What’s next for his coin?

What’s next for his coin?

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It'll pump to 300+ the next week. Screencap this

$100,000 / coin. Anything less is FUD. It’s the only coin that can actually scale.

for once in my life can this one thing happen?

It will to 50k once BTC is flipped

but then i would have 50 million dollars oh shit

This is what you call “peak delusion”.
>I read in satoshis whitepaper, I mean because I wrote it
BSVtards: it was just a joke bro.
Get rekt you fucking chumps.

btc cant scale
>it doesnt need to

Absolutely pathetic bagholder cope.
Enjoy poverty

it will never amount to much, csw said the same thing for years about bch now he has his own coin sanjay vision

It will all come crashing down and will end in tears for anyone bagholding when this happens. It will happen suddenly with no warning.

who cares?

i had a fuck-length of an argument the whole day in another thread here. (i own BTC, no BSV).

then i did research on CSW, a bit deeper.
holy fuck this guy is legit.

couldnt sleep because of that.
then i decided "fuck it". transfered 0,5BTC from cold storage to the exchange (myass this shitcoin took like forever..certainly this cant be the vision, just a reminder).

exchanged those 0,5BTC for a stack of 21 BSV - just to be on the safe side.

really i think BSV is an opportunity and a threat alike. there's plenty of anti csw/bsv propaganda out there and he's portrayed as a fucking lunatic but in the end he's legit. i really couldnt go to sleep letting this opportunity slip. i still hold majority BTC but i can only recommend honestly to get that BSV as long as its that cheap. this motherfucker CSW/SN is planning some shit with his BSV coin, i dont want to say it will flip BTC but given the right circumstances etc. could happen.

>implying I hold btc.
Kekt and rekt. Congrats on this, seriously.

link to old thread?

Craig wins. Tuliptrustality.

Steady growth all 2019, then boom one day it's $5000, and BTC is $100.

You fags will be BTFO soon...

Creg is Satoj FASH Edit youtube.com/watch?v=naGpxLmlbzE&t=10s

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i was brown ID: gZ8Qfamn

i researched a bit deeper at the end of the evening as the answers lacked for me...it makes sense regarding CSW claims but you need to think around one or two corners to get it.


>holy fuck this guy is legit.
first time i heard that from someone that actually did research on his bullshit claims. or maybe you are just a larping pajeet.

That’s the thing, you wait for other people’s opinions instead of thinking for yourself

If he was he wouldn't have hide under the name SATOSHI because this nigger knows nothing about Japan.
He would have hide under names like Suzuki or Toyota AT BEST.

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>Brown ID


Attached: CRAG KILLED SAT.png (1211x678, 390K)

lel any of the credentials that you boast for dave can be applied to creg. they were mates from the same field of work. keep them coming though, i can't wait to see how far you cuckstream shill retards take this denial.

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on the contrary i actually took the fucking time to listen to that semi tech illiterate boomer faggot and read some of his ramblings.

my conclusion the dude is a fucking fake ass faggot that is talking to a tech illiterate audience (otherwise he must know he would not get away with it).

Even if he's Satoshi, I don't think a person who denies a family something that was left for them is worth of respect.
