Career suggestions

Just got "the ultimatum" from my parents. I'm like one level above neet and I'm 22 and still don't know what to do. I need some advice on a serious career a loser like me can get and make a seious path of. I live in Washington State btw, was thinking Boeing orbAir force off the top of my head but I'm a skilless meet and don't know where to beginbor if that's even a good idea

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McDonald is that way retard. You can't even type properly and you expect to be in the fucking air force?

Look into WOOF...or WOOFF? It's the organic worldwide farming cooperative. You sign up to work on a farm wherever you want and get room, board, and food in return for however long you work there. It's a good opportunity to meet other lost souls and figure out what you want to do. More importantly you figure out what you don't want to do.

I'm off my PC at the movies, fuck off. I've seen enough blacks in the AF to know that's be anyway.

Never heard of that, will look into it thank you user. I need to do something at this point that might be it.

You don't have any college under your belt?
If not I'd take an online course in web development or coding and apply for jobs. Very very easy to make quite a bit from a relatively easy job if you're good at problem solving

I’m 31 and still dk what to do. Been living off passive income and fucking my Korean gf when she isn’t cooking for me and hitting the beach/gym. How do I escape this nightmare?

Almost got a basic AA, not even sure what I did it for, maybe just to feel like I was doing something. I'll see if I can find some easy web development stuff to see if I have a talent for it.
I should be asking you for help, I wish I had a gf and a place to call my own.

Work for UPS after a year or so you can be a Driver and make over 100k a year. Just have a GED or Diploma.

>UPS unloader here

>borderline NEET
Kys scum

Thanks man, will read up on that.

You know what kills racism? Money, so help me make some :)

Was gonna give actual advice and resources until I read this comment, enjoy being kicked out of your home you Jow Forumstard neet loser lol

Park Ranger.
Park Ranger.

Attached: Roswell-UFOs-Today.jpg (615x793, 55K)

If you've got long term hodls then work an oil rig job.

$75-100k for working hard as shit 12 hours a day for 2 weeks followed by a full week off.

If you are not completely antisocial and retarded you can make great connections with a bunch of down to earth guys that have money to spare, in case you ever want to do your own start up or fund.

You weren't gonna say anything useful
Big nature lover, actual good idea

Never thought of that, not the most social guy but I'm willing to seriously try to make things work

Good good. The Chair Force won't make you happy unless you're a potato or a pilot. I was Army EOD. The military is full of miserable lost faggots. It's not a solution.

Put in your hours for one year, save up $50k, and go live in Thailand/Vietnam for a year slamming brown/yellow puss and living like a slumking.

Nice to see you have experience. Thanks for letting me know, I think something in naturr will suit me, maybe park ranger like that guy said.

Haha that sounds great, I could get used to living a life like that

Become a specialist cleaner: the job isn't going away.
Maybe septic tank cleaner. Anyway, find an apprenticeship from the best in your city.

This is bullshit, most drivers have worked there for ages and don't give up their jobs unless your in ups for years or at an undeserved location you'll be package slaving.
Go chair force. Pick a job that will give you real training for the real world. Learn a language you're interested in during your spare time and they will pay you more.
Don't spend your money on dumb shit and stay away from roasties. Invest your money wisely and you'll do well kiddo.

It's not all that. I live in Thailand. You don't want your kids to be pig faced half slants.
Do the same but in a white country like Russia or Ukraine.

Wwoofing is literally worse than Peace Corp or Conservation Corp.

>Washington State
Join a trade. There is a huge construction boom going on and a massive shortage of workers. They will start you at $25-$30 an hour with no experience and in five years you will be clearing six figures. I suggest HVAC, electrical, or sheet metal.

For your information:

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aaaaand I now regret giving advice as well

Hey thanks user I'm in a similar position but my job is pretty mediocre and I'm looking to make more money without spending 4 years at uni. Or at the very least make good money WHILE doing to college

>implying you need to be literate to succeed in the military
who's the retard?

Not true about UPS, they promote about 10 people to drivers every 4 months

just buy Link, working is for suckers

Study hard, pick a math intensive major. Go to grad school for MBA and learn how to get a specialized skill.

Are you a boomer who thinks everyone is equal or are you a black guy?

OP is an asshurt NEET on the verge of becoming homeless, I don't think he's in any particular position to be racist.

boeing pays really well for people with no experience. my dad worked for them my whole life and several of my friends did and I could see all of their lifestyles change as they made significantly more income. find a couple baristas in your area , start an espresso stand and offer for them to be in charge and run it and offer them small amounts of company profits.

well your fucked, we're entering a recession so there will be no jobs for a couple years anyways
you could try begging or commit suicide to lessen the burden on your parents

>OP is an asshurt NEET on the verge of becoming homeless, I don't think he's in any particular position to be racist.
Wrong on everything but racist, I'm not asshurt or about to be homeless, just at a crossroads. If you actually believe in "equality" or that evolution stopped at the neck you have it harder than me.

>boeing pays really well for people with no experience. my dad worked for them my whole life and several of my friends did and I could see all of their lifestyles change as they made significantly more income.
What jobs did they do? Was it tough stuff?
>find a couple baristas in your area , start an espresso stand and offer for them to be in charge and run it and offer them small amounts of company profits.
I actually know a few girls who work at Starbuck, that could work.

>just buy Link, working is for suckers
I'm stupid, but not that stupid, I'm trying to get a job because I don't want to be a neet.

>air force
>need to know how to spell or proper grammar to get in
You've been living under a rock haven't you?

Ok sure but variance within a race is greater which is why there are smart blacks in the airforce and a good 35% of all niggas smarter than you

>Ok sure but variance within a race is greater which is why there are smart blacks in the airforce and a good 35% of all niggas smarter than you
No, there are blacks in the Air Force because we turned it into a gibz program and actively TRY to put blacks in power positions because of race for the sake of "diversity", if it were meritocratic, there would be less than 3% blacks in the air force in all.

what type of zoomer joins the pipefitting biz?

more like 15%.
but besides that getting into any armed forces isn't hard

If I can recognize differences between dogs and penguins does that make me a specieist? Is a homeless man allowed to notice differences between species?

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>If I can recognize differences between dogs and penguins does that make me a specieist? Is a homeless man allowed to notice differences between species?
This, but not homeless.

You're a NEET loser sponging off his parents at the age of 22, trying to lecture people smarter and richer than you on the nuances of life. You aren't even a man. That's why your racism is hilarious and cringe-inducing.

My advice to you is to buy some kneepads, bitch.

Do you want to make it? If so, get a career in sales. Doesnt matter what you're selling, just get a sales job and learn how to sell shit.
Any career you get will lock you on that path for life, half the jobs out there cant translate into self-employment easilly, and the other half wont make you rich, just middle class.
The only way to get rich is to sell shit to people.
Learn how to sell shoes and one day you will be selling Airplanes to your fellow millionaires.

>You're a NEET loser sponging off his parents at the age of 22,
I'm not doing that though, I live in a multi generational house and I do chores and fix the house. Do you even call your parents?
>rying to lecture people smarter and richer than you on the nuances of life. You aren't even a man. That's why your racism is hilarious and cringe-inducing.
>My advice to you is to buy some kneepads, bitch
You wanna sound tough so bad but you just come off as a wanna be tough guy kek. I've never claimed to be smarter or richer in this thread, your just projecting at this point dude. Go find someone else to blame your problems on. Seriously, If you love fighting for anti-racism and equality maybe you should join the Burger King kids club.

This is the best advice you'll ever get. You have time and no responsibilities - I would give anything to have that possibility again. Spend that time improving yourself and learning how to sell.

I'm pretty personable, but not sure what I would sell, I've been thinking about opening one of those bikini coffee shops though, they make a lot of money and I know a few baristas that might be down for it if the pay is good.

Dude, the point is that you learn how to sell. Salesmen don't give a shit what it is they're selling, a good salesman can sell anything.

Focus on that, master that, before anything else. If you want to succeed, anyway.

fair point, what are you doing anyway. Why do you think sales would have improved your life.

Not the user you're responding to, but I started selling shit like suplements and vitamins. Eventually I started my own brand then moved to clothing. Now I flip websites on the side as well and am about to get started with the real endgame grind, real estate.

Basically, get a sales job and read books on selling, Sell Or Be Sold is a great starter. Once you pick up the basics and pocket in a month's wage or two, start flipping shit off the web or pawn shops. Again, just buy things with the the purpose of learning how to sell it.
You will pick up the basics and if you're notan absolute retard, you will figure out how to make people buy your stuff. From there, your money is your only limit.

Selling is the only path to freedom. Notice how there are no schools that teach you selling, yet all billionaires started their careers in sales? Every university course out there is designed to make you a tool manning a machine. Thats the only redpill you have to swallow.

Shit this is actual thoughtful advice, thanks. I'll at least read the book and see if I think I have the personality for it with a throw away job, thanks. Y

Np senpai. And dont worry, you do.
There is nothing that you cant learn and once you succeed the first time, you will feel more confident and get better and better at it until you become the ultimate chad.
Every great salesman out there started out as a shy little faggot. And as that user said, you have the blessing of starting early.

So go out there and get rich, there is a load of shekels waiting for your new jewish hands to grab them.

College isn't worth it. Unless you want to dedicate your every waking hour of your life to doing some bullshit """entrepreneur""" job aka bullshit peddler job then go military. Don't believe the rags to riches scams, they're full of shit. You're a bottom of the economic totem pole slave, do an enlistment for your masters and reap the benefits economically and mentally.

don't join the goyim military unless you want to fight and die for literally nothing.

just get a job at walmart or amazon or some other big box joint then get yourself an apartment and get away from the boomer retards.

Well if I suck at sales this military is a serious idea, at least they give you long term benefits.
Amazon is slaver tier, did a stink there for a few months, was the worst job I ever did, wasn't hard either, just soul crushing.

soul crushing ain't bad. try pounding in sign stobs with a sledge hammer in the 90 degree heat then you'll be begging to do easy soul crushing work.

>soul crushing ain't bad. try pounding in sign stobs with a sledge hammer in the 90 degree heat then you'll be begging to do easy soul crushing work.
kek, harsh but true. Well the pay is also shit, so there's that.

Park rangers are wilderness feds and the hiring is highly competitive

Literally cannot get along with his fellow spergs on a sushi recipe trading board.

Here's a tip kid, in any job - no matter how technical or specialized (even though you sound low IQ) being socially competent and not a racist autist is more important for climbing the ranks than talent or skill.

Never going to make it.

>trying to earn nigger points on 4channel
not gonna make it

You think I go around with a T-shirt that says "I hate nigger and want to gas Jewish children"? I make one joking statement about blacks in the Air Force and all of the sudden I find myself in an HR department kek, I don't know who you are trying to impress man, but I'm not a social retard, I'm anonymous right now, I just don't care to sensor myself when it's not needed. Man all these wanna be sage fags must be leaking in from Reddit.