin
stay away
My concern with gas is they are changing the way it works for 3.0. Will the price hold up? However their will only ever be 22 mil has I believe
>people are still holding NEO in mid 2019
lmao why
I think the max supply is 100M? Also even if they make it inflationary, it demand will cause it to skyrocket . Similar to ETH
Excellent. Keep buying. NEO 1.0 and NEO 2.0 wasn't weady for adoption but NEO 3.0 will definitely be the backbone of the Chinese Smart Economy. Trust me.
I spend $5,000 on 48 NEO. Worth almost nothing now. Am I gonna make it?
dumped my efrium in to this
chinks better deliver
At this point I'd just set an alert for $150 and forget about it
I haven't kept up.. with 3.0, is GAS or NEO a better hold?
Bought 90 of these at 6 dollars when they were still antshares and I'm still holding em ADAMANTIUM HANDS CHINESE ETHEREUM
This fucking kek. CHINKED
Neo cucks are the original linkies, only claim to fame they’ll ever have. Kek.
I bought 113 antshares, why I didn't sell when neo was like $200 each I'll never know. Now my wedding is coming up in a month and I'll probably have to sell my LTC when I could've sold a fraction of my NEO back in January for the same price... Please stupid chinks, pump your chink coin one more time..
>selling to financing a party for everyone but yourself
I took a risk by starting a new job 3 months before my wedding. I figured I would get a couple commission checks before the big day, but there was about 7 weeks of delays getting my licensing approved, when the governing body said 5-10 business days. So I missed out on about a months worth of income and selling my LTC is all I can think of. My parents also ran into some financial troubles and I sent them some cash. Long story short I've got 12k left in my bank and 13k in wedding costs left to pay.
I thought I made a hunge mistake buying 500 at $20. It was a mistake, but not that bad of one. Don't worry user, you'll probably break even.
>getting married
>never gonna make it
>On one party
Fucking normies man. My wife and I spent $500 in total on our wedding. Was a great day and we put a down payment on our house shortly after.
Good luck to you anyway I guess